Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Coaching Philosophy of Dr. Jack Ramsay Assignment

The Coaching Philosophy of Dr. Jack Ramsay - Assignment Example He was able to produce good results in his first major role as a coach, as he led the 76ers to three playoff appearances in four years, before moving on to do the same for the another NBA team, Buffalo Braves. (Dave, 2013). During these coaching stints, he fine tuned his coaching skills and the related philosophy, and it was optimally exhibited during his coaching of Portland Trail Blazers. When Ramsay landed on his job in Portland, Blazers had a very poor record, as they missed making to the playoffs and also could not came up with any positive winning streak in their short six year history. However, Ramsay with his optimal coaching methods plus philosophy, and by strongly imbibing those methods among a group of young and fresh individuals, made the Blazers a potent team in the 1977 season and led them to their maiden as well as their only NBA title till date. â€Å"Ramsay conducted a stunning symphony of basketball that even now testifies to the way the game should be played.† (Dave, 2013). Although, Ramsay was blessed with strong knowledge about the game of basketball, what made him successful was, he combined that skill with his good player or man-management skills. Cultivate a work ethic One of the basic approaches he followed as part of his coaching philosophy was cultivating a strong work ethic among the players, particularly regarding fitness. Being a supremely fit person himself, who participated in grueling triathlon races, Ramsay was considered one of the early coaches to stress the importance of physical fitness. He viewed general exercises like running, swimming and weight training, as a means to elevating the physical fitness of the basketball players, and thereby making them more agile, speedier and at the same time endowed with good stamina. In the book, Dr. Jack's Leadership Lessons Learned From a Lifetime in Basketball, Ramsay had this to say about fitness regime including weight training, â€Å"They not only focus on gaining strength, but also have techniques for improving agility, speed, quickness, and stamina. There is an accepted theory that strength plus quickness equals power, and power translates into improved performance in every sport.† (Ramsay, 2004, pg.105). Thus, he was of the opinion that peak fitness will result in peak performance from the players. Due to this opinion, he pushed the players to follow a strict fitness regime as part of a strong work ethic. â€Å"He put his team through conditioning drills and took them seriously.† (Dave, 2013). This cultivation of fitness centric work ethic reflected in the game plans formulated by Ramsay, and also positively in the performance of the players. Optimal fitness and the resultant agility as well as the speed of the players facilitated Ramsay to use fast break as the first option. â€Å"He didn't want his bigs to hold rebounds or slow the game. Grab it, turn, fire the outlet, and get down the court. If the guards couldn't get a layup the c enter could fill the lane on the secondary break.† (Dave, 2013). Thus, it is clear how his strong work ethic in relation to fitness provided good benefits to his teams. Good communication Another key approach he adopted as part of his coaching philosophy is building or having good communication with the players. He developed his communication skills throughout his career by maximally interacting with his players, understanding them and even by learning from his mistakes in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aspects of ICT

Aspects of ICT Introduction Development of computers in the modern society and associated with it computerization of education is characterized by a massive proliferation of information and communication technologies (ICTs). ICT can be used for information exchange and interaction between a teacher and a pupil in the modern education system. As such, not only the teacher must master the ICT technology, but also to be an expert in applying it in his or her professional activities. It is a technological world in which children are often more comfortable than their parents and teachers.[1] Computerization of educational achieves two strategic objectives. First, it improves the efficiency of all types of educational activities through the use of ICT tools and technologies. Second, it improves the quality of training enhancing it with a new type of thinking which is relevant to the requirements of the information society. Using methods and means of information, future professionals must be able to get answers as to what information resources are available, where they are, how they can be accessed and how they can be used to improve their professional activities. In our research paper we will cover the following aspects of ICT Positive and negative aspects of using information and communication technologies in general education Review the role and place of ICT in the building of the information society Review the areas of effective application of ICT tools Review methods of ICT application to address appropriate needs of the educational process, monitoring and measurement of learning outcomes, extracurricular activities and research, in primary school educational institutions Review requirements for ICT facilities Review the market of available ICT tools and products. What is ICT? Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a combination of the hardware and software designed to implement information processes through the utilization of the computers and network technologies. The purpose of ICT in education is generally to familiarise students with the use and workings of computers, and related social and ethical issues.[2] The main focus of the research however will be dedicated to the electronic means of educational purpose, which are a subset of software tools of ICT. These include application software and electronic media, specifically designed for the educational use: a system supporting the process of learning (electronic textbooks and encyclopaedias (including network), electronic laboratory etc.). There are several venues of ICT tools utilization in the education system: In general educational institutions (primary schools, high schools, etc.) In the supplementary education (instructor-led language schools, etc.) In home-based learning (extracurricular activities, etc.) To further narrow down the topic of the research the main accent will be applied to the area of general Primary school education with emphasis on the general education of the primary education processes. According to Andrew A. Zucker who writes in his Transforming Schools with Technology: How Smart Use of Digital Tools Helps Achieve Six Key Education Goals 2008, the ICT will be successful if technology is aligned with six major education goals. Those goals are to: increase student achievement make schools more engaging and relevant provide a high-quality education for all students attract, prepare, and retain high-quality teachers increase parental and community support for students outside of school require accountability for results ICT methods and techniques Methods and techniques of ICT in teaching are aimed at developing skills in information activities of pupils and their information culture. There is a number of different teaching methods that could be employed in this area, some of them are: illustrative, reproductive, research based, corrective knowledge, incentive, motivational, etc. These methods could be tremendously enhanced by the use of ICT techniques. For example, the illustrative methods could be enhanced by using multimedia which can distinctly improve the mental activity of students due to increased visibility and emotional richness (animation, sound, video and other multimedia effects). When a teacher develops the multimedia instructional materials, he/she may use Irish local history material that enhances the educational lesson as pupils would be able to relate more to the topic which is familiar to them. Reproductive methods of education benefit through the use of learning systems offering the high level of customization on a personal-oriented education in which pupils are able to build individual educational path depending on their personal skills and abilities (perception, memory, thinking, etc.). Through the utilization of the ICT the studying process can be enhanced without adding extra burden on the teachers/their schedule. The effect of novelty and overall attractiveness of the computers to the pupils serve as an additional means to stimulate and motivate learning, improve pupils interest in studying. ICT allows and provides a venue to enhance further training thought the utilization of the gaming form of training. The value of these games is very high. Indeed, the skills of non-verbal communication channels (facial expression, gesture, posture, etc.) are important in the daily lives of pupils, and will have even greater significance in future active social and professional activities. The ability to correctly convey the meaning of the message, not only in a form of words but also in a general expression of the body is very useful to pupils in life. ICT and Students General Education and ICT Usage of ICT in teaching of general education courses aimed at improving the learning process within a given scientific field of knowledge. ICT ultimately improves the quality of instruction in schools by increasing the interest of pupils, providing the ability for a highly customized and personalized curriculum, ability to intensify the learning without the increase of working hours of the teachers. It also should be noted that there is a trend of increased usage of project team work especially in the area of research assignments. ICT is an instrumental tool in this area, with its interlinked computer technology and networking capabilities, creating a unique real time integration of sub-projects, making it possible to enhance interdisciplinary links between the general education courses. Usage of ICT tools in the management of the educational process is oriented at improving the governance process. There are several areas that could be managed by ICT; personnel management, management of logistics, management of the educational process, management of information resources. ICT modules where developed for the each of these areas. To improve the process of personnel management a human resource module, to improve the management of logistics a warehouse module, schedule module for the education process, etc. Supplementary Education and ICT Within the area of the supplementary education ICT covers two main areas: ICT as an object of study and tool aimed at enhancement of the mental abilities of children and as means of governance process improvement. The main difference between the system of the supplementary educations of children and primary education system is the lack of mandatory uniform educational standards. This feature brings a qualitative change in the methods of application of ICT, and provides teacher/school with the choice of the educational means/tools. Given that children come willingly to the supplementary education organization (as opposed to schools, where children come on a mandatory basis), the teacher pays special attention to methods of stimulating and motivating of learning. In selecting of the right content of the education, the teacher addresses the needs and interests of pupils more actively in response to innovations in the field of ICT development. Thus, the content of education does not dupl icate the primary-school science, but rather broadens and deepens it. Of course, the teacher can use all known methods of teaching, but priorities are given to the stimulating and motivating learning, research activities and games based learning techniques. ICT tools used in the management of the educational process in institutions of supplementary education oriented to improving the work with gifted children in different areas. Albeit this area boosts special features worth mentioning, specifically the fact that the organizations that provide a supplementary education are in its vast majority are of a commercial nature. As such they naturally imply a more active cooperates/collaboration with the social environment: children and their parents. In each such institution many teachers develop their own programs and techniques which are worthy of compilation and distribution, which may contribute to the further ICT tools development and, above all, the networking technologies. Home-based education and ICT ICT tools in its home-study application are oriented on individualization of the learning process of pupils and their social adaptation. Embedded training technologies in such systems are reproductive in nature, their main purpose is to help pupils to prepare for all sorts of tests/quizzes or exams and basically directed at repetition of school material. In addition, by having a computer at home, the pupil is able to more efficiently complete homework (preparing research for instance, etc.). In this case, ICT tools are the means of individualization of learning and improving the educational activities of students. As a means of social adaptation of pupils, ICT tools fulfil the need of social adaption of pupils while students communicate with each other over the Internet. Networking technologies is a powerful tool of social activity, mobility and responsiveness. Having a home Internet access and computer equipped with the ICT client allows children to receive an opportunity to partici pate in online projects, gain access to various research and data resources as well as an opportunity to demonstrate social activity. The student must be prepared to accept and assess information and develop a correct perception of any information he/she runs into, which helps developing critical thinking which should be given a particular attention by teachers and parents as this is one of the ultimate goals of any educational system. To summarize the use of ICT tools in general education is primarily aimed at improving the existing teaching technologies and management. It should be noted that ICT bolsters pupils ability in the area of data mining, analytical thinking and strengthens their research abilities while working with vast amounts of information available and given a timeline for the completion teaches pupils to effectively manage their own time and the value of team work collaboration. ICT tools are effective in improving interest of students and creation of individualized leaning methods. Application of ICT in the educational process, especially at home, requires development of critical thinking, which should be monitored and encouraged by teachers and parents. Application of networking and distributed technologies in the general education facilitates the integration of various types of best teaching practices under the ICT umbrella. ICT Computer-assisted education With every passing day Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is being adopted into various fields of educational activities. Both external drivers related to overall advent of ubiquitous informational society and internal factors such as wider adoption and spread of the computer technology in schools contribute to this adoption. Steps are taken by the governments to further encourage the adoption through appropriate funding, standard setting and training. In the vast majority of cases, the use of this technology positively affects productivity of teachers as well as the effectiveness of the learning process. The word technology is of Greek origin and means the science, the collection methods and techniques for handling or processing of raw materials, semi-finished products and convert them into objects of consumption. Current understanding of the word includes the application of scientific and engineering skills used to solve practical problems. In this case, information and telecommunication technologies can be considered as such technologies, which aim to process and transform information. Information and communication technology (ICT) is a general term describing various techniques, methods and algorithms for data collection, storage, processing, presentation and transmission of information. This definition intentionally does not include the word usage. Usage of information and communications technology presents yet another facet of technology a set of information and telecommunication technologies in education, medicine, defence and other fields of human activity that is part of overall concept of information technology. Each of these areas of information technology imposes its own limitations and peculiarities. This concept includes the full range of techniques, methods, techniques and approaches to achieve the objectives of computerized education. The cornerstone of the ICT tools is a personal computer equipped with a set of peripherals known as a hardware platform and a set of educational programs known as the software or applications. The main categories of software are system programs, applications and tools. System programs are operating systems (OS) as well as various utilities or service programs. Applications are the tools of the information technology software that enable user to work with text, graphics, tabular data, etc. With the advent of computer networks, students and teachers have a new unique opportunity to receive/send information anywhere in the world. A global telecommunications network of the Internet makes it possible to instantly access information resources (digital libraries, databases, file storage, etc.), the most popular of which is of course the World Wide Web. The internetworking capabilities allow people to communicate and exchange data using e-mail, instant messaging clients, mailing lists, news groups, chats, VoIP and teleconferencing technology. The latest development introduced tools for collaboration and cooperation which are instrumental part of the distributed computers enabling students to interact virtually with each other anywhere in the world. Technology continues to evolve and we as a society seem to be entering the age of ubiquitous computing. It is impossible to assess at this stage how cloud computing and the development of the concept of ubiquitous computing would affect the area of education, but there is no doubt that many of these technologies have the potential to significantly improve the quality of training and overall students education. At the same time, however, despite of the massive positive impact, in some cases, the use of the information technology has no effect, and in rare cases, such use has a negative effect. Concept of the information society, which includes education, gained significant boost in the early 90-ies and was taken seriously by the governments of the developed nations. Albeit the concept is not new, and was first introduced by Fritz Machlup in 1973, in his book The production and distribution of knowledge in the United States, which suggested that the information society is the highest stage of societal evolution. Positive and negative aspects of computerized education It may seem that the use of ICT is always warranted in all areas of educational activities. Certainly, in many cases it is. However, it has a number of negative aspects. Positive and negative factors of ICT should be taken into account by pedagogues. Pros are improving methods and techniques of selecting and shaping the content educational material introduction and development of new specialized disciplines and fields of study associated with the informatics and information technology changes in teaching of the traditional school subjects improving education of pupils by increasing their level of individualization and differentiation introduction of new forms of interaction into the learning process that changes the content and nature of the teacher and pupil relationship creates tools assisting in optimization of the education management creates and supports the integration trend of subject areas and the environment, Allows high level of customization. Raises level of activity of the student develops the ability of alternative thinking, building skills to develop a strategy to find solutions Allows predicting the results of decisions based on the simulation of the studied objects, phenomena, processes and relationships between them. Cons are: In spite of the obvious pros the use of ICT can lead to several negative consequences. In particular, most often one of the benefits of ICT is referred to the individualized learning. However, along with the advantages there are also major shortcomings associated with the total individualization. It limits to the minimum the live interaction between teachers and pupils, pupils with each other and surrogates it with interaction with the computer. Due to limitations of the current technology the only interface of this communication is a keyboard rather than speech. The main interface of the human mind ability to speak gets shutdown. The lack of practical dialogic communication hampers the development of the language and overall affects negatively development of the thinking process. Another significant drawback of this surrogate relationship is the curtailment of social contacts, the reduction of social interaction and communication, individualism. Certain difficulties and negative aspects may arise from the use of the ICT tools that provide teachers and students considerable flexibility in finding and using information. Often confusing and complicated methods of presentation may cause the diversion of the pupils from the studied material due to various inconsistencies. Moreover, the nonlinear structure of information exposes the student to the temptation to follow the suggested links that which can derail the purpose of the exercise in its entirety. The use of information resources published on the Internet, often leads to negative consequences. Most often, the use of ICT tools triggers plagiarism cut and paste of the readily available projects, essays, reports, research papers, etc. which does not enhance the effectiveness of learning process. ICT tools can be not only a powerful tool for the formation and development of children but conversely, promote a standard pattern of thinking and inert attitude to work. In many cases, the use of ICT and real time availability of data deprives and prevents students from conduct real experiments by their own hands, which adversely affects the learning. And last but not least, the health aspect of pupils must be taken into the most serious consideration as the excessive of ICT equipment could negatively affect the health of a child. Methods of ICT application in the education process ICT tools can be used as a mean of support in the traditional methods of education. In this case, ICT enhances the training process, provides a venue for certain level of customization of learning and allows for partial automation of routine work of teachers related to accounting, organization and grading. On the other hand, ICT could lead to a drastic change of educational process, forcing the revision of methods and forms of organization of educational process. Induces the construction of integrated courses based on the use of information content in each school disciplines. The need for specific knowledge which is either not available in a single individual subject, i.e. interdisciplinary knowledge is needed or there is a need for a deep dive research a need to explore a number of concepts, theories and laws that cannot be obtained in a standard teaching. The need for the reproductive abilities. A need to prepare for the quiz which has time limitation. The need for creative thinking. Development of the optimization skills. Most cost-effective solutions or the most optimal variant of process The need to develop tailored personalized qualities. Formation of students sense of responsibility towards others, towards themselves. All of the above reasons and factors suggest that the use of ICT tools in teaching students on a bigger is better principle may not lead to visible improvement in the efficiency of education. ICT use requires a balanced and well-reasoned approach. Information Society and ICT Using the amount of knowledge as a criterion it was determined that the amount of human accumulated knowledge is skyrocketing and is doubling[3] every 5 years since 1970. Using this figure as the amount of accumulated human knowledge as a criterion for awarding the public status of the information society is justified, because according to some estimates, since the beginning of our era, the first doubling of the accumulated knowledge of mankind took place in 1750, the second the beginning of the twentieth century, the third already by 1950 year. Since 1950, the total amount of knowledge in the world doubles every 10 years, since 1970 every 5 years. The history of the information society contains the history of the origin and development of new types of human activities associated with computers. Such growth resulted in an appearance of a specialized group of people employed exclusively in the information industry (operators, programmers, system analysts, designers, etc.). Obviously, the emergence of new scientific and professional areas requires specialized training with not only the specialized content but also particular methods and means of educ ation. Therefore it is not a coincidence that computer based education achieves two strategic objectives. It improves the efficiency of all types of educational activities through the use of ICT and improves quality of training through a new type of thinking the relevant requirements of the Information Society. The computer-based education is an integral part of the information society. The transition of modern society to an information era of its development advances as one of the major challenges facing education, the task of forming the foundations of an information culture of the future specialists. Societys need for skilled personnel possessing a necessary skillset becomes a leading factor in educational policy. Today, it is virtually impossible to find a school which would not have ICT implemented in some form. In todays world everything is interconnected. It is obvious that computer-based education and information society development are closely linked, constantly affecting each other. Here are several of these areas of overlap changes in content and functions of education, forms and methods of teaching activities positive impact of ICT tools and information on the development of creative abilities educational impact of information technology the emergence of the possibility of using multimedia technologies in education further development of continuing education in the information society Development and widespread use of electronic models of learning the establishment of developmental education based on the information resources of society a combination of traditional and innovative ways of learning in the information society formation of information culture of teachers to work in all forms of educational process generation of new approaches to the management of the institution and assessing the quality of teacher work globalization and integration of educational services in the information society Information technology in school education Types of audio-visual and technical equipment used in teaching. The birth of ICT did not happen overnight and was preceded by a rapid development of various non-computer devices known as technical and audio-visual training aids. For the extended period of time, technical means of training were attributed only to the hardware: slide and movie projectors, television sets, tape recorders and CD-players, as well as specially designed teaching materials and aids such as filmstrips, cassettes and compact discs. These learning tools at different stages of development of the education system were the main tools for improving the efficiency of storage, processing, transmission and presentation of educational information. In the absence of computer equipment they have played the role of information and communication technologies. A hundred years ago, with Thomas Edison invention of phonograph, the first incarnation of ICT was born. A that time with the advent of the ability to record, store and playback audio all the problems of education were seen to be solved; today of course, it is obvious that not all such problems have been solved completely. Throughout the last century a variety of teaching tools were introduced; each time resulting in more advanced informational support system of the learning process, which in turn a positively impacted the effectiveness of teaching. At present, any educational institution possesses a subset or a full set of the following: audio recording and playback (tape, CD-players) voice/data transition systems (telephone, fax, teletype machines, radio communication systems) video/radio broadcasting equipment (television, radio, educational television and radio, DVD-players) optical and photographic equipment (cameras, slide projectors, overhead projectors) Printing, copying, scanning and other equipment designed for documentation and reproduction of information (copiers, microfilm, microfiche) computer facilities used for the electronic submission, processing and storage of information (computers, printers, scanners) telecommunications systems for the transfer of information through communications (modems, network wire, satellite, fibre optics, microwave and other communication channels) Analogue Equipment: Audio tape recorders, microphones, amplifiers, speakers, recorders, radios, language equipment, tapes, records) Graphic and photographic tools cameras, slide projectors, overhead projectors, filmstrips, slides, images on the tapes Projection equipment cameras, projectors, films Movies and TV facilities TVs, monitors, cameras, camcorders, VCRs, video players, video projectors, video tapes). Digital equipment: Audio digital voice recorders and players, digital CD-ROMs Graphic and photographic tools digital cameras, laser and magnetic disks, storage memory card Projection Technology multimedia projectors Movies and TV facilities digital video recorders, DVD-players and DVD-players, laser and magnetic disks, electronic memory card) Computer tools Computer multimedia tools to record, process and playback sound, recording processing and visualization of text, graphics and photographic facilities; recording, processing and playback. With the advent of the internet the computer serves as a cornerstone of the ICT and enables a number of features which were unavailable in non-internetworked world; telecommunication between people, real time collaboration and real time access to information resources. Computer technology gives unique opportunity to combine different technologies and different means such as sound, text, photos and video into one cohesive venue of delivery. However, introduction of computer technology brings an interesting point. At first glance, it would be logical to include other technologies and tools of relevance to the processing and presentation of information used in education. However, at the same time, the universality of the computer brings the educational technology to the whole new level and questions the usage of all non-computer based tools with the exception of the book perhaps, as they are losing relevance. Today, for obvious reasons, it is practically impossible to find a modern educ ational film-strip or phonographic disks. As such, the implementation of computerized education will lead to increased use in of advanced information and communication technologies. Therefore, our research was concentrated on all aspects on the ICT: computer hardware and software, as well as their practical content. Hardware Computers and devices, commonly referred to as hardware, is a platform of any ICT system and should be carefully selected with the idea of being part of the educational process behind. Despite its apparent youth, computers have a fairly rich history. The idea of automating calculations which gave rise to the creation of the first computing devices is not new and has been entertained for a long time. The first operational summing machine was built in 1642, Blaise Pascal, a French physicist, mathematician and engineer. Despite the fact that the initial calculations were performed by mechanical devices and tools, such devices can still be considered as tools of information processing and, consequently, the predecessors of the computers used in various fields of human activities, including teaching. Even four decades ago the computation was widely done by mechanical calculators, and electro-mechanical proto-computers. However, because of its bulkiness, difficulty of use, high cost, low-speed of information processing and a number of other reasons a computer could not find a proper application in the field of education at that time. A rare exception is higher education, the availability of computers in which justified the need for training in a number of professions such as computer science. Moreover, teachers and students work usually with one computer. It is in these universities sprung up first experience of computerized education. However, the real large-scale introduction of computers into all educational activities took place in the early 80-ies of the last century; PCs stressed the word personal i.e. one computer one person approach; its compactness, speed, relatively low cost, availability of a large number of devices that extend the capabilities of personal computers, all that contributed to the raise of PC in every facet of our lives, including education. The main direction of PC development was on expanding capacity to process information. Gradually, the hardware evolved and allowed people to create, store, process and transmit text, graphics, photos and video clips and sound. Due to its versatility personal computers provide maximum amount of benefits for education purposes. Most of the teachers and students are working with personal computers available in every school. Through personal computers held theoretical lessons and practical exercises, measured the level of knowledge, and conducted research, distributed workload, and planned extra-curricular activities, carried out educational projects and self-education activities. In this regard, c

Friday, October 25, 2019

What it Means to Value Another Person :: Free Essay Writer

What it Means to Value Another Person What does it mean to value another person? The major consideration is to value their ideas and feelings. As an individual is natural for us to put our ideas and feelings first, above all else and not consider others. When valuing another person as an individual you must take the time to listen to all their concerns and take action and follow up on them. As individuals we must all be treated differently because of our different needs. For all individuals there must be made an attempt to be fair and even with the enforcement of rules and regulations. To value another person we must also value their ideas on an individual basis. As an individual our ideas will be different in most areas of life. This does not mean that we must agree with every idea presented to us. To value another persons idea we must give it full consideration and then make a decision based on the needs of the whole not just on the needs of the individual. To do this we must make an attempt to place their ideas on an equal footing with all others and evaluate the merit of the idea. How do you value another person’s feelings? First we must take the time to listen to the problem or idea they have. In some cases this will be enough to show the value you place in them. Next we must put ourselves in their position to get some idea of where the feelings are coming from. Next their needs to be some attempt to find an outlet for those feelings if needed. This solution or outlet will be important if the act of listening and valuing is not enough to assist the individual in their issues. Rules and regulations must be enforced evenly and without prejudice for all individuals. The easiest way to not value an individual is to treat them unfairly. This sounds like a simple cut and dry issue but policy and rule enforcement are the biggest issues to and individual if they perceive them to be enforced unfairly.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Continuity & Change Over Time Essay

During the time period between 600 and 1750, economic and social continuities and changes impacted Western Europe immensely. One particular economic alteration was the decline of feudal manoralism, prevalent in the early medieval era, as a result of the restoration of commerce following the Crusades. Another major change was the socioeconomic impact of the Age of Exploration circa 1500, which would establish European Hegemony. While economic transforma-tions occurred throughout Western Europe, the influence of the Roman Catholic Church was continuous despite fluctuations in its authority. After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 CE, Western Europe became divided into the Germanic Kingdoms that characterized the Middle Ages. Trade languished during this time as a result of the constant warfare (feuds) and political instability that ensued after the fall of Rome. For this reason, self-sufficient manors managed by local warlords developed. Rigid social stratification defined the period with a hierarchy comprised of Kings, Noblemen, Knights and peasantry. Socially, living conditions were unfavorable, and the Black Plague ran rampant devastating the European populace circa 1350. Between 1100 and 1300, Western Europeans embarked upon a series of religious quests against Muslims, known as the Crusades. European soldiers fighting in the Middle East were intrigued by foreign goods and the Muslim preservation of long forgotten Greco-Roman ideals. Amazed at such riches and ideas, they returned home to introduce and expose Western Europeans to what they had discovered. As a result, commerce was resumed and interregional trade networks were created to obtain foreign â€Å"luxury† goods that were at increased demand. Fortunately the war had forged European contacts with the Middle East via the Mediterranean Sea, which allowed for merchandise to be acquired from lands as far as China without extended voyages. As trade once again began to flourish, Europe saw the decline of manoralism. This was due to the rise in the merchant class which challenged the power of the Aristocracy, thereby weakening their influence.  Increased business in port cities caused urbanization in several areas in addition to an emerging middle class. Burgeoning trade and economic prosperity allowed for the resurgence of Greco-Roman intelligence and culture in what is known as the Renaissance, which spanned from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. In the midst of the Renaissance, world trade was prosperous and vast. Nations established personal control through the commercial contacts that they established. In an effort to shorten certain trading routes and obtain a more surmountable amount of natural resources, many nations entered the Age of Exploration circa 1500. Christopher Columbus, in an effort to discover a more efficient route from Western Europe to India, accidently unearthed the Americas in 1492. His discovery led many other European nations to pursue imperialistic endeavors in what had become known as the New World. Two Spanish conquistadors, Cortez and Pizarro, made a profound impact on the areas they conquered in the New World. In Mexico, the native Aztecs were overpowered by Cortez’ forces. A majority fell ill from susceptibility to European diseases, while the rest were placed into coercive labor systems. Similar fates were bestowed upon the Incas subjected to Pizarro’s control. The Spanish created these colonies as a source of raw materials and cheap labor to support their expanding economic endeavors. To assert control over the native populations, the encomienda and mita systems were utilized. These systems, originally devised as a means of converting natives to Christianity, were in reality, inhumane, harsh organizations that devastated local populations. Through coercive labor systems and colonization, European nations were able to lay the foundation they needed to attain hegemony during this time period. Between 600 and 1750, the Roman Catholic Church continued to play a constant role in Western Europe. During the feudal period, the church developed its strong authority due to the decentralized political nature of Western Europe. In this instance Christianity acted as a unifying force amongst the several divided kingdoms of the age. Upon entry into the Crusades in 1095, the Church’s influence was at its peak as European soldiers rallied in opposition to Muslim forces encroaching on Byzantine territory. Those who  fought returned from the conflict to spark interests in worldly luxury products and thought laying foundation for the European golden age or Renaissance. Intellectual movements spurred by Renaissance thought led many to question the morality of the Catholic Church, specifically in regards to the sale of indulgences. Martin Luther, a Catholic monk, witnessed firsthand the lavish way in which clergy were allowed to live due to their increased secular power. He strongly disapproved of their practices and pursued reform through his 95 theses. The Church’s failure to comply with his proposals resulted in his decision to begin the Protestant Reformation. This division in the Catholic Church combined with an increase in monarchal authority temporarily decreased the church’s influence. Circa 1500, the Age of Exploration transmitted material goods as well as cultural and spiritual ideals. The Spanish conquistadors who conquered regions of Latin America instilled upon the natives their Roman Catholic faith thus replacing their polytheistic worship. What at first was evidence of religious exploitation, as seen in the coercive labor systems established, was transformed into a force of social stability that dominated everyday life. The spread of Christianity to the New World once again established the Catholic Church as a religious authority with substantial influence. Economic and social patterns between 600 and 1750 were transformed due to several changes and continuities throughout Western European society. The European decline in feudalism was impacted immensely by the resurgence in commercial activities following the Crusades. The prosperity that ensued from increased world contacts laid the foundation for eager explorers to trail their ambitions during the Age of Exploration. Their discoveries and conquests would then establish European Hegemony at the expense of many aboriginal people subjected to coercive labor. Throughout this time the Roman Catholic Church continually held a place in society despite fluctuations in their authority and support.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Persuasive Letter Essay

Possible internships for your company In such a successful and powerful company such as, M&M Title Services, inc. , you probably are a very busy company. Sometimes having a few extra people around to help out in the company can be very helpful. For this reason, City College is offering well trained and qualified interns to work and internship in your company. At City College, our students are very hardworking and intelligent people. In order for us to allow a student to become an intern, they must meet certain requirements such as having completed two or more courses in the area of internship and received a â€Å"B† or better. According to our internship program: Interns that work for your company can either be paid or unpaid, should involve substantive work supervised by someone in your company and must have at least 100 hours of on-site work experience during the term. We at City College are more then willing to discuss and compromise on any of these requirements. You may be debating whether or not students at City College can really be good interns, but let me assure you, these students are one of the best and can be outstanding interns. I encourage you and your company to have one or more of our student’s intern in your company, you won’t regret it. Sincerely, Stephanie Morales Stephanie Morales Director of Internship Program

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Death Be Not Proud Quotes

'Death Be Not Proud' Quotes Death Be Not Proud is a 1949 memoir written by American journalist John Gunther, about his son Johnny, who was a Harvard-bound teenager when he was diagnosed with cancer. He fought bravely to try to help doctors find a cure for his ailment, but died at age 17. The books title comes from a sonnet by metaphysical poet John Donne: Death, be not proud, though some have called theeMighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;For those whom thou thinkst thou dost overthrowDie not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,And soonest our best men with thee do go,Rest of their bones, and souls delivery.Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,And poppy or charms can make us sleep as wellAnd better than thy stroke; why swellst thou then?One short sleep past, we wake eternallyAnd death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die. Here are some quotes and questions for consideration from John Gunthers Death Be Not Proud. God is whats good in me. Johnny Gunther said this at the age of 6, and it shows that even as a small child, he had a desire to do something meaningful and good for the world. Why do you think his father chose to include this in the novel? Does it give us a better understanding of who Johnny is and the person he might have grown up to become? I have so much to do! And theres so little time! Rather than wallow in self-pity, this is Johnnys reaction after the first exam shows the tumor that has been giving him neck pain. He says it to his mother Frances, and it seems to suggest that he knew his diagnosis was terminal. What do you think Johnny meant by saying he had so much to do? A primitive to-the-death struggle of reason against violence, reason against disruption, reason against brute unthinking forcethis was what went on in Johnnys head. What he was fighting against was the ruthless assault of chaos. What he was fighting for, as it were, the life of the human mind. His father realizes that Johnnys battle is not just his own, but that hes seeking answers that will benefit others who may suffer the same illness. But even as he tries to think of a solution, the brain tumor is affecting Johnnys mind and his memory. Oh how tired I feel. What a gut-punch for Johnnys father to read this entry in the young mans diary. Johnny often tried to shield his parents from the depths of his suffering, and even this only touches on a fraction of what he must have been going through at the time. Did this make you think perhaps the treatments Johnny was enduring were not worth the pain he was enduring? Why or why not? Scientists will save us all. Taken out of context, this could be read as an ironic or angry statement about medicines failure to save Johnny from the effects of the brain tumor, but its actually a statement from Johnny himself, written in a final letter to his mother. He feels confident that his battle will not be in vain, and that even if hes not cured, the treatments the doctors tried for him will prompt further study. My grief, I find, is not desolation or rebellion at universal law or deity. I find grief to be much simpler and sadder... All the things he loved tear at my heart because he is no longer here on earth to enjoy them. All the things he loved! The devastating reaction of Johnnys mother Frances as she comes to terms with his death. Do you think this is a feeling commonly shared among the bereaved? How much more acute do you think this feeling is for bereaved parents? These quotes are just one part of our study guide on John Gunthers Death Be Not Proud. See the links below for more helpful resources: Overview of Death Be Not Proud Characters in John Gunthers Death Be Not Proud Terms / Vocabulary Review: Death Be Not Proud Questions for Study Discussion

Monday, October 21, 2019

McCulloch vs. Maryland essays

McCulloch vs. Maryland essays One of the most famous supreme court cases of all time took place in Maryland in 1818. The case was between James W. McCulloch vs. the state of Maryland. This was around the time that the big and small state plans were being determined and national and state laws were blurry in how much power each of them had. This case has to do with the powers of the national and state governments. It was the case that also had to do with the necessary and proper clause, and stated that national government has power of state and local governments. The whole case began because of problems with a National Bank. In 1798, treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton chartered the United States first National Bank. However, the Republican congress had let the charter run out in 1811. In 1816 President Madison realized that had been a mistake, and convinced congress to charter a second bank. The charter was granted even though the bank was not a very popular institution. James W. McCulloch was the manager of the banks branch office in Baltimore, Maryland. This was just one of 18 branches around the country. In 1818, the state of Maryland imposed an annual tax of $15,000 on the bank in an attempt to get rid of it. In Maryland, Mcculloch refused to pay. He said that the bank was controlled by the national government and the state was trying to tax it as if it were a state-chartered institution. A lot of lawsuits ensued, with the bank calling the tax unconstitutional and the state calling the bank illegal. This was the beginning of one of the supreme courts most extraordinary oral arguments in its history. The issue went far beyond the bank to exactly what congresss powers were. There is nothing in the constitution that specifically grants congress the power to establish and charter a bank. So the question came down to whether congress is limited to exercising only those powers that have been expressly granted to it by the Constitutions crea...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Difference Between Mitosis and Meiosis

The Difference Between Mitosis and Meiosis Mitosis vs Meiosis Organisms grow and reproduce through cell division. In eukaryotic cells, the production of new cells occurs as a result of mitosis and meiosis. These two nuclear division processes are similar but distinct. Both processes involve the division of a diploid cell, or a cell containing two sets of chromosomes (one chromosome donated from each parent). In mitosis, the genetic material (DNA) in a cell is duplicated and divided equally between two cells. The dividing cell goes through an ordered series of events called the cell cycle. The mitotic cell cycle is initiated by the presence of certain growth factors or other signals that indicate that the production of new cells is needed. Somatic cells of the body replicate by mitosis. Examples of somatic cells include fat cells, blood cells, skin cells, or any body cell that is not a sex cell. Mitosis is necessary to replace dead cells, damaged cells, or cells that have short life spans. Meiosis is the process by which gametes (sex cells) are generated in organisms that reproduce sexually. Gametes are produced in male and female gonads  and  contain one-half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. New gene combinations are introduced in a population through the genetic recombination that occurs during meiosis. Thus, unlike the two genetically identical cells produced in mitosis, the meiotic cell cycle produces four cells that are genetically different. Key Takeaways: Mitosis vs Meiosis Mitosis and meiosis are nuclear division processes that occur during cell division.Mitosis involves the division of body cells, while meiosis involves the division of sex cells.The division of a cell occurs once in mitosis but twice in meiosis.Two daughter cells are produced after mitosis and cytoplasmic division, while four daughter cells are produced after meiosis.Daughter cells resulting from mitosis are diploid, while those resulting from meiosis are haploid.Daughter cells that are the product of mitosis are genetically identical. Daughter cells produced after meiosis are genetically diverse.Tetrad formation occurs in meiosis but not mitosis. Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis Lily Anther Microsporocyte in Telophase II of Meiosis. Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images 1. Cell Division Mitosis: A somatic cell divides once. Cytokinesis (the division of the cytoplasm) occurs at the end of telophase.Meiosis: A reproductive cell divides twice. Cytokinesis happens at the end of telophase I and telophase II. 2. Daughter Cell Number Mitosis: Two daughter cells are produced. Each cell is diploid containing the same number of chromosomes.Meiosis: Four daughter cells are produced. Each cell is haploid containing one-half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. 3. Genetic Composition Mitosis: The resulting daughter cells in mitosis are genetic clones (they are genetically identical). No recombination or crossing over occur.Meiosis: The resulting daughter cells contain different combinations of genes. Genetic recombination occurs as a result of the random segregation of homologous chromosomes into different cells and by the process of crossing over (transfer of genes between homologous chromosomes). 4. Length of Prophase Mitosis: During the first mitotic stage, known as prophase, chromatin condenses into discrete chromosomes, the nuclear envelope breaks down, and spindle fibers form at opposite poles of the cell. A cell spends less time in prophase of mitosis than  a cell  in prophase I of meiosis.Meiosis: Prophase I consists of five stages and lasts longer than prophase of mitosis. The five stages of meiotic prophase I are leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis. These five stages do not occur in mitosis. Genetic recombination and crossing over take place during prophase I. 5. Tetrad Formation Mitosis: Tetrad formation does not occur.Meiosis: In prophase I, pairs of homologous chromosomes line up closely together forming what is called a tetrad. A tetrad consists of four chromatids (two sets of sister chromatids). 6. Chromosome Alignment in Metaphase Mitosis: Sister chromatids (duplicated chromosome comprised of two identical chromosomes connected at the centromere region) align at the metaphase plate (a plane that is equally distant from the two cell poles).Meiosis: Tetrads (homologous chromosome pairs) align at the metaphase plate in metaphase I. 7. Chromosome Separation Mitosis: During anaphase, sister chromatids separate and begin migrating centromere first toward opposite poles of the cell. A separated sister chromatid becomes known as daughter chromosome and is considered a full chromosome.Meiosis: Homologous chromosomes migrate toward opposite poles of the cell during anaphase I. Sister chromatids do not separate in anaphase I. Mitosis and Meiosis Similarities Plant cell in Interphase. In interphase, the cell is not undergoing cell division. The nucleus and chromatin are evident. Ed Reschke/Getty Images While the processes of mitosis and meiosis contain a number of differences, they are also similar in many ways. Both processes have a growth period called interphase, in which a cell replicates its genetic material and organelles in preparation for division. Both mitosis and meiosis involve phases: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. Although in meiosis, a cell goes through these cell cycle phases twice. Both processes also involve the lining up of individual duplicated chromosomes, known as sister chromatids, along the metaphase plate. This happens in metaphase of mitosis and metaphase II of meiosis. In addition, both mitosis and meiosis involve the separation of sister chromatids and the formation of daughter chromosomes. This event occurs in anaphase of mitosis and anaphase II of meiosis. Finally, both processes end with the division of the cytoplasm that produces individual cells.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Market efficiency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Market efficiency - Essay Example There are various forms or degrees of market efficiency which exists. These comprise of strong market efficiency, semi-strong market efficiency and the weak form market efficiency (Ho & Yi, 2004; p. 57). Acknowledging the efficient market hypothesis in its simplest and purest form might be hard; nevertheless there are three main types of efficient market hypothesis which have the purpose of reflecting the extent to which it can be used in the security markets. First is the strong-form efficiency which is the strongest form and it states that all information and facts in the market, whether in the public or private hands is incorporated in the stock prices. There is no insider information that might grant the investor an extra advantage (Cataldo, 2003, p. 27). Secondly, there is the semi-strong efficiency form of efficient market hypothesis. This asserts that all public information present in the market is used in the derivation of the stock’s present price. In this form of eff iciency fundamental and technical analysis cannot be applied to achieve better profits for the investor. Lastly, there is the weak form efficiency which alleges that all historical prices of a security are replicated in the current stock’s price. Thus, technical analysis cannot be of any use in predicting the future stock’s price and eventually beating the market (Basse & Bassen, 2010; p. 51). Part II Evaluation of the Market Efficiency The nature and type of information is not required to be constrained to financial news and studies only. As a matter of fact political news economic news and news regarding social events merged with the way the investors incorporate such information, whether it might be true or mere rumors, will be replicated in the securities prices. According to the theory of the efficient as prices react to similar information there is no investor who will be in a position to earn superior profits over the other. This kind of observation is seen in s trong form efficiency where all available public information is incorporated in the stock’s price (Zhang, 2008; p. 66). Using the random Walk theory asserts that in any efficient market, prices normally become unpredictable such that they are random. In this respect, there is no investment trend that can be detected in such a manner that any predetermined approach to investing in the stock might not be that profitable. This type of ‘Random Walk of stock’s prices described in the school of thought of the efficient market hypothesis might lead into a failure of any form of investment plan that has the main objective of beating the market regularly (Moyer, Mcguigan, & Kretlow, 2009; p. 48). As a matter of fact the theory proposes that any transaction cost incurred in the management of portfolio might be more successful for an investor to place his or her money into index funds (Bauwens & Giot, 2001; p. 49). Evidence against the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) Ther e are some anomalies within the market that cannot allow an investor to use the historical prices, private information or public information to obtain abnormal profits. In an actual market of investment, arguments against the Efficiency market hypothesis. Some authors claim that there are investors who have beaten the market and obtained abnormal profits (Graham, Smart & Megginson, 2010; p. 359). A point of focus is especially on the argument that there are sometimes stocks in the market which have been

Friday, October 18, 2019

Is the Fraud Act a Useful Tool in E-crime Prosecution Dissertation - 1

Is the Fraud Act a Useful Tool in E-crime Prosecution - Dissertation Example Even though in existence for more than four decades, the Thefts Acts of 1968 and 1978 were deemed archaic and hence inadequate, when dealing with crimes that were internet based, as they failed they to check the increasing number of e-crimes. It is for this reason the Fraud Act 2006 was legislated, which purportedly had a large scope for prosecuting e- crimes under the purview of general offences, and including modern e-crimes, like phishing, while also increasing imprisonment terms. In this context, the paper seeks to examine and analyse whether the Fraud Act 2006, in reality, is an effective tool in terms of prosecuting cases of e-crimes. 1 Introduction 1.1 Background study The 21st century has seen the rapid use of Internet in UK (and elsewhere), primarily owing to the easy availability of computers (especially laptops), high-speed browsers and fast connectivity through broadband. This is evident in a survey report, which showed that in 1996 around 3.4 million adults were using th e internet in UK, which by the next 10 years had expanded to a figure of 28.5 million internet users (8 times more).1 This rapid creation of an internet-based society has increased the information sphere available to users while also changing the very nature of communication between individuals within cyberspace, which started reflecting to some extent in the actual physical world. Despite many benefits, widespread use of Internet has revealed a negative side, related to crime and criminal activities. Internet being a mode of personal and financial transaction, which is highly reliant on net-based interactions that take place through computers, without the people interacting ever coming face-to-face, which increases risk during interactions, especially in cases of financial transactions. The various activities that take place within the cyberspace attracts different kinds of people, and it is relatively ease for criminals to identify similar minded people, form online communities, a nd carry on their criminal activities. One major factor, which increases instances of cyber-crimes, is the promise of large-scale financial remuneration from a virtual crime. As the Post Note survey confirms â€Å"Information security experts suggest that the motives behind computer crime have changed†¦ [and] is now increasingly financially motivated.†2 This change in motive has occurred mainly due to rise in e-commerce, where we find that with nearly 45% of internet users using some kind of a financial transaction via cyberspace, there has been increasing number of online credits/debit card frauds, attempts at extortion attempts, and phishing.3 Another major factor that has helped to aggravate the problem of cybercrime is the anonymity that Internet offers. A criminal may hide his /her own identity behind spam mails, spoofed mails addresses, or even proxy servers and commit online frauds. There are available, different encryption technologies that allow users to mask th eir actual identities, and various forms of software, easily accessible, which allow users to remove all electronic activity

Environmental Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Environmental Engineering - Essay Example Pesticides are used widely for domestic purposes such as rat killers, mosquito and ant repellents etc. In agricultural sector, pesticide became a main aspect for improving yields. They are used to control insects, weeds, fungal diseases in plants. Pesticides are also used to kill rats, flies which destroy crops and to prevent food from being contaminated. The pesticide era started before 2000 B.C. Around 4500 years ago, ancient Sumerians used elemental sulphur, Compounds of Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury was applied in 15th century. The tobacco product, nicotine sulphate was used in 17th century. Natural products such as pyrethrum and rotenone are obtained from chrysanthemums and vegetables respectively. In 1890s, Lead Arsenate and compounds of di-nitro phenol were used. The 20th century saw introduction of many pesticides such as Arsenic compounds, sulphur products, cyanides and nicotine compounds. In 1932, ethylene was first used as plant growth regulator to promote flowering in pineap ples. In 1939, DDT was discovered. DDT was a powerful insecticide. During 1960, herbicides based on lead and nitrogen, carboxylic acids such as di-chloro phenoxy acetic acid etc. were used. The 20th century saw the use of large amount of pesticides. The developing countries are still using increased amount of pesticides for pest control and crop yield. Every advantage has a disadvantage associated with it. Use of pesticides for crop yield and killing of pests in turn affected the environment, wild life and humans. The use of pesticide increased enormously in 20th century. It was discovered traces of DDT was found in many fish-eating birds and it hindered their reproduction. This was the finding which shocked the world because it hindered bio-diversity. Even though DDT was banned in some nations, it is still used in developing countries as an insecticide. The uses of pesticides cause problems

Gender Sexuality and Nationalism in the Early 20th Century in China Essay

Gender Sexuality and Nationalism in the Early 20th Century in China - Essay Example However, with the changes that were facing the country in the early 20th century, the aspects that were previously restricted increased in the number of cases and more people began engaging in different acts. One of the cases that had increased was prostitution that was more acceptable as with the fast growing population and city life people stated in engaging in the acts and although the men were also affected, the women were the most highly affected (Liu, et al 90). There was more premarital sexual behavior since the people that had moved to the urban areas did not believe in sticking to the same rules that restricted them before. There was also a change in nationalism as the state stopped being involved in every aspect of its people’s lives and due to the changes in the global setting, there were other problems that had hit the country. The state stopped looking at the state of affairs of marriages by individuals and as a result, there was increased freedom among the people . The state would however still involve itself in the problems facing the marriage if there was any violence or if the issue was brought to the attention of the state. The state and the people had started changing their previous beliefs and they were slowly integrating the modernity model into their lives that brought with it other sexual behaviors. Masculinity and femininity are also important aspects that were slowly changing in China as the old and patriarchal systems were changing although at a slow rate.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Racial Harmony According to Martin Luther King Essay

Racial Harmony According to Martin Luther King - Essay Example He stated that he dreamt that "little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with the little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers." Direct Action. In one of his letters from Birmingham City Jail, he stated four basic steps to non-violent campaign: 1) Collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; 2) Negotiation; 3) Self-purification; and 4) Direct action. He saw these four basic steps of non-violent campaign as a systematic and rational approach to address conventional violent tension protests. In the same context, King explained that direct action is the non violent protest to negotiate with the reluctance of "city fathers," especially on civil rights issues. In King's view, non-violent direct action could create the same crisis and tension like violent protests - enough for a nation and its officials to pay attention to, like demand for the responsible party, marches, sit-ins, and the like. Biological Basis of Race and Conscience. In one of Martin Luther King's statements titled Trumpet of Conscience, he stated that "many people believe that the urban Negro is too angry and too sophisticated to be nonviolent," implying racial discrimination where black people are believed to be incapable of being diplomatic as to carry out non-violent direct action. ... He is therefore convinced that even very violent temperaments can be channeled through nonviolent discipline, "if the movement is moving, if they can act constructively and express through an effective channel their very legitimate anger." J. Philip Rushton, a psychology professor at University of Western Ontario, in his paper titled, Is there Biological Basis for Race and Racial Differences dated May 28, 2001, said that biological composition has to do with people race. He mentioned brain size, intelligence, temperament, sexual behavior, fertility, growth rate, life span, crime, and family stability. Rushton said, "On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, and less sexually active, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the opposite end in each of these areas. Whites fall in the middle, often close to Orientals." Rushton suggested in his findings that racial balance or harmony as biological basis is lacking or cannot be supported through the very material components of people, as people differences through biological aspects calls for classification such as race. This conflicts with the idea of racial harmony that King envisioned. However, King's principles were the results of his study of social history and philosophical views, as recorded by Doug Linder in Martin Luther King Letter from Birmingham Jail. Accordingly, Luther modeled after Socrates' enforcement of learning his concept of non-violence direct action for creating tension to achieve a certain goal. By this Luther believed that "in creating such tension, society will help men to rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding

ENGLISH NEED ASAP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ENGLISH NEED ASAP - Essay Example The way Capote places the murder facts in order, and the way he manipulates with the starting and ending of the novel, is what makes this novel unique. Suspense is there, as Capote has made the opening of the novel very interesting by hiding the reasons Perry and Dick were driving to Holcomb, Kansas. Capote shows Floyd Wells, in the Kansas State Penitentiary, listening to the radio news about the Clutter murders. The reader finds it exciting that Floyd was shocked to hear the news because he had been acquainted with the Clutters for many years. The bodies had been discovered by one of Nancy’s friends who went to the Clutters’ house to check why they had not yet got prepared for church. She had found an eerie silence inside the house, and had shockingly discovered the four bodies in different parts of the house. Capote has told the reader about the Clutters’ death before depicting the actual scene, which increases the reader’s interest. This is how Capote h as colored the opening with a sense of impending doom. Prompt 2 Throughout the novel, Truman talks about the backgrounds of different characters, especially the victims, and the murderers, Perry Smith and Dick Hickock. Capote has described the life summaries of the criminals, to let the readers know about the bad times they had been through. Although the reader feels a little sympathetic toward them, but that does not justify their morose deed of taking other people’s lives (Capote 77–91). Perry is shown to have had a miserable life, with his siblings, without parental care. Dick was a mental patient. When they were caught, and were shown the evidence of the case, the reader feels some sympathy for Perry, who wanted to take the responsibility of all four murders when actually Dick had killed two of them, but Perry wanted so because according to him, he was sorry for Dick’s mother. According to him, â€Å"I didn’t realize what I’d done till I heard the sound. Like somebody drowning. Screaming under the water† (Capote 244). Perry changes his confession to take responsibility for Dick’s murders too. This means, by one way or another, that criminals are also human beings, who feel for each other, especially of their own kind. They also possess a feeling of sympathy and sacrifice, though they cannot be supported in any way. Moreover, both Dick and Perry were patients of mental illness. This makes the readers think as to whether the same laws of punishment should have applied to them, or they should have been given some relaxation. Prompt 3 The protagonist is a character that rules the story, and whose character develops throughout the novel without regard to whether his character was based on good or evil. This definition goes against human conception of a protagonist being a good person always. However, the realistic realm of life has it that evil persons dominate the good ones, no matter their ending is doomed. Bas ed on this fact, this novel also highlights the characters of Perry Smith and Dick Hickock, who are actually the murderers of the Clutter family. We read Capote talking about and highlighting their course of actions throughout the novel, right from the beginning till the end. The reader can easily understand that Perry and Dick are the protagonists of Capote’s novel. The reader reads that Dick and Perry had tried to steal a car but had failed. Finally, they succeeded in stealing a car, and went to the Kansas City. They

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Racial Harmony According to Martin Luther King Essay

Racial Harmony According to Martin Luther King - Essay Example He stated that he dreamt that "little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with the little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers." Direct Action. In one of his letters from Birmingham City Jail, he stated four basic steps to non-violent campaign: 1) Collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; 2) Negotiation; 3) Self-purification; and 4) Direct action. He saw these four basic steps of non-violent campaign as a systematic and rational approach to address conventional violent tension protests. In the same context, King explained that direct action is the non violent protest to negotiate with the reluctance of "city fathers," especially on civil rights issues. In King's view, non-violent direct action could create the same crisis and tension like violent protests - enough for a nation and its officials to pay attention to, like demand for the responsible party, marches, sit-ins, and the like. Biological Basis of Race and Conscience. In one of Martin Luther King's statements titled Trumpet of Conscience, he stated that "many people believe that the urban Negro is too angry and too sophisticated to be nonviolent," implying racial discrimination where black people are believed to be incapable of being diplomatic as to carry out non-violent direct action. ... He is therefore convinced that even very violent temperaments can be channeled through nonviolent discipline, "if the movement is moving, if they can act constructively and express through an effective channel their very legitimate anger." J. Philip Rushton, a psychology professor at University of Western Ontario, in his paper titled, Is there Biological Basis for Race and Racial Differences dated May 28, 2001, said that biological composition has to do with people race. He mentioned brain size, intelligence, temperament, sexual behavior, fertility, growth rate, life span, crime, and family stability. Rushton said, "On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, and less sexually active, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the opposite end in each of these areas. Whites fall in the middle, often close to Orientals." Rushton suggested in his findings that racial balance or harmony as biological basis is lacking or cannot be supported through the very material components of people, as people differences through biological aspects calls for classification such as race. This conflicts with the idea of racial harmony that King envisioned. However, King's principles were the results of his study of social history and philosophical views, as recorded by Doug Linder in Martin Luther King Letter from Birmingham Jail. Accordingly, Luther modeled after Socrates' enforcement of learning his concept of non-violence direct action for creating tension to achieve a certain goal. By this Luther believed that "in creating such tension, society will help men to rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Strategy - Essay Example This will range from an individual to an organisation. A contractor of a construction project can subcontract the electricity wiring to the subcontractor. Recommendation as a subcontractor or main contractor The amount of resources available would determine whether a company or an individual can be the main contractor or the subcontractor. The private family owned company would be better off operating as a sub contractor rather than a main contractor or even carrying out both the activities of the main contractor and the subcontractor. The operations of the company as evidenced by the financial statements indicate large amounts of sum that has been used to transact the liabilities. As much as the liabilities still run lower than the assets, the margin is very small and would not guarantee that the company will not incur losses soon. A company would consider being a main contractor or a subcontractor depending on the balance between the assets and liabilities. This financial statement is important to determine the profitability and the liquidity of the company. A subcontractor may decide to operate so not only because of the limit of resources but because the subcontractor is more specialised in a given section of the contract than the main contractor. The company’s decision to become a main or subcontractor should be based on the health and safety of the employees and workers of the organisation which would have been provided to give a judgement that is based on all the factors that affect the operation of the compan

Monday, October 14, 2019

The disintegration of religion

The disintegration of religion The disintegration of religion Secularism is understood as the disintegration of religion from democratic process of a state. In our society, social, political and economical values and decisions are highly integrated and, more often than not, are created and based around a backbone of theology and religion. It is because of this structure that secularism cannot be a functional element of the western world. For the purpose of this paper I will concentrate on Americas continued infatuation with religion and religious practices. To be more specific on Secularism in the western world I want to concentrate on America to be able to expand and fully understand the close ties that exists between Americas government and the religious right. American economic and social policies have created a sort of free market when it comes to its citizens desire for religious choice. Since there is a large variety of religions within the United States, it is only natural for people to be interested in what these different denominations have to offer and if these offerings appeal to them. According to Anderson, the amount and intensity of religiosity a culture exhibits depend on the quality and quantity of religion available. (Anderson) The ease of accessibility of religion in America can thus be perceived as the flood of religion, and when religious becomes pluralistic it also becomes more active, energetic and integrated into peoples lives. It is important to recognize the dominance of religious belief in America to fully understand the integration of religious ideas and practices into democratic decisions. Upward of 60 percent of Americans (nearly thrice the European percentage) claim that religion plays a very important role in their daily lives, and more than 80 percent of Americans profess belief in God. (Anderson) If there is such a high percentage of Americans claiming that religion plays a direct role in their daily lives, the heavy incorporation of religion into democratic procedures and decisions comes as no shock. With many Americans using religion to help them make decisions on a day to day basis through their interaction with others it is difficult to persuade them to disintegrate Church and State. The United States has more religious institutions per capita than any other nation on Earth. With religion being so profoundly integrated into American society, it follows that religion must also play a key role in their democratic and social practices. The general opinion is that government in the United States can be separate from its members religious views. Although this seems like an ideal situation for governing a state of many people, this is not reality. American foreign and domestic laws are put in place in an attempt to halt perceived evil doings. These perceptions are created and bestowed into our minds because of our individual religious beliefs. These evil doings are understood and thought as being evil because of some sort of religious connotation and backbone of belief that the acts that these laws are restricting are bad. A large reason why people look for religious truth is to reinforce some form of good, or light at the end of the tunnel. The notion of good and evil comes from the issue of human morality and human morality steams from some sort of religious belief. Religion is now the most powerful predictor of party identification and partisan voting intention. (Anderson) American political parties are shaping the message they convey to their people based on what these people want to hear. When people of a state are told what must be done in order to achieve and create a better country for its citizens they are expecting to hear what they, themselves would do in particular situations that arise when governing a country. In order for political parties to gain confidence from their projected voting populous they must present their arguments for change in ways their voters can agree and rejoice upon. With the majority of Republican supporters commencing from Christian faith it is a matter of excellent political strategy to completely integrate your potential governmental policies around that of the Christian faith, to also have party leaders who are committed Christians themselves, and to show and promote an agenda of Political change according t o the doctrines of that religious faith. Through polling, it has become evident that Republican supporters throughout the United States are heavily involved in religious practices. Many believe that the Republication Party is becoming an extension of the Religious Right in the United States. The Republican Party, its members and its followers all share a similar religious view, and many consider the Party to have a faith-based initiative and agenda for the American people. This integration of beliefs between Party and people is essential to the Partys political success. The Partys views on domestic and foreign policy are fueled by these similar beliefs that they share with their devoted followers, which are rooted directly within religion. Even through present modernization of the world, its understanding how things work, and advances in modern science, American political parties, government, and social organizations are holding onto their devoted religious values and stick to their known right of religious practice. Americ an secularists must face the fact that most U.S. citizens believe in God (Stout). These people are going to elect representatives that they believe have the ability and willpower to protect the constitutional rights as fellow believers and to also act on those beliefs as deemed necessary. During the American year 2000 election, four out of every ten votes George W. Bush received were from Christian voters. This is a very significant amount of votes when understanding the impact they have to decide the winner of an election. The interests of a religious group can be taken care of when one can ensure the candidate is willing to push Christian values and gets voted in through the power of numbers. Amongst American voters, white Evangelical people now make up nearly two thirds of American registered voters. (Anderson) Through the power of election, these religious conservatives shape the way American society interacts with itself and dictates Americas foreign policy through a very specific religious agenda. American views on family life, charity, correctional facilities, drug laws, welfare, etc. are all fueled by the backbone that the country has in its administrations present and past religious integrations. The hidden shadow of religious belief surrounding all aspects o f American life acts to quietly regulate their national and domestic agenda with an attempt to avoid a backlash from non-believers. These actions have the approval and they resonate with many American peoples, (though they horrify countless secular, relativistic American and European peoples), with the power of democracy; majority wins. In European countries there is a trend shifting away from the integration of Church, people, and State as many people in these countries are now removed from their religious constraints. It is believed that the push towards modernity in a state brings about secularist changes. This is most noticeable in European countries where attendance at religious services is declining considerably. Religious organizations within Europe are seeing a decline in attendance, an increase in the median age of believers, and indifference in beliefs. Almost all of Western Europes spiritual existence now conveys the sagacity of collapse and lack of interest. Young Europeans are apt to a more individualistic and secular approach in their daily lives and this is reflected in their social, democratic, and economic views, which can be directly correlated with their dealings- not only domestically but abroad as well. If the modernity of Western European countries is pushing social and democratic views towards a more secular state, then why has this not occurred within the United States and the rest of the western world? If modernity inevitably brings secularism, a disenchantment of the world, then how is it that the United States-the modern nation par excellence-is so religious? (Anderson) The European modernity movement has fashioned a division of church and state, while the modernization of the Unites States has brought about very heavy integration of Church and State, thereby further uniting religion and democracy in solitary. With the continued integration of religious beliefs into American Politics, many around the world are concerned over where the American political agenda is headed in terms of foreign relations and policy. There is a thought that the fundamentalist views located within American politics are slowly hijacking the United States and their state of being. With modern science being so integrated into peoples lives it is startling to believe how many Americans believe perceived absolute religious truth over scientific evidence and testimony Three times as many Americans believe in the Virgin Birth as in Evolution. (Anderson) Many believe that Americas foreign policy during the Bush administration was fueled by a religious agenda. Forcing the religious nature of the United States and their Christian values on whomever they see as different and less superior has been seen in many instances throughout the Bush administrations term in office. Americas crusade in the Muslim world is seen as a push of their religious views on people whom they see as different and with less superior religious conclusions; this is all said to be masked by a war on terror. Many believe that this religious crusade coul d also push the United States to cut its foreign aid to countries that use the acquired assistance in ways that may not be religiously accepted at home, i.e. to hand out birth control to its citizens. On the other hand there are various specific historical instances where true change would not have been able to come about had secularist views been followed, for example the South African triumph over apartheid and the Polish triumph over Soviet oppression. (Stout) If during the African triumph over apartheid Nelson Mandela had taken a secular stance against the apartheid then he would have not gained the support of African and World Churches. If during the Polish triumph religious intervention did not exist then Poland would be at a standstill and a dead end. In these instances the integration of Church and State is very important and helped break constraining and persecuting road blocks. The integration of Church and State within the United States dictates how America interacts with other nations, and with other nations focusing on becoming more secular by disintegrating Church and State foreign relations between America and many countries is being severely tainted. Understanding the implications of a secular world living with a very non-secular United States is very important when understanding and contemplating the correction of foreign relationships throughout the world. Secularism is understood as the disintegration of religion from democratic process of a state. In America, social and political standards are greatly incorporated, shaped and implemented based around a composition of theology and religion. It is because of this very integrated structure that secularism is not a practical component of the western world, more particularly in the United States of America. Democratic secularists in America face a very difficult predicament and when they take their opinions, attempt to act on them through action, they are likely to fall short when attempted to be fully put into use. True secularists in America seem to lack strategy and their means have no end, and that at the crucial point in the argument, everything becomes vague (Stout).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ancient Greek Doctors Essay -- essays research papers

Hippocrates and Galen Comparative study between the best Greek Medical doctors of ancient Times. Introduction As The Greek empire declined, Rome inherited its medical traditions and knowledge. During the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D health standards dropped considerably and outbreaks occurred of life threatening diseases. Galen of Pergamon, a follower of Hippocrates, gathered much of the medical knowledge of the time and added to it his studies of anatomy and physiology (mostly of animals). In Spite of his errors in describing certain anatomical and physiology phenomena, his writing created the foundation for medicine over 1500 years later in Europe. Though Galen created a historical event, he indeed followed and admired one of the greatest doctors of ancient Greece ‘Hippocrates’. A physician and a surgeon he became a leader of a medical school on the ‘Aegean island of Cos’ his works are contained in the ‘Hippocrates corpus’, over 70 volumes of case histories and thoughts on the practice of medicine, role of environmental health and sa cred diseases. Although other non-Hippocrates doctors made diagnosis, the Cos physicians would try and predict the outcome of their patients. Hippocrates adopted a view that Breath is the most necessary component of our bodies and if it flowed freely produces heath if impeded produces disease. Hippocrates says that diseases are caused by the differences in the elemental components of the human organism. Before Hippocrates and Galen Medical practice in Greece centered around religion (Cult), the cult of Askelepios, the Greek god of medicine and the son of Apollo. Mythology tells us that Askelepios was saving so many lives that Pluto, the god of the underworld, asked Zeus to slay him which Zeus did with a thunderbolt. Whether Askelepios was a real man or not ,many temples around Greece have been placed up in his honor. Patients go to theses temples where they spend the night and patients have said that Askelepios has appeared in their dreams. In an age where disease was looked upon as a punishment from the gods, sacrifice was a way of pleasing the gods to prevent them from punishing. This was not the only medicine practice in Greece, there where also men who where more truly doctors they practice the unknown medicine and where still well regarded. Hippocrates What... ... his work nearly all medical thought and shaped not only the theory but practice as well. Galen’s training was not only in biology and medicine, but known as a philosopher and philologist. Philosophy in Galens word is " an essential part of training a doctor". Galens first professional job was a surgeon to the gladiators in Pergamon, here he gained much experience and practical knowledge from the wounds he had to treat. After four years he immigrated to Rome where he attained a brilliant reputation as a practitioner and a public demonstrated of anatomy. Galen for all his mistakes, remained the unchallenged authority for over a thousand years. Main mistakes consisted of the internal organs e.g.: he incorrectly assumed that the rete mirablile, a plexus of blood vessels as the base of the brain of ungulate animals, was also present in humans. He had 20 scribes to write down all his words and dictums, he was not Christian yet his writings reflected only one God an d declared the body to be an instrument of the soul. Galen experimented on animals for physiological purposes. The work On the use of the parts of the human body consisted of seventeen books of this topic.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Philosophy: Child Development and Teaching Essay -- Teaching

Personal Philosophy Introduction Child development is divided into four areas of development; social / emotional, physical (motor), cognitive, and language. Typically children develop in a sequence of stages in each area. Although development normally follows the same series of stages, there are individual differences in what age each stage occurs. Development in part depends on the experiences a child encounters. According to Wardle (2004), young children learn from their total experience in a program. For example, children not only learn during teacher directed activities, they also learn while playing in interest areas, on the playground, while riding the bus, or during meals. Vygotsky saw the child as part of an active social world in which communication with others and self speech help the child understand the world around him/her. (Lefton, 2000). Another area that is crucial to a child’s development is the involvement of the child’s parent is his or her education. In order to be an effective teacher one must have a general understanding of all areas of development, the role the parents have in a child’s education, the importance of play on the child’s success, and the role the teacher plays in all of this. Physical (Motor) Development Physical development proceeds from head downward and from the body outward. An infant develops control of the head first. In the next few months, the infant will be able to use their arms to lift themselves up. Between six and twelve months, the infant is able to crawl, stand, or walk as they gain control of the legs. Movement dominates the first year of toddlerhood. beginning with the skills he / she develops as an infant. During this period, todd... ... obtain the language ability necessary for later success in life. Works Cited: Brown, K. and Fitzpatrick, T. and Morrison, G. (2004, Fall). Involving Diversity in Classrooms Through Family Involvement. Dimensions. 11-16. Arkansas. Southern Early Childhood Association. Charlesworth, R. (2004). Understanding Child Development (6th ed.). New York. Thomas Delmar Learning Inc. Dodge, D. , Colker, L., and Heroman, C. (2002) The Creative Curriculum for Preschoolers (4th ed).Washington, D.C. Teaching Strategies Riddle, E. (1999, March 8). Lev Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory. Retrieved November 1, 2004, from the World Wide Web; http://www.kihd.gmu.edu. Wardle, F. (2004, Summer). A Look At Curriculum. Children and Families p.54. Alexandria, Virginia. National Head Start Association.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Joys of Being Pregnant

On August 9, 2010, life as I knew it changed forever. It was a normal summer day at home, much like any other Monday that summer. Everything on the outside appeared to be the same as usual, but on the inside, I knew there was a change. I was two weeks pregnant and I wouldn’t know it until about 5:30 that night. It was a very emotional discovery, finding that I would become a mother in a little less than nine short months. Not only did that discovery change my life, but it also changed the lives of many others who love and care about me. My mother, 33, would become a young grandmother and my step dad, 26, would become an even younger grandfather. My boyfriend of three years would have to throw away his childhood and become a man for his son or daughter. I was scared to death that the shock and severity of my situation would destroy any chance of gaining the support of them, but all three, along with the rest of my family, kept loving me and began to love the new life growing inside of me. I am now eleven weeks pregnant and I have had the privilege of actually seeing my baby via ultrasound. He or she was almost a centimeter long on the first of September and resembled a peanut or a lima bean. Seeing the baby’s heartbeat flashing like a tiny strobe light hit me like a ton of bricks. The â€Å"embryo† that I had heard of in books and diagrams was now a child to me; a living, growing baby who was developing arms and legs and eyes. A baby that may grow up to have my dimples or my boyfriend’s blue eyes. He or she would call me â€Å"mommy† and love me unconditionally. And I would love him or her right back, as strong and as hard as I could. I keep the pictures from the sonogram on the refrigerator, but my favorite one is in a little white frame in my bedroom. I look at it often and I wonder how much the baby has changed since that picture was taken. My next appointment is the 29th, and I am so anxious to be able to see how much this life inside of me has grown and be able to take home more pictures that I will treasure as much as the first one.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Advantages of Activity Based Costing

In modern business environment, the use of traditional costing system is no longer relevance to the company to achieve competitive advantage. Nowadays, Activity Based Costing is considered as one of the effective tools to enhance the ability of the organisation to meet global competition. This had resulted in the change from traditional costing system to an increasingly popular costing system such Activity-Based Costing (ABC). ABC system has emerged as an alternative to traditional costing system to meet the need for accurate cost information about the products, services, customer and processes. ABC performs the arithmetic to provide accurate cost information while Activity Based Management (ABM) is focused on using this information obtained from ABC to manage activities in order to improving business (Gunasekaran et al. , 2000). Generally ABC systems enable indirect and support expenses onto each activity. Following by identify the cost drivers to measure the activity used by cost objects and allocate them to cost driver. In order word, ABC helps the manager to understand about the cost and expense in each production by giving managers a clearer picture of the economics of their operations to managerial decision making at a strategic level (Kaplan and Copper, 1998). Apart from that, in twenty-first century market which is global consumer markets and rapidly changing product technologies have forced global manufacturers to make dramatic changes in their products, markets as well as production strategies. In order to stay in the global market, organisations are advice to adopt ABC not only produces products at faster rates, but they produce with greater consistency and conformity to quality specifications. Also, ABC system allows the manufacturers to reduce the time between customer order and product delivery which can gives the manufacturer a competitive advantage in improving customer service (Gunasekaran et al. , 1999). Therefore, it is necessary for organisation to adopt ABC system which can assist managers in identifying the value-added activities which they could further improve to meet customer’s demands and enhancing the product quality and process simplification and efficiency (Marx, 2009). For example, MelCo is the company that implements ABC and gets the benefits from it. MelCo is the only manufacturer of engineering components in Melbourne. Its previous costing system was a conventional costing system where overheads were allocated to products based on labour hour utilised (Sohal and Chung, 1998). However, management found that implement ABC system in the organisation is seem to be useful because it can assist high level of flexibility and responsiveness that demanded by the marketplace. Besides, ABC system can generate true costing and pricing which automatically give performance measures and product profitability as well as provide a variety of information for management in strategic decision making. Even though it incur high cost, MelCo think that it is worthiness because it provides a tool for management for commercial decision making although it just implement for 12 months (Sohal and Chung, 1998). Due to the changes of business environment, the company requires to manufacture very wide product range for a large customer base with high quality and innovative products in order to fulfil the demand of the consumer. By implementing ABC in organisation, ABM guides efforts to adapt business strategies to meet competitive pressures as well as to improve business operations. ABC information enables ABM to yield continuous improvement process. By continuous improvement, organisation can yield the maximum profitability as well as improved the customer’s satisfaction (Gunasekaran et al. 2000). Nowadays, customers want products and services that fit their specific needs; they want quality service at affordable price to be right now. However, since traditional costing system is volume-based, inaccurate information will be generated which lead to company make wrong decision (Gunasekaran et al. , 1999). Apart from that, stable product and mass production are no longer valid for today manufacturing system. Thus, manufacturing companies have reduced the implication of traditional cost accounting system by implementing ABC systems. In contrast to standard costing, ABC can identify value-added and non-value-added activities. To clarify this, all activities should be compared with similar activities in another company or within the organisation in order to perform the best. Hence, benchmarking should be encourages to be carried out for both value-added and non-value added activities because it is a best practice which is mostly used in real-life situation (Gunasekaran et al. , 1999). For example, 100% on time delivery of customer orders is an essential activity. Apart from that, non-value-added activities such as inspection and material handling can be reduced by using different quality assurance methods and techniques such as total quality management and just in time. With ABC, the company has a better access to decision which related to TQM and JIT (Gunasekaran et al. , 1999). To achieve cost reduction in a strategic way, activity-based costing presents to be more accurate in determining costly activities in order to help companies to better manage those activities. Unlike the information available under traditional management accounting, ABC systems are capture the significant information among customer orders and provide strategic decision making with the indication of the changes in the customer’s specifications (Lere, 2000). By implementing ABC system, it also can reduce non-value activities as well as cost of their products to compete in today competitive market. Non-value added activities can be eliminated with the implementation of strategies such as total quality management, just in time and business process re-engineering. Managers should pay more attention to those activities which will incur high cost but does not add any value to the product. Besides, managers prepared with the ABC systems were able to reduce overall costs, identify the opportunities for continuous improvement of the products. Nowadays, technology plays a dominant role of integrating various functional areas. Although the automation in advanced manufacturing environment has reduced the labour component, at the same time overheads have increased (Gunasekaran et al. , 1999). Therefore, in manufacturing environment, it is necessary for organisation to minimize non-value adding activities to reduce the cost of their products to compete in the market. By implementing ABC system in organisation, it will help to reduce direct labour component, increase in overheads as well as productivity of knowledge workers. Apart from that, ABC also helps organisation in better communications and team working environment as well as reduce time required to perform an activities due to knowledge workers and re-engineering the suggestions by employees to reduce the non-value activities (Gunasekaran et al. 1999). In contrast, the traditional costing systems do not provide non-financial information such as defect rates, level of quality about the organisation. However, implementation of activity based costing is not an easy task as there are several difficulties in implementing ABC system. One of the first fundamentals for the success of an ABC implementation is top management support for the project (Zhang and Che, 2010). The failure of ABC projects can generally be attributed to lack of visible and active management. If the organisation’s senior managers do not show the commitment and act passive in the program, it will negatively reduce the motivation of the employees. Apart from that, the productivity of the employees will also affect as well. Therefore, top management should be give full support with clear understanding of goals and objectives of the whole organisation to the employees. Besides, they should meet regularly in order to advise the management on the strategic and technology business problems (Gunasekaran et al. , 1999). Commitment of employees is one of the important factors in implementing ABC system. For the successful implementation in ABC, the employees must have a clear understanding of its capabilities, goals and objectives (Zhang and Che, 2010). As a result, education and training are necessary for the employees to make sure that they understand the objective of ABC system. When the employees are well trained and educated, they can easily reduce the time and effort required to perform an activity, on-time delivery as well as reduce the cycle time of the product. Also, employees should be provide with internal and external company training facilities to ensure them gain latest knowledge and trend in order to maintain company’s standard in today global market (Zhang and Che, 2010). For example, MelCo is a company that implementing ABC system and it found that the problems during implementation was lack of available skills in-house which means that they do not have considerable amount of education and training. Therefore, MelCo are recommended that training of employees should be taking into consideration (Sohal and Chung, 1998). As a conclusion, the changes of global business environment had changes the way of the company doing the business and shift traditional management accounting to strategic management accounting for cost management in organisations. However, it does not means that traditional management accounting is usefulness and not applicable in today business environment. Relevance of traditional cost accounting is very subjective in each view of the organisation. It may be suitable for some companies treated standard costing and variance analysis as a tool that enhances planning and control and improves performance evaluation rather than abolished it. To compete in today business environment, strategic management accounting is the most suitable accounting system for the organisation as ABC method can provides more accurate and better cost information which can helps manager to understand and make strategic decision making. Furthermore, ABC system can eliminate the non-value added activities which added value to the product cost, by doing so, organisation can reduce those unnecessary costs. Thus, ABC system is most appropriate management accounting costing in today business environment. However, there are several problems and difficulties in implementing ABC system, company should take into consideration when implementing ABC in order to maximize the fully benefits for ABC systems.