Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How have they changed us socially Annotated Bibliography

How have they changed us socially - Annotated Bibliography Example The use of the cell phone enables individuals to manage time properly and more efficiently (Cimino 54). This is done through the use of the phones to arrange and cancel previously arranged meetings. The cell phone also promotes confidentiality on the issues an individual is involved in. For example, the cell phone is currently being used to make monetary transfers between individuals. This is done between individuals living in faraway places without any information being divulged to any third parties. An individual’s safety is also guaranteed when he uses a cell phone to carry out these financial transactions (Matthews 58). Mobile funds have enabled many individuals in planning their activities better. This is because they enable the fast flow of information between communicating parties. This is done without divulging information to individuals outside their conversation. This further enhances the security of the individuals in the communication (Knox and Schacht 179). The us e of the cell phones also enables an individual to be freed from the slavery of having to wait for his turn to use make phone calls. This was the case in the past when individuals had to queue outside public booths each waiting for his turn to communicate. This in turn helps in time saving and creating competence in the communications sector (Forma 73). The use of the cell phones has also enabled individuals to respond quickly to emergencies. This is because this type of communication is fast. Mobile phones assist an individual in exhibiting confidence, individuality and status in his character. This is because some cell phones sell at very high prices and are associated with a certain class of people in society. Cell phones have lastly, but not limited to the above, enabled many individuals to get jobs through the advertisements posted by the phone companies (Wyllie 141). However, the use of the cell phone has brought many other

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