Thursday, December 26, 2019

Meitnerium Facts - Mt or Element 109

Meitnerium (Mt) is element 109 on the periodic table. Its one of the few elements that suffered no dispute concerning its discovery or name. Here is a collection of interesting Mt facts, including the elements history, properties, uses, and atomic data. Interesting Meitnerium Element Facts Meitnerium is a solid, radioactive metal at room temperature. Very little is known about its physical and chemical properties, but based on trends in the periodic table, it is believed to behave as a transition metal, like the other actinide elements. Meitnerium is expected to possess properties similar to its lighter homologous element, iridium. It should also share some common properties with cobalt and rhodium.Meitnerium is a man-made element that does not occur in nature. It was first synthesized by a German research team led by Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Munzenberg in 1982 at the Institute for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt. A single atom of the isotope meitnerium-266 was observed from bombardment of a bismuth-209 target with accelerated iron-58 nuclei. Not only did this process create a new element, but it was the first successful demonstration of the use of fusion to synthesize heavy, new atomic nuclei.Placeholder names for the element, before its formal discovery, includ ed eka-iridium and unnilennium (symbol Une). However, most people simply referred to it as element 109. The only name proposed for the discovered element was meitnerium (Mt), in honor of Austrian physicist Lise Meitner, who was one of the discoverers of nuclear fission and the co-discoverer of the element protactinium (together with Otto Hahn). The name was recommended to the IUPAC in 1994 and formally adopted in 1997. Meitnerium and curium are the only elements named for non-mythological women (although Curium is named in honor of both Pierre and Marie Curie). Meitnerium Atomic Data Symbol: Mt Atomic Number: 109 Atomic Mass: [278] Group: d-block of Group 9 (Transition Metals) Period: Period 7 (Actinides) Electron Configuration:  [Rn] 5f146d77s2   Melting Point: unknown Boiling Point: unknown Density:  The density of Mt metal is calculated to be 37.4 g/cm3 at room temperature. This would give the element the second-highest density of the known elements, after neighboring element hassium, which has a predicted density of 41 g/cm3. Oxidation States: predicted to be 9. 8. 6. 4. 3. 1 with the 3 state as the most stable in aqueous solution Magnetic Ordering: predicted to be paramagnetic Crystal Structure: predicted to be face-centered cubic Discovered: 1982 Isotopes: There are 15 isotopes of meitnerium, which are all radioactive. Eight isotopes have known half-lives with mass numbers ranging from 266 to 279. The most stable isotope is meitnerium-278, which has a half-life of approximately 8 seconds. Mt-237 decays into bohrium-274 via alpha decay. The heavier isotopes are more stable than the lighter ones. Most meitnerium isotopes undergo alpha decay, although a few undergo spontaneous fission into lighter nuclei. Researchers suspected Mt-271 would be a relatively stable isotope because it would have 162 neutrons (a magic number), yet attempts by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory to synthesize this isotope in 2002-2003 were unsuccessful. Sources of Meitnerium: Meitnerium may be produced either by fusion two atomic nuclei together or via the decay of heavier elements. Uses of Meitnerium: Meitneriums primary use is for scientific research, since only minute amounts of this element have ever been produced. The element plays no biological role and is expected to be toxic due to its inherent radioactivity. Its chemical properties are expected to be similar to noble metals, so if enough of the element is ever produced, it might be relatively safe to handle. Sources Emsley, John (2011).  Natures building blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. pp. 492–98. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997).  Chemistry of the Elements  (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-08-037941-8.Hammond, C. R. (2004). The Elements, in  Handbook of Chemistry and Physics  (81st ed.). CRC press. ISBN 978-0-8493-0485-9.Rife, Patricia (2003). Meitnerium. Chemical Engineering News. 81 (36): 186. doi:10.1021/cen-v081n036.p186Weast, Robert (1984).  CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Reflection Of Citizen Kane - 758 Words

The 1941 film Citizen Kane was written, directed, co-produced and starred by Orson Welles. The film won an Academy Award in 1942 for Best Screenplay and was also nominated for 8 other categories in the same year. The black and white movie was a hit for its time. The film challenged the traditional narrative and technical elements of the classic Hollywood cinema on multiple levels, especially for this time period in history. One of the first traditional narratives that Welles challenged was the order of events in the movie. Most films present their stories in chronological order, Citizen Kane does not do this. The film opens with narrated scenes of the entire life of Charles Foster Kane, however the series of events goes from the later†¦show more content†¦The plot duration is the time it took for Jerry Thompson to interview Kane’s ex-wife and friends in search of answers on Kane’s life and death, this took approximately one week. And then the screen duration is the entire movie, this would be almost 2 hours in length. (Barsam, Monahan 143) The setting in the movie is the time and place of the story. Citizen Kane showed multiple settings a many different times. The death had a setting of Kane alone in his home in his later years, in the 1940s. Other settings included an estate in Florida called Xanadu, where Kane and his wife Susan lived in his later years. Another setting was a music hall that Kane owned and where Susan performed for audiences, this as well was in his later years. His younger years included settings of his businesses are also shown throughout the first of the film. Thompson’s interviews of Kane’s ex-wife, his colleagues, his friends and even his butler provide settings of their locations (after his death) and then their flashbacks to Kane’s life including those time periods and settings. Another way that Welles challenged the technical elements of the Hollywood cinema was through the mise-en-sce`ne. Mise-en-sce`ne is the staging or the action of putting on a scene. One of the concepts in putting on a scene or staging is the illusion created from the lighting and camera angles. In one scene in the movie, Kane is in one door way watching his wife Susan leave out of their home,Show MoreRelatedReflection Of Citizen Kane757 Words   |  4 PagesOrson Welles’s Citizen Kane is a revolutionary film. Although it might not look like much to the modern viewer, many aspects of the film were the first of their kind to appear and are still used today. One thing I noticed throughout the film was the use of reflections. The movie starts off with a montage of images of Xanadu, Charles Kane’s personal estate. One of the shots includes a beautiful reflection of the building in the water. When Kane dies and drops the snow globe, you see the nurse’s reflectionRead MoreCitizen Kane As A Dramatic Tragedy1372 Words   |  6 PagesThe 1941 film, Citizen Kane, is a dramatic tragedy that chronicles the life of Charles Foster Kane from boyhood to newspaper magnate. Along the way, characters try to figure out what life really means and question if the â€Å"American Dream† is really all it is cracked up to be. Directed by Orson Welles with cinematography by Gregg Toland, the film won the New York Film Critics Award as best picture, and received nine Academy Award nominations, but won only one for best Screenplay for Welles and HermanRead MoreFilm Analysis Of Citizen Kane1299 Words   |  6 PagesCitizen Kane incorporates a well-rounded variety of shots and angles that make the film more entertaining. This movie is significant because the American people will always be able to relate to it. There will always be a rich politician who wants to change things for the better. 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Simple things like ceilings on the sets and realistic scenes such as the newsreel, which would not stand out in a modern film, were combined to make a film full of innovative techniques. The director, Orson Welles, developed the use of deep focus to make the flat cinema screen almost becomeRead MoreEssay on Citizen Cane Questionaire1377 Words   |  6 PagesCitizen Kane Questionnaire View the movie CITIZEN KANE (1941) for discussion in class on week four and to submit week five. Be sure to view the film at least twice before workshop number four. Read the information in this syllabus about this movie. Research it online at,,, etc. Then complete the following questionnaire A. Literary ElementsRead More Citizen Kane: Exposing the Truth about William Randolph Hearst3876 Words   |  16 PagesCitizen Kane: Exposing the Truth about William Randolph Hearst Many have called Citizen Kane the greatest cinematic achievement of all time. It is indeed a true masterpiece of acting, screen writing, and directing. Orson Welles, its young genius director, lead actor, and a co-writer, used the best talents and techniques of the day (Bordwell 103) to tell the story of a newspaper giant, Charles Kane, through the eyes of the people who loved and hated him. However, when it came out, it was scorned

Monday, December 9, 2019

Islam And Buddhism Essay Example For Students

Islam And Buddhism Essay Islam and Buddhism are two distinct religious traditions that provide their ownmeaningful responses to the fundamental questions about life. Their views onissues relating to the possibility of a Supreme Being, the purpose of life andtheir understanding of the cycle of life and death are all quite distinct fromeach other, but at the same time, having minor similarities. These can be seenin the following comparative study between the teachings of these two worldreligions. Is there a Supreme Being? What is the nature of the divine? AllMuslims profess the existence of the One and Only God, God Almighty who is alsoreferred to as Allah. They firmly believe that Allah is the most high andhonored, the creator and the sustainer of all that exists and he has no physicalconnections between any thing he has created whether it be the creatures orhuman beings on this earth. He has no beginning and no end. Allah has nophysical dimensions like hunger, sleep or rest for he is the one who gives suchattributes to his creatures. Buddhism on the other hand, recognises no creatorgod who initially brought the universe into existence and continues to controlit in the way that Allah controls everything that is or happens in the universefrom the smallest to the greatest events. The founder of Buddhism, who is knownas Buddha, did not want to be worshipped as a god. He taught that people wouldbe happier if they took responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. Histeachings were simply a guide for living. Muslims can some what relate to thisin the way they are taught to be responsible for their own actions and sins. Thetwo religions are also similar in the way they both believe in the concept ofgod/s existing in the afterlife. Muslims firmly believe in the existence ofAllah in heaven while Buddhists consider the possibility of gods existing in theheavens that their karma has created. What is the purpose of life? Islam teachesthat God created human beings and endowed them with immortal souls. Eachindividual possesses the quality of uniqueness and the duty of each person is towork out his or her own destiny and each is responsible for his or her ownaction. Buddhists would say that rather than being created by a Supreme Being,humans actually got themselves born due to karma made in past lives. This wasmade with a particular father and mother with whom we have karmic connections.Islam also teaches that the task of a human being is to make a sincere effortand strive to do his/her best. Islam discourages its followers to sit inresignation. However, whatever results from effort is to come from Godsdecision and should be accepted with patience. At the same time, giving thanksand praise to God is also part of the central purpose in life. In contrast toBuddhism teachings, Buddha did not want to be worshipped as a god, but instead,taught people that the central idea of life was to reach as sense ofincomprehensible peace in their minds. In Islam, life is essentially preparationfor the Day of Judgement when Allah will call all people to hear an account ofhow they have lived. This will determine their destiny after life. On the otherhand, Buddhists believe that humans are on this earth because of the evil thingsthat they have committed in past lives and the main purpose of life is to reachthe state of enlightenment. To escape the cycle of rebirth is to enter thesupreme reality of Nirvana where there is freedom and bliss. .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 , .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 .postImageUrl , .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 , .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3:hover , .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3:visited , .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3:active { border:0!important; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3:active , .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3 .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u832b956bcb9a0a3b79f2952819ed07e3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Bacteria Reproduction Essay To attain nirvanais simply to be out of existence. The way in which Buddhists are taught to goabout this is to devote their life to compassion, charity, and non-violence andto clear their mind of all content and learn to drift away from theconsciousness of this world. How do we understand the cycle of life and death?Is there life after death? In Islam, life on earth is considered to be a minutepart of the totality of existence. The life in the hereafter is of eternalduration. Every individual is accountable for his performance in the worldlylife and is answerable in front of God on the Day of Judgement. On this day, Godwill raise every one from the dead and he will allow those who have lived a goodlife to enter the paradise of heaven and those who have done evil will bepunished by suffering in the torment of hell. People will be judged not only ontheir deeds but also on their faith. Believers may have their sins forgiven orundergo a period of punishment and will go to heaven, but disbeliveers will goto hell. They had their chance to turn to Allah and now it is too late. Onlywhen they have complete submission to God may they be salvaged. In contrast toBuddhist teachings, our future lives may or may not be in a human form butwhile we are on this earth we may continue to be reborn due to the evil thingsthat we have committed in our past lives. Buddhists consider rebirth as anotherchance to work toward realisation, while Allah considers life to be the onlychance of proving your worthiness to God so that you may enter Heaven. The waysin which both religions encourage people to go about reaching Supreme Reality(whether it be reaching Heaven or Nirvana), are also different to each other. InBuddhism, the only way to escape the cycle of rebirth is by following theNoble Eight-fold Path, a strict ethical system and by committingourselves to meditation so that we are no longer conscious of this world. Asstated before, Muslims are worthy of entering Heaven if they have completelysubmitted to God and if they have performed good deeds, while Buddhists mainlyfocus on the importance of attaining peace in ones mind so they can reachNirvana. An average Muslim believes that God gives life and death and that deathmay come at any time, thus, every one should try to send on ahead for good deedsthat will earn the pleasure of God. With this perception, a Muslim has to live avirtuous life all the time. Buddhists also believe in living a virtuous life allthe time, but rather than it being for the purpose of pleasing a god, it ismainly for reaching enlightenment. Conclusion In summary, the two worldreligions share both similar and distinguishing beliefs on their variousteachings of life and the existence of Supreme Beings. Their major differencesare mainly that Buddhism ignores the issue of a Supreme Being, while Muslimsconsider Allah as the One and Only God who created this earth. Buddhism alsoteaches that humans can be reincarnated when they die, while in Muslims believethat after death, there is a life of eternal duration. Although their mainsimilarities are minor, the two religions can relate to the existence of asupreme reality after life on earth, with Buddhists believing in Nirvana andMuslims believing in Heaven. The religions also believe in committing good deedsin order to enter these supreme realities.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Spiritual Healing Essay Example For Students

Spiritual Healing Essay An Exploration of Spiritual HealingThroughout time, mankind has constantly been seeking ways to maintain their health and to cure those that had not been so fortunate in that task. Just about everything has been experimented with as a cure for some type of illness; whether physical or mental. There is also a third type of illness that can and is addressed, which is healing on the spiritual plan. According to research, most of the spiritual healers are concentrated in primitive societies and undeveloped areas of the world. However, there are still undertones of reliance on spiritual healing in modern medicine today and there are some in civilized, well developed parts of the world that have rejected modern medicine all together and adopted alternative healing methods.Even a person who does not believe in a higher being actually takes part in this type cure simply by allowing the chemical medicines in his/her body to mend what is wrong. No matter what class of society a person is in, n o matter how advanced that particular country is, there will always be traces of spiritual healing if not all-out practicing of it; and it is and will continue to be a significant part of any healing process, large or small. We will write a custom essay on Spiritual Healing specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There are numerous names for spiritual healers, but for simplicitys sake and the fact that the concentration is on American Indian Medicine, all spiritual healers will be lumped together as Shaman unless otherwise specified. This does not mean that all healers will hold the same beliefs, or that a particular belief is not even held by a group known as Shamans, but rather a different type of healer. The grouping is just so that a detailed and confusing explaination of all the subsections of healers. If necessary, there will be specifications. Again , for clarification, definitions are provided to clear up any confusion. A Shaman is a person anchored securely in both the physical world and the spiritual realm a mediator if you will(Shamanism 1). Therefore, Shamanism is a way of life revolving around interaction of the spiritual and physical worlds(Shamanism).The Shaman does not solely exist as other humans do; they lead a totally different life in conjunction with their earthly duties within their tribe. The two are not separate by any means; one has direct impact on the other, or so it is believed by those who study this form of healing. Mr. Mircea Eliade voiced the idea of one (wo)man wearing so many hats at one time: For, of course, the shaman is also a magician and a medicine man; he is believed to cure, like all doctors, and to perform miracles of the fakir type, like all magicians, whether primitive or modern. But beyond this, he is a psychopomp, and he may also be a priest, mystic, and poet(Shamanism). Illness, according to shamans, all begins on the spiritual plane(Griffin). If left unchecked, then the spiritual disturbance manifests itself as a physical malady. A large part of the healing process is to remove barriers within the body to allow the impurities to leave the body, and to incourage the body to heal itself. The energy is channeled through the healer from a higher source like a conductor into the patient and in turn the malevolent entity/ distur bance is pulled into the healer to get rid of, as described by a certified healer in witchcraft(Griffin). To remove the disturbance, different shamans have different techniques. However, the purpose is identical and the end result usually come out about the same frequency of success to failures. There are countless documentations of a shaman sucking an evil spirit from the body of the affected person. Depending on the shamans particular style, the spirit may be spat out in the form of saliva or a small mass, sometimes with blood on it(Vogel 16). Along those same lines, bitter medicines are administered to the patient in order to make the body an unpleasant living environment for the evil being and so it will leave(16). Other times, the ill-stricken person is not possessed by an evil spirit, but rather, has a disturbance on the spiritual plane. This usually is the result of an emotional imbalance within the body and can be mended fairly easily. Rattles, drums, and singing are thought to help restabilize the imbalance by first disrupting the harmony of the imbalance, removing it, and refilling the empty space with compatible vibrations(16). The energy used to refill the area cleaned of the imbalance acts as a spiritual scar tissue and mends the fragmented ends together. .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad , .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad .postImageUrl , .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad , .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad:hover , .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad:visited , .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad:active { border:0!important; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad:active , .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u49a809269048a820a59c12e3e317f7ad:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Light: A Fundamental Force In Our World EssayThere are many other forms of spiritual healing designed to help regain the balance of someone who is ill. During an interview with a spiritual healer from the Witchcraft religion, other types of procedures were described: Auric therapy, dealing with the flow of the aura; aromatic therapy that uses different scents to invoke healing; chromatic and hydro-chromatic, which is the use of colors and water colors, respectively as therapy, and medicinal herbalism. There is also a therapy style called raki-healing, which is the actions most think of when they mentally picture a spiritual healer. It is a combination of channeling energy and massage. There was an opportunity to experience this particular type of healing during the interview. In order to do what they do, shaman must not confine themselves to the physical world. Sometimes, mostly, the soul leaves the body to ascend into the sky to visit the heavens or down into the earth to the underworld. This is called a Shamanistic Flight one when the shaman travels beyond the limitations of the physical body(Global 1). In addition to traveling to other worlds, Shamans also enlist the help of different fetishes. These fetishes are believed in some circles to provide the Shaman with his/ her healing power. The fetishes are representations of the animal spirit medicine men( Magic 267). Combining the two, there is an act called a parashamanistic technique.There are actually four of them; all involve direct intercourse with the supernatural world. However, only one is characterized by the spirit-possession trance. In this trance, the healing spirit takes over the shama ns body(194). There are innumerable ways to be chosen to be a shaman: near-death experience, a mental calling, have a tendency, etc. Those are just some of the most common. The common thread throughout is that once (s)he has been chosen, they must be trained. There are special taboos that must be learned in order to become a shaman, but not all of these teachings hold constant through the different tribes.For instance, there are several taboos concerning eating; forbidden to eat outside and cannot eat head, heart, intestines, or liver of an animal(Magic 194). Some tribes have their young shaman refrain from sexual relations, although other cultures allow marriages. It is even accepted in other tribes that the shaman be a transvestite, marry a man that has a wife, do wife jobs as well as be a shaman, and have homosexual relations. There is also a secret vocabulary of the shaman that must be learned and special techniques concerning their function within society(194). Once they have been trained in all the ways of the Shaman, then it is then time for the novice shaman to receive the paraphinalia of the trade. There is precious little the shaman actually needs to perform his task. From his parents, he receives a headdress and a belt( Magic 194). From the instructor, the young Shaman receives his first tunraq (this is an Eskimo custom). A tunraq is a protective spirit to watch over the shaman and to help him with his needs. Additional tunraqs can be given by other shaman for some service done for another, or by following the spirits on volition(194). This young shaman, though his training, went through several levels of mental suffering and trance in order to arrive at a new normality and reintegration into the society he was isolated from for years(Gelfund 132). this pain authenticates the young shamans contact with the spirit world(132). There is so much talk of the shaman going away to learn, going away to heal, that one might forget that the shaman are an integral part of the community. They concentrate mainly on curing the ill and rainmaking rather than getting involved in the government of the tribe. They are, however, looked to for advice for the leadership of the community. This is because one of the role of a shaman is to be a guardian of the well-being of the tribe, ensuring continuing fertility and health(Magic 264). Then again, shaman do not rely totally on the spiritual realm for healing. They learn considerable knowledge in first aid and herbal cures for natural diseases. This means that they do not lack empirical knowledge (knowledge gathered from trial and error) and experimental technique(264). Shaman use both learned knowledge and spiritual knowledge to cure those that they come in contact with. Even the interaction between three components of a healing patient, shaman, and public made a considerable difference in the healing. This is called the Shamanistic Complex(Magic 35). The Shaman undergoes specific states of a psychosomatic nature, the sick person who may or may not experience improvement in their condition, and the public, which is experiencing an enthusiasm and intellectual and emotional satisfaction, which provides collective support(35). This support perpetuates shamanistic healings, and starts the cycle all over again. .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 , .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 .postImageUrl , .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 , .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7:hover , .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7:visited , .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7:active { border:0!important; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7:active , .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7 .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uddf1389c84c83f14bf0b50368135d0b7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gilded Age EssayThe whole process of healing, whether modern medicine or alternative, comes out as being at least in part spiritual healing. The theme of having healers come and remove beings from an ill body, or smooth out an imbalance is a constantly reoccurring theme in the medicinal practices of every primitive religion and society. Still, there are distinct traces left in modern culture that suggest there is something more than primitive, uncivilized superstition. Works CitedGelfund, Michael. Witch Doctor. New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, Inc., Publishers, 1964. 132-33. Griffin, Michelle. Personal Interview. 18 November 1997. Magic, Witchcraft, and Curing. Ed. John Middleton. Garden City, New York: The Natural History Press, 1967. Vogel, Virgil J. American Indian Medicine. Oklahoma University: Oklahoma University Press, 1973. Shamanism: a definition of sorts. Earth Dance Society. n. pag. Online. Internet. 17 Nov. 1997. What is Shamanism?. Global Spirituality. 1.1 Online. Internet. 17 Nov. 1997Miscellaneous

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Afghan essays

Afghan essays Monika Foster Political Science 1:50-3:05 Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan Beginning on September 27, 1996, an extremist militia group known as the Taliban seized control of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. Upon seizing control, the Taliban has instituted a system of gender apartheid, which has placed women into a state of virtual house arrest. Since that time the women and girls of Afghanistan have been stripped of all human rights including their voice, visibility and their mobility. The Campaign to stop Gender Apartheid, led by the Feminist Majority Foundation, has brought together numerous human right and womens organizations around the world to demand an end to the abuses of the women in Afghanistan. In the 1980s when the Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan, the United States gave billions of dollars, through a secret CIA operation, to revolutionary militia forces called the mujahideen (soldiers of God). Unfortunately, in 1989 when the Soviet Union pulled out, groups of the mujah ideen entered into a civil war and in 1996 the Taliban emerged as the controlling force. The Taliban is actually made up of young men and boys who were raised in refugee camps and trained in ultraconservative religious schools in Pakistan. The primary support system of the Taliban is from Pakistan, they provide military aid and personnel, Saudi Arabia provides the financial support. In addition, Afghanistan is one of the worlds two largest producers of opium, which in turn makes it a huge drug-processing center. Finally, the biggest potential for financial support comes from the wealth of the petroleum industry. The Taliban claim to follow a pure, fundamental Islamic ideology, except the oppression they place upon women has no foundation in Islam. Within Islam, women can earn, control and spend their own money; they can also participate in public life. Both the Organizations of the Islamic Conference and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt hav...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Birthday Customs and Traditions in Germany

Birthday Customs and Traditions in Germany Many people, both young and old, love celebrating their birthday. In Germany, like in most countries around the world, cake, presents, family, and friends bring in the fun for such a special day. In general, birthday customs in Germany are similar to American birthday celebrations, with a few peculiar exceptions sprinkled here and there throughout German-speaking countries. German Birthday Customs and Traditions(Deutsche Geburtstagsbruche und Traditionen) Never wish a German a happy birthday before their birthday. It is considered bad luck to do so. There are no well-wishes, cards or presents given before a German’s birthday. Period. On the other hand, if you live in certain parts of Austria, it is customary to celebrate your birthday on the eve of. If somebody in Germany invites you out for their birthday, the tab is on them. And don’t try insisting on paying for yourself - it won’t work. If you live in northern Germany and happen to be single going on thirty, a few chores may be expected from you. If you’re female, your friends will want you to clean a few doorknobs for them with a toothbrush! If you’re male, then you’ll most likely be sweeping the stairs of town hall or some other busy public place.There is a way to be freed from such menial tasks, however - by a kiss from someone of the opposite sex. Of course, if you dont want to be so mean to your friend, there are alternatives. For instance, the doorknob chore is sometimes executed by having the birthday girl clean a series of doorknobs attached to a wooden board instead, right at her party and not in public. But you cant let them off so easy; it is also tradition to comically dress the birthday girl and boy as they perform their tasks. Other birthday customs include: 16th Birthday: This birthday child should run for cover as his or her friends will undoubtedly pour flour on top of his or her head. Common in northern Germany.18th Birthday: Cracking eggs over the head of someone turning 18.25th Birthday: Once again, if you are an unmarried man, the whole town will know! A Sockenkranz, a type of garland of socks is strung outside the home and around the birthday boy’s property leading to his party. As he follows the garland of socks, he’ll down an alcoholic drink every few meters. Why socks? In German, you have the expression alte Socke (an old sock), more of a derogatory way of saying confirmed bachelor.† A similar experience awaits unmarried women turning this age. They follow a garland of cigarette cartons instead (or other similar-sized cartons if they are non-smokers). These single women are nicknamed eine alte Schachtel (an old box), similar in meaning to old maid. Geburtstagskranz These are beautifully decorated wooden rings that usually contain ten to twelve holes, one for each year of life as a child. Some families opt to light candles in such Geburtstagskrnze instead of on the cake, though blowing out candles on a birthday cake is frequently observed in Germany as well. A bigger Lebenskerze (life candle) is put in the center of these rings. In religious families, these Lebenskerzen are given at the time of the child’s christening.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cases Summary Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cases Summary - Case Study Example The company is facing the bankruptcy threat as a result of the poor management of the company’s funds as well as running of the other indirect monetary activities. The best strategic analysis tool that I recommend this case is PEST Analysis. This tool entails looking at the factors that may influence the company’s performance, and they include political, economic, social and technological factors (Karadag, 2015). For the case of political factors, the company has to look at the tax policies, labor law, tariffs and political stability among others. For the case of economic factors, the company has to consider the economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate since they impact on how business operate and reach on to their decisions. Social factors entail the cultural dimensions, consisting of population growth rate, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Finally, technological factors involve environmental aspects such as automation, technology incentives and dynamism in technology. The best solution is for the company to study the prevailing taxation policies in the country so that it can identify whether it’s spending a lot in paying the taxes (Karadag, 2015). Another solution is for the company to determine the trade restrictions that are in place and find out if there are some that tend to favor its operations. I recommend that the company, try as much as possible to fix itself in the regional market, if there exist some trade restrictions favoring its activities. Finally, the company should study the prevailing market and come up with implementation, control and evaluation plan to meet the demand of the identified market. The second case is where Pixar, the studio company owned by Walt Disney Company, had failed to obtain a single nomination from the previously given out awards. The company has undergone a lot of setbacks from this case since Pixar had won five trophies from the previous year. For this case too, I

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How have they changed us socially Annotated Bibliography

How have they changed us socially - Annotated Bibliography Example The use of the cell phone enables individuals to manage time properly and more efficiently (Cimino 54). This is done through the use of the phones to arrange and cancel previously arranged meetings. The cell phone also promotes confidentiality on the issues an individual is involved in. For example, the cell phone is currently being used to make monetary transfers between individuals. This is done between individuals living in faraway places without any information being divulged to any third parties. An individual’s safety is also guaranteed when he uses a cell phone to carry out these financial transactions (Matthews 58). Mobile funds have enabled many individuals in planning their activities better. This is because they enable the fast flow of information between communicating parties. This is done without divulging information to individuals outside their conversation. This further enhances the security of the individuals in the communication (Knox and Schacht 179). The us e of the cell phones also enables an individual to be freed from the slavery of having to wait for his turn to use make phone calls. This was the case in the past when individuals had to queue outside public booths each waiting for his turn to communicate. This in turn helps in time saving and creating competence in the communications sector (Forma 73). The use of the cell phones has also enabled individuals to respond quickly to emergencies. This is because this type of communication is fast. Mobile phones assist an individual in exhibiting confidence, individuality and status in his character. This is because some cell phones sell at very high prices and are associated with a certain class of people in society. Cell phones have lastly, but not limited to the above, enabled many individuals to get jobs through the advertisements posted by the phone companies (Wyllie 141). However, the use of the cell phone has brought many other

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Role of God in the Lives of Bradford and the Puritans Essay Example for Free

The Role of God in the Lives of Bradford and the Puritans Essay A critical review of the history of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford will quickly reveal the main idea which the author intends for the readers. The idea is basically centered within the struggles of the puritans as well as their achievements, all of which were deeply propagated in their utmost belief in God as a sole provider. Thus, Bradford narrates these events with the aim of compelling future generations to align their values with those of the puritans. Consequently, the author believes that through his narrations the readers will come to terms with the supreme nature of God when it comes to helping anybody who is helplessly constrained by huge obstacles as long as the victim maintains his or her faith in God. In more expressive terms, the author points at the totality in which the puritans owed their life events to God as he writes. Being thus arrived in a good harbor and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of heaven, who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof, againe to set their feete on the firme and stable earth, their proper element. (30-31) In these words the author portrays the Puritans belief that it was God’s deed that brought about their safe arrival to Cape Harbor after a terrible storm and other stream of obstacles. To their belief, all the constraints they encountered were the will of God and the reason for these occurrences were best known to Him. Thus, God is the sole reason for several occurrences that effect people lives in different ways. The Puritans, as Bradford narrated, were always weary of the belief that not having total faith in God as well not being selfless can lead to God’s wrath and consequent punishment. It is with this regard that lead to the Puritans belief that God’s goodwill in sparing their lives was as a result of there selfless service to the ill while in the boat. Hence, those who cared for the ill were protected by God and their lives were spared. On the other hand, the sailors who played nonchalant attitude and thus did not care for the ill became ill themselves and consequently died of the ailment. These, according to the Puritans were all accountable to God’s will. In conclusion, the role of God in the life of the Puritans was that of total guardians in returns for an unquestionable faith in his will. Thus they were able to overcome many tough challenges on both land and sea. The author himself seems to be inclined to these views as he wrote. Let them therefore praise the Lord, because he is good, and his mercies endure for ever. Yea, let them which have been redeemed of the Lord, show how he hath delivered them from the hand of the oppressor. When they wandered in the deserte [and] willdernes out of the way, and found no citie to dwell in, both hungrie, and thirstie, their soul was overwhelmed in them (31). Cited Works Bradfords History Of Plimoth Plantation. Boston: Secretary of the Commonwealth. 1900

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Intertial Confinement Fusion Essay -- Nuclear

Missing Figures INERTIAL CONFINEMENT FUSION 1. Introduction / Beginnings In the 1940s during the development of nuclear explosives, the inertial confinement approach to fusion was born. Weapons researchers determined that by use of high energy sources, such as the fission reaction, light nuclei could be fused, thus creating intense fusion energy. Scientists in the controlled fusion camp also realized that tight compression of fuel pellets could increase the fusion reaction rate which is proportional to fuel density. (Robert A. Gross, Fusion Energy, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 295) Scientists were, at this stage, trying to discover a mechanism which could compress a light-nucleus fuel. The invention of high power lasers encouraged the inertial-confinement camp. The radiation from the laser heats a fuel pellet, and as the plasma from the pellet rapidly expands, a momentum reaction sends compressive waves inward, converging on the pellet's core. The energy in the core causes the ignition of the pellet. The common desire is to obtain a thermonuclear energy yield that exceeds the energy which is required to heat and compress the solid before the pellet explodes; hence the name inertial confinement. Some of the early research in this subject was done by Nuckolls and Kidder of the Livermore Laboratory, and Bosov and Krokhin of the Kurchatov Institute in the USSR. (Gross, 295) Since these great efforts, the scientific community has considered inertial-confinement fusion to be the top alternate method for controlled thermonuclear fusion. The most probable containment, of course, is magnetic confinement fusion. Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) in Princeton, New Jersey is argueably the premier ma... ...died; however, the heavy-ion accelerators show much promise in its short time of consideration. Laser light coupling and laser efficiencies have been a problem for laser-driven designs. Ion-driven devices have problems of their own, particularly in focusing to the required power density. (Dean, 75) The HYBALL-II project as well as other ICF projects today have easily surpassed the yields of the early ICF reactors (SOLASE). In the big picture, however, one should keep in mind that magnetic-confinement devices show much more promise at this point. Works Cited Dean, Stephen O., (ed.). Prospects for Fusion Power. New York: Pergamon Press, 1981. Gross, Robert A. Fusion Energy. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1984. Velarde, Guillermo, et. al, (ed.). Nuclear Fusion by Inertial Confinement: A Comprehensive Treatise. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1993.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Juvenile Crime and Parenting Education

â€Å"Will Teaching Parents how to Parent decrease Juvenile Crime† What Is the Best Evidence Based Program that can be Implemented and Successful In Reducing Juvenile Crime By Vanessa Figures Capable University Dry. Linda Samuels Table of Contents I. Abstract II. Problem Statement Ill. Introduction ‘V. Conclusion V. Annotated Bibliography A. Juvenile Crimes and statistics B. Support for parental education & Importance of parents In reducing Juvenile crime. C. Opposition to parental importance in reducing juvenile crime D. Theories VI. References Abstract There are 70. Lion juveniles in the united States, of those 1. 7 million juveniles committed crimes in 2010, Many theories and evidence based research exist that support and oppose the importance parents play in a juvenile's life. There are many factors in determining behavior and its causation and no â€Å"one† solution will stop juvenile crime. One common theme is found in research studies on Juvenile crime, and Its prevention, and that Is educating parents on parenting can reduce Juvenile crime. What theories work and Is their concrete evidence wealth research to support the parental interventions?Problem Statement: Juvenile Crime and parenting education: Will teaching parents how to parent decrease Juvenile crime? What parenting method works best In nurturing and providing the needs of the Juvenile, and what evidence based theoretical program exists that can intervene? Introduction In the United States there are 70. 5 million Juveniles under the age of 18, of those in the past year 1. 7 million have been involved with the â€Å"Juvenile Justice System†. In the last one hundred years the Juvenile system has used an offender based approach to along Walt Juvenile crime. Away as our closely NAS change Ana ten clientele understanding of behavior has improved there is a great need to find evidence based answers (Hinting, Sims, Adam & West, 2007). The Justice system has changed over to a n offense based approach that seeks to find solutions, but the offense is the end result of choice and behavior. The Juvenile offender needs to be the focus, many research studies site that lack of parental education is part of the problem, so it goes without saying that part of the solution should be parental education (Hinting, Sims, Adam & West, 2007).There are psychological, physical and biological factors in determining the best prevention method in Juvenile crime. The younger the offender the more likely they will continue in a life of crime. Palermo, (2006), sites parental monitoring, consistency, and ability as factors in determining the risk of Juvenile delinquency. Criminal behavior does not Just start one day, anti-social behavior is nurtured by environmental, biological, sociological, and parenthetical factors.The Juvenile Justice system uses many evidence based methods, one such method is the use of â€Å"Risk Assessment†. Is their validity in the use of risk ass essments in determining the carcinogenic factor and the propensity to re-offend? Does parenting lay a factor in Juvenile offenders and their likelihood of re-offending? Many factors are studied and supported, however there are unreliable statistics within the research field. However; one common theme appears to play a formative foundational role in Juvenile carcinogenic behavior.That is the role of the parent and the lack of consistent, nurturing, structure, and monitoring parenting abilities (Webster, MacDonald, & Simpson, 2006). In a study completed by Monsoon, (2004), findings showed that the need for parental education in character building is not only necessary, but imperative. The study does not stop with the parents, but also shows that Juveniles also need strength based character training. The objective of this training is to strengthen the characters of the parent and Juvenile by teaching hope, kindness, social intelligence, self-control, and perspective.The study purports that strengthening these positive character traits in Juveniles and their parents will not only provide a strong foundation, but also buffer the negative effects of tension, and trauma, thus preventing extenuating disorders that can introduce itself due to the negative actions of others in the Juvenile's life. Character strengths are here defined as a family of positive traits reflected in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors† (Monsoon, 2004). When parents are not educated they are left with parents whose parenting skills are skewed, inconsistent, and/or non-existent.The importance of communication and education between the Juveniles and parents cannot be stressed enough. Further when a Juvenile's behavior causes stress in parents then the outcome is a behavioral circle where the Juvenile acts out, causing the parents behavior toward the Juvenile to become negative and this continues over and over again. These factors all play a role in the carcinogenic factor of Juvenile delinqu ency (Stewart, Simons, Conger, & Carmella, 2004). There are many research studies that put the inability of a parent to parent as a major role in the determination of Juvenile delinquency. Never, Culled, & Agene, (2006) article contends that â€Å"bad parenting† is a carcinogenic factor in causes for delinquent juveniles. Many who have researched this topic have agreed on this fact, but what constitutes a â€Å"Dad parent' Research snows Tanat many Doctors go Into ten explanation; two main theories are focused on in this study; low self-control and preferential association and social learning and their competing accounts of why bad parenting matters. Juveniles will follow the social norms they are around; there is a kind of conforming even when their life at home may be far different from that of their social crowd.Juveniles that have low self-control will ultimately seek out anti- social structures and will either lead or follow those structures. Unfortunately most of the t ime Juveniles are followers that are looking for acceptance and support. When those needs are not received at home Juveniles will look for it elsewhere, The robber with this is many social settings that offer this support are gangs, adult criminals and anti-social peers (Never, Culled, & Agene, 2006). There is empirical evidence to show that there is a strong link between parental mismanagement and Juvenile delinquency.This study believes that parental education is a necessary support system that will reap great rewards not only to families but their communities as well. The Justice system believes that using court sanctions will deter Juveniles from crime and recidivism. However this has an affect not only on the Juvenile, but the parent as well. This study suggests that the Justice yester look to build the Juveniles strengths and their families and this will eventually reduce Juvenile crime in our nation (Never, Culled, & Agene, 2006).Not all research agrees that parents are the f oundational source necessary to decrease juvenile crime. In a study completed by Barry, Brick, & Grandma, (2008) does not support, that parenting is the cause of delinquent behavior. There has been much research into parenting skills, ability, positive, negative etc. , but there have been few research studies completed on understanding the internal and external emotional behavioral functioning of Juveniles extensively enough. In this study, they attempt to show that even if a child grows up under inadequate parents this does not preclude that they will become delinquent.The study sites the need for multiple research studies on psychological and behavioral factors, not Just outside factors (Barry, Brick, & Grandma, 2008). Theory should be testable, coherent, economical, generalized, and be able to explain findings. These characteristics serve as a primary function of theory and that is to generate new ideas and new discoveries. There are a few evidence based theories being implemente d within the Juvenile justice system (Higgins, 2005). Two theories that are being successfully implemented are Dry.William Classer's â€Å"Choice Theory' and Dry. James Alexander â€Å"Functionalist Theory'. These theories have been use for the last 6 years successfully in motivating behavioral changes in parenting and Juvenile behaviors (Adler, 2008). This theory believes that all behavior comes from within, that the choices we make start with our needs at that time. â€Å"Choice Theory' has five needs that are intrinsic and the root cause of the observed behavior. These are to survive, belong and be loved by others, have power and importance, freedom and independence, and to eave fun.These desires within generate behavior and desires. Juveniles that are socially broken and have not been taught self control, limits and social norms are more inclined towards crime. The theory works on the social structure of the Juvenile and their families and facilitates their own ability to see where the problems are and work towards strengthening the weak areas (Burdens, 2010). Brand, Lane, I runner, I-Alan, & Sense , (u/) completed a pilot program to research Intervention Tanat sought to improve parental communication and social peer choice.The study was lull in the end, but there were positive changes within the control group in better communication and spending time with their parents. The Juveniles also felt closer to their parents and had more trust in them overall. The researchers sited that level of program intensity, implementation issues, and other problems inherent in doing this type of research are provided as possible explanations for the lack of differences. In another similar study completed by Prone, Sullivan, Pratt, & Maryanne, (2004) observed more positive outcomes from their study.The site that many studies have en completed, but they fall short in their ability to truly represent a national sample of youth and levels of delinquency. â€Å"The Self Con trol Theory' has been widely accepted, this study sought to show that â€Å"Self Control Theory' in and of itself is not a predictor of Juvenile delinquency. Rather many factors such as parenting ability are just as predictive and supported. Conclusion In order to find and implement strong evidence based program in educating parents on parenting, much research and interviewing has been completed.There are hundreds of articles that substantiate that parenting ability is one of the nutritional factors in predicting Juvenile crime in the United States. There are few articles that challenge the findings of these research studies. One such study stated that there have been few research studies completed on understanding the internal and external emotional behavioral functioning of Juveniles extensively enough. That without such studies it would be wrong to strongly state that parenting is a major factor in Juvenile crime (Barry, Brick, & Grandma, 2008).Dry. James Alexander founded †Å"Functionality Therapy' this therapy works on the premise that when a Juvenile is put into a program for an extended time and take from their implies that change occurs. The problem is that when the Juvenile comes home he/ she comes back into the same environment they left. This causes chaos and confusion within the Juvenile, â€Å"Functionality Therapy' seeks to help the family see their strengths and work on those strengths together with the Juvenile (.This program was started in 1972 and is now used nationwide in the United States and abroad. â€Å"Functional Family Therapy' (FT), has provided significant and long-term reductions in youth re-offending and violent behavior, effectiveness in reducing sibling entry into high-risk behaviors, Low drop-out and high completion rates, and Positive impacts on family conflict, family communication, parenting, and youth problem behavior. â€Å"One of Fat's hallmarks is its ability to fit an array of service delivery settings where at-ri sk adolescents are served.The robustness of the model has resulted in numerous adaptations of the traditional FT model; as a case management practice for Juvenile Probation and Parole Officers (OFF), as a comprehensive Child Welfare intervention (FT OCW), and as part of a continuum of evidence-based programs within Juvenile Justice† (Brand, Turner, Fain, & Shall, 2007). The continuing research into this program and its ability to fit into the immunity will be implemented in the coming weeks in order to ensure that the program will indeed help to reduce Juvenile crime and recidivism in the â€Å"Juvenile Justice system†. O Tar ten research does support TN e Y I Model an successfully within the system. Annotated Bibliography l. Juvenile Crimes and statistics TTY to work Hinting, J. , Sims, P. , Adams, M. , & West, C. (2007). Juvenile Justice a system divided. Retrieved from Capable University library on 1/23/11 from. Http:// www. Supplications. Com A. The â€Å"Juvenile Justice System† is divided in deciding which type philosophy to follow. The offense-based approach compared to the offender-based approach on which the Juvenile Justice system was founded.Where do the family and community fit into this philosophy? Palermo, G. (2006). Editorial: Juvenile crime: A renewed suggestion for prevention. Retrieved from Capable University library on 1/25/11 from. Http://I]o. Seepage. Com/content/ 46/6/627 B. There are psychological, physical and biological factors in determining the best prevention method in Juvenile crime. Atone time the ages between 18-35 were well known as the ages that most crimes are committed. Today the offenders are such younger, the younger the offender the more likely they will continue in a life of crime.Parental monitoring, consistency, and ability are also a factor in determining the risk of Juvenile delinquency. Webster, C. , MacDonald, R. , & Simpson, M. (2006). Predicting criminality? Risk factors, neighborhood influence and distance. Retrieved from Capable University on 01122/11 from. Http://www. Supplications. Com C. What is the validity of risk assessments in determining the carcinogenic factor and re-offending? Does parenting play a factor in Juvenile offenders and their likelihood of re-offending?Many factors are studied and supported, however there are unreliable statistics within the research field and this article shows how this affects the role of parent and Juvenile delinquency. II. Support for parental education & importance of parents in reducing Juvenile crime. Monsoon, P. (2004). Character strengths and positive youth development. Retrieved from Capable University library on 01/21/11 from. Http://www. Supplications. Com A. This article supports both parental and Juvenile education; the goal is to strengthen the characters of both by teaching hope, kindness, social intelligence, self-control, and perspective.The objective purports that strengthening these positive character traits in J uveniles and their parents will not only provide a strong foundation, but also buffer the negative effects of tension, and trauma, thus preventing extenuating Lassoers Tanat can Introduce Itself Owe to ten negative actions of others in the Juvenile's life. â€Å"Character strengths are here defined as a family of positive traits reflected in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors†. Stewart, E. , Simons, R. , Conger, R. , & Carmella, L. (2004). Legal sanctions beyond the international relationship between delinquency and parenting practices.Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. Retrieved from Capable University Library on 01/21/11 from. Http://www. Supplications. Com B. The article shows parents whose parenting skills are skewed, inconsistent, and/ or non-existent produce delinquent Juveniles. The article goes on to state the importance of communication between the Juveniles and parents. When a Juvenile's behavior causes stress in parents then the outcome is a behavioral ci rcle where the juvenile acts out, causing the parents behavior toward the Juvenile to become negative and this continues over and over again. Maneuver. , Culled, F. Agene, R. (2006).Why is â€Å"bad† parenting carcinogenic? Implications from rival theories. Retrieved from Capable University library on 01/20/11 from. Http://yam. Seepage. Com/content/4/113 C. The research for this article contends that â€Å"bad parenting† is a carcinogenic factor in causes for delinquent Juveniles. Many who have researched this topic have agreed on this fact, but what constitutes a â€Å"bad parent†? This research shows that many factors go into the explanation, two main theories are focused on in this article; low self-control and differential association and social learning and their competing accounts of why bad parenting matters.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Arundhati Roy has dedicated her writing career to politics and social causes and is a vehement critic of neo-imperialism and globalization. Her essay, â€Å"How Deep Shall We Dig? † was published in a national Indian newspaper ‘The Hindu’ on 25 April, 2004 against the backdrop of the 14th General Lok Sabha Elections in India. In her essay she attempts to portray the harsh conditions prevalent in the entire India due to unjust laws and an increasingly fascist approach towards governance by the ruling parties and stresses upon the need to bring about a revolutionary change in the country.Roy presents her argument effectively with the use of sarcasm, irony and rhetorical questions complimented by a well supported and organized progression of ideas. However, her occasional arrogant tone and fallacious reasoning make the reader question the credibility of her case. Roy links the violent situation of Kashmir to the entire Indian state by highlighting unjust laws, advers e impacts of privatization, violence in various states and insensitivity of the ruling parties.She presents strategies of resistance and civil disobedience as the only way forward to a radical change in the country. Roy’s mastery over sarcasm and irony helps to depict the true picture of India’s stability and politics in the current era. Her use of sarcasm at various instances in the essay plays a pivotal role in helping the reader to identify the reality juxtaposed against the false picture of India presented by the government.For example, â€Å"Of course there is a difference between an overtly communal party with fascist leanings and an opportunistically communal party† (5) captivates the reader’s interest and helps to emphasize her point that there is no difference between the mandates of the two current ruling parties of India and neither will be successful in bringing a change to the country. Similarly in the line, â€Å"There'll be no more crimina ls then. Only terrorists. It's kind of neat. (2), the writer effectively conveys her disapproval of the POTA (Prevention of Terrorism Act) through sarcasm and enlightens the reader with the devastating consequences that could take place by the integration of this Act into criminal law. Along with sarcasm, the author makes effective use of irony and refers to the oppressed as â€Å"gangsters† (1) and their killing by the police as â€Å"eliminated on orders† (1) in order to illuminate the reader about the reality of violence and ruthless killings taking place across the country.The use of words in quotation marks such as â€Å"free press† (3) and â€Å"Creating a Good Investment Climate† (3) highlight the various instances of irony used by Roy to criticize the misleading image presented by the ruling parties of democracy and privatization in the country. Efficient use of sarcasm and irony throughout the essay allow the reader to critically analyze the imag e of the ‘Shinning India’ presented in the international community and agree to the author’s point of view in this context.Along with irony, the strategic placement of rhetorical questions through the course of the essay plays an essential role in the effective communication of the writer’s ideas and arguments. The topic ‘How deep shall we dig? ’ itself is a manifestation of a rhetorical question put forward by the writer to make the reader reflect upon the stance taken by many Hindus over the Muslim invasion of the subcontinent, more than a millennium ago. With this single question the writer conveys the importance of the Muslim community to India and makes the reader analyze the oppressions faced by them in states like Kashmir and Gujarat.The clever placement of questions such as â€Å"So how can ordinary people counter the assault of an increasingly violent state? † (5) make the reader stop and reflect upon the arguments presented by the writer and unconsciously agree to them. Similarly the use of repetitive questions and epiphora during the discussion of fascism in the essay lay emphasis on an important point of the argument and convince the reader to agree to the author’s claim. On a similar note, Roy has strengthened her argument with ingenious organization of ideas and effective support of facts and statistics from credible sources.She first establishes the problems faced by the country and then cleverly connects them to the policies of the current ruling parties and fascism. With this link and the repetition of the problems in the middle of the essay she creates an image of a violent state requiring urgent action. After setting up the stage, she proposes her solutions and effectively convinces the reader that civil disobedience in the current election scenario is the only possible way out of the volatile situation of the country. Her logical flow of ideas is complimented by statistics and allusion t o credible sources.Reference to facts such as â€Å"According to the records of the Association of Parents of Disappeared People (APDP) in Kashmir more than 3,000 people have been killed in 2003† (1) and â€Å"Utsa Patnaik, the well known agricultural economist. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. calculates that in the period between the early 1990s and 2001, food grain absorption has dropped to levels lower than during the World War-II years† (2) validate the claims made by the author and play a pivotal role in bringing the reader in agreement to the writer’s point of view.Hence, the smooth flow of ideas and strong support make the paragraphs coherent and the essay powerful. Despite presenting a well structured case, the arrogant tone used by the writer while referring to the middle class in the essay depicts bias in her argument. In paragraph 11, she mentions the middle class as the only sect of the country that accept India as a legitimate democracy despite the widespread viole nce in the country while at the end of the essay she arrogantly refers to them by saying â€Å"Not because of that middle-class squeamishness — `politics is dirty'† (6).With a sweeping generalization and a supercilious remark about a group that forms more than fifty percent of the essay’s audience, Roy has considerably damaged the credibility of her argument. Moreover, at the end of the essay she addresses to the Indian people and calls for a change in the system by massive non co-operation but by offending a class that represents thirty percent of the Indian population (Lanzeni, â€Å"The Middle Class in India†), Mrs. Roy might not be very successful in achieving her aim.Along with an arrogant tone, the presence of fallacious reasoning at certain instances in the essay deteriorates the strength of the argument. While discussing the privatization of state institutions and referring to the power these private companies hold, the author goes too far by sayi ng â€Å"in India a few of these CEOs are more powerful than the Prime Minister† (3) and thereby commits a logical fallacy called the ‘slippery slope’. It is true that the heads of private companies running state assets hold a lot of power but it is illogical to conclude that they possess more authority than the head of the state- the Prime Minister.Similarly, the writer while emphasizing on the need of enhancement of human rights in the country, illogically concludes that India’s recent abstinence from voting for a human rights resolution in the U. N. will lead to an assault of human rights in the country. The author fails to explore other possibilities that could have led to India’s abstinence and makes a hasty conclusion which compels the reader to question the reasoning of the author and weakens the overall strength and impact of the argument.Concrete examples of violation of human rights by the government at this point in the essay would have c onsolidated the argument and made the claim of the writer more viable. Despite its shortcomings, Roy’s article highlights important issues like privatization and lack of intelligence sharing with the public which are pertinent to developing countries. Privatization of national institutions is a problem prevalent even in Pakistan and has been openly criticized.The recent privatization of KESC (Karachi Electricity Supply Corporation), Pakistan Telecommunications (PTCL) and Railways in the country has sparked extensive debate since the efficiency of these institutions has depreciated tremendously and the government has lost control over crucial state machineries. This can be exemplified by the long power breakdowns faced by Karachi at the hands of the privatized KESC which is not accountable for its inefficiency to anyone in the country.The fact that the economic capital of Pakistan can be held hostage by a private electricity company supports the argument laid down by Roy that privatization leads to the deterioration of a state. Along with privatization, lack of intelligence sharing over matters affecting the public is another common aspect between Pakistan and India mentioned in Roy’s article. The details of the attack on Mehran Base in May, 2011 and the abduction of Osama bin Laden from Abbottabad are sensitive issues about which the common man knows nothing beyond the immediate videos shown on television.These incidents had a huge impact on the image of Pakistan across the globe and affected the lives of its citizens but Pakistani’s were not given any explanation regarding the events by the government or the army. As Roy states, the common man was forced to believe that lack of information sharing is â€Å"a poisonous brew which is stirred and simmered and put to the most ugly, destructive, political purpose. †(1) Therefore, the two major issues of privatization and hiding information from the public highlighted in Roy’s ess ay not only exist in India but also have strong roots in other developing countries like Pakistan.The author mentions the adverse effects of growing influence of nationalist groups like â€Å"Sangh Parivar† (6) and the extremist teachings given in their schools called â€Å"shakhas† (6) in Northern India. The situation in Pakistan is surprisingly similar where the Taliban extremist group represents the ‘Sangh Parivar’ of India and their ‘madrassas’ provide a reflection of the ‘shakhas’ mentioned by Roy. The lack of proper governance in the northern areas of Pakistan has led to a growing influence of the Taliban in the region and an unmonitored expansion of their schools called ‘madrassas. These schools instill extremism into our young generation and serve to fulfill the â€Å"deadly purpose† (6) of spreading terrorism in our country. As Roy pointed out in her argument, the government’s failure in fulfilling its responsibilities has led Pakistan into a volatile situation where like India it is battling out extremist groups and nationalist movements generated from within the country. Roy talks about the oppression of the current government in India (which is similar to the policies of the Pakistani government) throughout the essay and cleverly compares it with the British rule to arouse emotion and patriotism in the reader.The writer’s analogy of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act with Lord Linthigow’s 1942 Ordinance has a strong impact on the argument while her reference to â€Å"Dandi March† (7) and â€Å"civil disobedience† (7) (a common term for protests during the British rule) generates nationalism in the emotional readers of the subcontinent. Like the Special Powers Act, Section 144, a law in the Pakistani constitution from the colonial era (Warraich, â€Å"In Pakistan, Zardari's Crackdown Betrays Weakness†) has been repeatedly used by the current government to repress protests such as the lawyers ‘long march’, a strategy used by the British during their rule.Similarly, recent attempts of the Pakistani government to disseminate peacefully protesting crowds by teargas and stone attack provide reflections of the tyranny faced by the people of the colonial era. The ingenious link established by Roy between the current oppression faced by the people of subcontinent and the British autocracy makes us realize that there is a dire need to bring about a change in the current system, launch another ‘Dandi March’ and indulge into yet another ‘civil disobedience’.Roy successfully evokes emotion with this analogy and makes the reader agree to her argument that the limit to repression has arrived, â€Å"Enough is Enough. Ya Basta! † (5) On the whole, Roy’s effective use of literary devices, rhetorical questions and an ingeniously structured argument captivates the reader’s intere st and despite its shortcomings in terms of reasoning, it eventually persuades the audience to give in to the view presented by the writer.Articles of this genre in the past have influenced Indian history and it is their growing popularity and recent impact on politics that has led to an immense support by the common people to revolutionary movements like the anti-corruption campaign by Anna Hazare. Therefore, Arundhati Roy’s â€Å"How Deep Shall We Dig? † not only serves as a critique on the current political system of India but has far reaching consequences in terms of awakening a nation from ignorance and directing it to a path of revolution.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Love and Forgiveness essays

Love and Forgiveness essays Loving others, while difficult, is not always a thankless task; love creates compassion, whereas compassion generates love. In Les Miserables, Hugo affirms that love and compassion are the most essential gifts one individual can give another and that always displaying these characteristics ought to be the most momentous goal in life. You could almost say that love and compassion are virtually contagious, passed on from one character to another in this novel. Jean Val Jeans transformation from a hate-filled and hard-edged criminal into a well-respected humanitarian reassures readers of Hugo's emphasis on love. For it is only by learning to love others that Val Jean is able to improve himself. Readers cannot help but feel a sense of annoyance in realizing from the very start that the crime of Val Jean was so menial. He did nothing truly worthy of censure under any reasonable law, but the mistreatment he undergoes in prison causes him to feel an overwhelming sense of bitterness, which then makes him capable of doing the exact things he has been accused for. This is intended to receive a great deal of forgiveness from society towards this ex-con. While Val Jean's efforts on behalf of others unavoidably cause him troubles, they also give him a sense of contentment and fulfillment that he has never before felt. Val Jean's love for others, in particular for his daughter Cosette, is what keeps him going and what rescues him in times of nee d. Another strong influence on Val Jeans love for humanity is that of the Bishop. In giving Val Jean the silver, Myriel has purchased his soul for God, though Val Jean does not realize what is happening to him. It is obvious that he is basically a good person to start with, and that once the years of torment surpass him, the saintly man will emerge. Throughout this novel readers will find the religious value that Hugo is trying to come across. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of Vehicles in Metaphors

Definition and Examples of Vehicles in Metaphors In a metaphor, the vehicle is the figure of speech  itselfthat is, the immediate image that embodies or carries the tenor (the subject of the metaphor). The interaction of vehicle and tenor results in the meaning of the  metaphor. For example, if you call a person  who spoils other peoples fun a wet blanket, wet blanket is the vehicle and the spoilsport is the tenor. The terms  vehicle  and  tenor  were introduced by British rhetorician  Ivor Armstrong  Richards in  The Philosophy of Rhetoric  (1936). Richards emphasized the tension that often exists between vehicle and tenor.   In the article Metaphor Shifting in the Dynamics of Talk, Lynne Cameron observes that the multiple possibilities evoked by a vehicle are both derived from and constrained by speakers experience of the world, their socios and Observations below. Also see: Dead MetaphorThe 100 Most Important Words in EnglishNew RhetoricSource DomainTenor13 Ways of Looking at a MetaphorWhat Is a Metaphor? Examples and Observations Tenor and VehicleBecause he was dissatisfied with the traditional grammatical and rhetorical account of metaphor, which he believed emphasized its merely decorative and embellishing powers, I. A. Richards in 1936 reintroduced this pair of terms . . . with the notion of a borrowing between and intercourse of thoughts. Since any metaphor at its simplest  gives two parts, the thing meant and the thing said, Richards used tenor to refer to the thing meant- purport, underlying meaning, or main subject of the metaphor- and  vehicle to mean the thing said- that which serves to carry or embody the tenor as the analogy brought to the subject. . . .The vehicle, [Richards said], is not normally mere embellishment of  a tenor  which is otherwise unchanged by it but . . . vehicle and tenor in cooperation give a meaning of more varied powers than can be ascribed to either.(Norman Friedman in  The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th ed., ed. by Roland Greene,  Stephen Cush man et al.  Princeton University Press, 2012) Time Bombs as Vehicles- Unambiguous vehicle terms are those that people agree about: there is consensus about what properties they represent. One example of an unambiguous vehicle is time bomb. People agree that time bomb epitomizes something that can cause considerable damage at some unpredictable time in the future.(Sam Glucksberg,  Understanding Figurative Language: From Metaphor to Idioms. Oxford University Press, 2001)- Some three decades after China launched its highly controversial policy restricting families to having one child, the  government  may soon allow a two-child policy to curb a demographic time bomb. . . .The law is believed to have resulted in millions of forced abortions, and has left China with the combination of a rapidly ageing population, a shallow labour pool and an imbalance in the sex ratio. The result is a demographic time bomb.(Kashmira Gander, China May Scrap One-Child Policy to Curb Demographic Time Bomb. The Independent [UK], July 23, 2015)- Wed ged in the narrow space behind us was the umbrella stroller that held Teddy, slumped over in exhausted, jet-lagged sleep. We’d carried him up the stairs like a drunken rajah.We were all ravenous from our morning walk through the greenery of Yoyogi Koen, but I was acutely aware that the ticking time-bomb of the slumbering 1-year-old could interrupt our meal at any moment.(Bonnie Tsui, Traveling to Tokyo With Three Generations. The New York Times, December 3, 2015) Tenor and Vehicle in A Blackbird SingingBy tenor, [I.A. Richards] meant the purport or general drift of thought regarding the subject of a metaphor; by vehicle the image which embodies the tenor. In these lines from R.S. Thomass A Blackbird Singing, the tenor is the birds song, its tune; the vehicle is the fine smelting image in the fifth and sixth lines:It seems wrong that out of this bird,Black, bold, a suggestion of darkPlaces about it, there yet should comeSuch rich music, as though the notesOre were changed to a rare metalAt one touch of that bright bill.(Tenor and Vehicle, J.A. Cuddon, A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. Basil Blackwell, 1991)Tenor and Vehicle in William Staffords RecoilIn William Staffords poem Recoil, the first stanza is the vehicle and the second stanza is the tenor:The bow bent remembers home long,the years of its tree, the whineof wind all night conditioningit, and its answer Twang!To the people here who would fret me downtheir way and make me bend:By remembering hard I could startle for homeand be myself again. I.A. Richard and Vehicle and TenorA modern theory would object, first, that in many of the most important uses of metaphor, the co-presence of the vehicle and the tenor results in a meaning (to be clearly distinguished from the tenor) which is not attainable without their interaction. That the vehicle is not normally a mere embellishment of a tenor which is otherwise unchanged by it but that vehicle and tenor in co-operation give a meaning of more varied powers that can be ascribed to either. And a modern theory would go on to point out that with different metaphors the relative importance of the contributions of vehicle and tenor to this resultant meaning varies immensely. At one extreme the vehicle may become almost a mere decoration or coloring of the tenor, at the other extreme, the tenor may become almost a mere excuse for the introduction of the vehicle, and so no longer be the principal subject. And the degree to which the tenor is imagined to be that very thing which it only resembles also varies immensely.(I.A. Richards, The Philosophy of Rhetoric. Oxford University Press, 1936) Criticism of Richards Theory- As Manuel Bilsky points out, if someone says his mind is a river, mind is the tenor and river the vehicle; but in I walked into the river, what is the tenor and what is the vehicle? This criticism does not vitiate Richards theory; it does indicate the kinds of problems that remained to be clarified.(J. P. Russo, I.A. Richards: His Life and Work. Taylor, 1989)- In her brief assessment of [I.A.] Richards approach, [Christine] Brooke-Rose also notes that the very terms tenor and vehicle destroy the interaction Richards seeks to stress.(Brian Caraher, Intimate Conflict. SUNY Press, 1992) Pronunciation: VEE-i-kul

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Student press freedom Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Student press freedom - Assignment Example The freedom of the press is quite vast, such that a few politicians have referred to the public press as the fourth estate, essentially conferring on it the same degree of importance and significance as the other three branches of the government. It can conduct its own inquiries in search of truth, in the name of public interest, like investigative journalism in which certain anomalies involving public funds can be uncovered, as an example. Freedom of the press carries with it vast powers but imposes the strict standards of ethics and principles adopted by the members of the press who consider their job as a profession. As such, the press refers originally to previous regimes in which news and information are obtained from newspapers, but in todays digital world, press also refers to all types of media available, like print, radio, television, and Internet (e-mails, blogs, and social networking sites) where information can spread very quickly indeed on a worldwide basis. The right to exercise this freedom is synonymous with all the responsibilities to exercise it in a responsible manner, to prevent abuses, promote welfare, and maintain journalistic independence. This paper discusses some of the issues involving the laws on media, and in particular, the specific sub-topic of freedom of the student press. In this regard, students who work in their own student or school publications learn firsthand the basics of what responsible journalism is all about, gaining valuable experience in the exercise of this important basic constitutional right.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Robert Henri Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Robert Henri - Essay Example During summers, he could paint in Barbizon and Brittany, and visited Italy before gaining admission to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in the year1891. Late that year, he went back to Philadelphia and in the year 1892, he went on with his studies in the academy. Moreover, he started his lengthy and great career as a teacher of art at the School of Design for Women and he taught here until the year 1895. While here, he came across the youthful newspaper illustrators who would later become famous affiliates of ‘The Eight’: Everett Shinn William Glackens, John Sloan and George Luks. Henri regularly visited Paris where Frans Hals, Diego Velazquez and Edouard Manet were his greatest source of inspiration. In the year 1899, one of his paintings was bought for the Musee National du Luxembourg. This was one year after having married Linda Craige (Margaret and Horowitz Raymond, para1). According to Adams, Henri’s painting portraits were often of different ethnic types such as Chi nese, Native American, African-American, and Irish. He also painted many pictures of dancers and when describing the principles of vital art, he often pointed to Isadora Duncan. In the year 1900, Henri decided to settle in New York and he got a teaching job at the New York School of Art where he worked from 1902-1908. Slowly, he started rejecting the academic painting as well as impressionism’s discreet traditions, turning his focus on urban realist themes produced in a bold, painterly style. In the year 1906, Henri was nominated to the National Academy of Design, and during that summer, he tutored in Spain. Following the academy’s refusal to exhibit works by Henri's circle during its annual show in 1907; he decided to arrange an independent show and in February 1908, he held the famous exhibition of ‘The Eight’ at the Macbeth Gallery. In the same year, he married Marjorie Organ the illustrator, as his second wife. In the year1910, he prepared the first â €˜Exhibition of Independent Artists’ and in 1913 played a peripheral role in the organization of the Armory Show by the Association of American Sculptors and Painters. Between the year 1911 and 1919, Henri also organized jury-free exhibitions at the MacDowell Club. Despite the fact that he kept on winning many awards, the influence that Henri had as a progressive creative leader started diminishing following the rise of American and European modernism and he came to be recognized only as part of the artistic enterprise. Nevertheless, his work during his visits to Southwest presented some of the most inventive and innovative of his career. The beginning of one of Henri’s most innovative eras began in the summer of 1914 when he took a trip to La Jolla, California (Margaret & Horowitz, para2, and Leeds, para9). Margaret & Horowitz explain that he lectured at the Art Students League from the year 1915 to 1927. Although personal expression underlines all the creative end eavors of Robert Henri, his portraiture, the painting mode for which he is infamous, explicitly manifest it. Henri’s work went by Thomas Eakins’ realist tradition, an artist for whom he had the utmost admiration. He believed that Eakins was America’s greatest painter of portrait. Henri’s paintings were principally single-figure masterpieces that directly confront the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Coaching Philosophy of Dr. Jack Ramsay Assignment

The Coaching Philosophy of Dr. Jack Ramsay - Assignment Example He was able to produce good results in his first major role as a coach, as he led the 76ers to three playoff appearances in four years, before moving on to do the same for the another NBA team, Buffalo Braves. (Dave, 2013). During these coaching stints, he fine tuned his coaching skills and the related philosophy, and it was optimally exhibited during his coaching of Portland Trail Blazers. When Ramsay landed on his job in Portland, Blazers had a very poor record, as they missed making to the playoffs and also could not came up with any positive winning streak in their short six year history. However, Ramsay with his optimal coaching methods plus philosophy, and by strongly imbibing those methods among a group of young and fresh individuals, made the Blazers a potent team in the 1977 season and led them to their maiden as well as their only NBA title till date. â€Å"Ramsay conducted a stunning symphony of basketball that even now testifies to the way the game should be played.† (Dave, 2013). Although, Ramsay was blessed with strong knowledge about the game of basketball, what made him successful was, he combined that skill with his good player or man-management skills. Cultivate a work ethic One of the basic approaches he followed as part of his coaching philosophy was cultivating a strong work ethic among the players, particularly regarding fitness. Being a supremely fit person himself, who participated in grueling triathlon races, Ramsay was considered one of the early coaches to stress the importance of physical fitness. He viewed general exercises like running, swimming and weight training, as a means to elevating the physical fitness of the basketball players, and thereby making them more agile, speedier and at the same time endowed with good stamina. In the book, Dr. Jack's Leadership Lessons Learned From a Lifetime in Basketball, Ramsay had this to say about fitness regime including weight training, â€Å"They not only focus on gaining strength, but also have techniques for improving agility, speed, quickness, and stamina. There is an accepted theory that strength plus quickness equals power, and power translates into improved performance in every sport.† (Ramsay, 2004, pg.105). Thus, he was of the opinion that peak fitness will result in peak performance from the players. Due to this opinion, he pushed the players to follow a strict fitness regime as part of a strong work ethic. â€Å"He put his team through conditioning drills and took them seriously.† (Dave, 2013). This cultivation of fitness centric work ethic reflected in the game plans formulated by Ramsay, and also positively in the performance of the players. Optimal fitness and the resultant agility as well as the speed of the players facilitated Ramsay to use fast break as the first option. â€Å"He didn't want his bigs to hold rebounds or slow the game. Grab it, turn, fire the outlet, and get down the court. If the guards couldn't get a layup the c enter could fill the lane on the secondary break.† (Dave, 2013). Thus, it is clear how his strong work ethic in relation to fitness provided good benefits to his teams. Good communication Another key approach he adopted as part of his coaching philosophy is building or having good communication with the players. He developed his communication skills throughout his career by maximally interacting with his players, understanding them and even by learning from his mistakes in