Thursday, February 20, 2020

Hell-Heaven Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hell-Heaven - Essay Example Aparna was â€Å"even in her bleakest hours of homesickness she was grateful that my father had at least spared her a life in the stern house of her in-laws, where she would have had to keep her head covered with the end of her sari at all times and use an outhouse that was nothing but a raised platform with a hole† (DiYanni 350). Aparna’s husband and she were thrown together by chance. This part of her life was one of her metaphorical Hells. a release for Aparna. Since the outings were supervised by the narrator, Aparna’s husband felt â€Å"freed from the sense of responsibility he must have felt for forcing her to leave India† (DiYanni 351). Although the narrator did not realize it at the time, she later came to the realization that â€Å"It is clear to me now that my mother was in love with him† (DiYanni 351). Aparna had more in common with Pranab Kaku than with her husband. For example, â€Å"They had in common all the things she and my father did not: a love of music, film, leftist politics, poetry† (DiYanni 350). This relationship was Aparna’s Heaven. Another Hell for Aparna was the foreign atmosphere of America. Even in America Aparna wore Indian clothes. The narrator wrote, â€Å"given that my mother was wearing the red and white bangles unique to Bengali married women, and a common Tangail sari† (DiYanni 348). Aparna clung to her old Indian ways. She constantly chided Usha about the Bengali ways. Aparna admonished, â€Å"Don’t think you’ll get away with marrying an American, the way Pranab Kaku did† (DiYanni 356). The balancing act of raising an Indian daughter in America was Hell for Aparna. Bangladesh was Heaven for Aparna. That is why Aparna fell in love with Pranab Kaku, not for who he was, but what he represented. Pranab Kaku reminded Aparna of â€Å"cheerful songs of courtship, which transformed the quiet life in our apartment and transported my mother back to

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Poaching in Zimbabwea, causes and attempts to stop sense the 1990s Essay

Poaching in Zimbabwea, causes and attempts to stop sense the 1990s - Essay Example About 1000 rhinos were killed in South Africa in 2013 alone (The Citizen1). Poaching in Zimbabwe has become a great challenge to the Zimbabwean government due to the high demand of rhino and elephant horns in Asia the Greatest market being China. In Asia, the rhino horns are greatly respected and taken as a status symbol and have medicinal value (The Citizen1). The cases of poaching have dropped in Zimbabwe in recent years because the conservation authorities in Zimbabwe have adopted stern measures including conviction and jail terms for poachers. Additionally, they have also taken steps to track the animals via satellite and relocated the animals to safer sanctuaries. Poachers use various tactics to kill the animals like poisoning and shooting. According to the wildlife conservation of Zimbabwe, more than 300 elephants were poisoned using cyanide in 2013 alone. Zimbabwe has a major poaching problem caused by the outside influence of China and that of neighboring African countries. H owever, there have been efforts made by the Zimbabwean government and other organizations, like the United Nations, to stop poaching. Furthermore, due to the increasing wealth in Asian countries China Inclusive, the demand for rhino horns and ivory has gone up. This is because these goods are the status symbol of wealth, and there is a ready market by African buyers who serve as dealers to Asia. Due to the increased demand of Ivory in Asia, poaching in Africa increased in 2011 and 2013 ( 1). Research has shown some rogues terrorists collude with government officials in Zimbabwe to execute poaching. Consequently, ivory smuggling in Zimbabwe is executed by high confidence traffickers who use sophisticated networks to move ivory from local areas to ports of exit accelerated by corruption of the border insecurity. In Zimbabwe, these networks are related with illegitimate weapons