Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lim Goh Tong Essay

Successful business are ofter managed by what type of leaders? Successful business are ofter managed by leaders who know how to mobilize their human resources (HR) to produce better products and service compared to their competitors. b) How can a change of mindset can be the pre-requisite step for building and existing entrepreneurs to stay in the business? A change of mindset can be the pre-requisite step for building and existing entrepreneurs to stay in the business because it having a positive mindset and to step up efforts to deal with constant changes and challenges in a highly competities market place. c) What are the key factors to be considered in the exercise? The key factors to be considered in the exercise are entrepreneur must be smart and resilient in mobilizing all its resources, including HR to move towards common goals and to deal with challenges that affect the business. It requires the creation the creation of a more robust and knowledge business culture with people that deeply understand the business environment. d) What are the key factors to be considered in the exercise? The key factors to be considered in the exercise are considering knowledge as a factor that can make a distint difference and identifying emerging key and new method of conducting business and making it more competitive. e) What the factors to achieve entrepreneurial success to sharpen a company’s competitive adge? The factors to achieve entrepreneurial success to sharpen a company’s competitive adge depends on the ability to attract, retain and develop competent people continuously. f) Why is having leadership ability is important? Having leadership ability is important because it stand in good stead for the entrepreneur to help worker in problem-solving as well as to provide guidance on the right work ethics and maximize the employee’ performance. g) How to be a successful entrepreneur? To be a successful entrepreneur , one should have the ability to plan, arrange and control the business in every aspect. . Based on your understanding, give one example of successful entrepreneur in Malaysia. That constributes a lot in Malaysia economy. Give the strength of his (her) product/service. Lim Goh Tong is classic story of a rag-to-riches story. He migrated from China mainland in his youth. And as fate would have it, the two later became friends when he was on his way to build Genting. From the day he was born until his death, Lim Goh Tong did not speak English, he only communicated in Chinese and Malay language. But his language barrier did not prevent him from negotiating one of the largest contracts around. Financial. His strength could be seen from his early age involved in petty trade. He always keeps some of his revenue for future used and increases his capital. 2. Intellectual . Lim Goh Tong always did a survey and made a feasibility study whether to project to be taken really produce profit or loss. He will not close the deals unless money back guaranteed. 3. Location . Choice of location is gave him ahead of others. Genting Resort was built to encourage local people to enjoy breezy environment near Kuala Lumpur. 4. Diversification on Product Offered. Genting Group has diversified from its initial hotel and resort activities to plantations, properties, paper manufacturing, power generation, oil and gas, electronic commerce and information technology development under Genting Group. 5. Government Rule and Regulation. Genting was extremely advantage after government announced in October 2002 to restrict development of highlands. It will create no competition for Genting Group on their resort business. 6. Product Diversification . Lim Goh Tong knows to play his card. He is not dependent on his Casino business. He has Conglomerate Company dealing in Star Cruise, Property Development, Education, Construction, Oil and Gas, Investment, Plantation, Independent Power Industry and Hospitality. He has well diversified revenue and will not worry on economic trend if collapse in certain industry. 6. Favorable access to distribution net works. Lim Goh Tong relationship with all the Prime Minister of Malaysia make his job easy. He received a pioneer status from Tun Abdul Razak on his Genting business. In 1976 the status was extended another year by Tun Hussin Onn through Tan Sri Mohd Noah who is in-law to Razak and Hussin Onn. 7. Market Trend. Lim Goh Tong always follow the trend from his early involvement in construction industry. After WW2 he bought all unused heavy machinery and reconditioned it before it was sold to tin miner and rubber Estate Company for their rehabilitation work.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Emperor’s Role in Meiji Japan

Japan is a society whose culture is steeped in the traditions and symbols of the past: Mt. Fuji, the tea ceremony, and the sacred objects of nature revered in Shintoism. Two of the most important traditions and symbols in Japan; the Emperor and Confucianism have endured through Shogunates, restorations of imperial rule, and up to present day. The leaders of the Meiji Restoration used these traditions to gain control over Japan and further their goals of modernization. The Meiji leaders used the symbolism of the Emperor to add legitimacy to their government, by claiming that they were ruling under the â€Å"Imperial Will. They also used Confucianism to maintain order and force the Japanese people to passively accept their rule. Japanese rulers historically have used the symbolism of the Imperial Institution to justify their rule. The symbolism of the Japanese Emperor is very powerful and is wrapped up in a mix of religion (Shintoism) and myths. According to Shintoism the current Emperor is the direct descendent of the Sun Goddess who formed the islands of Japan out of the Ocean in ancient times. Footnote1 According to these myths the Japanese Emperor unlike a King is a living descendent of the Gods and even today he is thought of as the High Priest of Shinto. Despite the powerful myths surrounding Japan's imperial institution the Emperor has enjoyed only figure head status from 1176 on. At some points during this time the Emperor was reduced to selling calligraphy on the streets of Kyoto to support the imperial household, but usually the Emperor received money based on the kindness of the Shogunate. Footnote2 But despite this obvious power imbalance even the Tokugawa Shogun was at least symbolically below the Emperor in status and he claimed to rule so he could carry out the Within this historical context the Meiji leaders realized hat they needed to harness the concept of the Imperial Will in order to govern effectively. In the years leading up to 1868 members of the Satsuma and Choshu clans were part of the imperialist opposition. This opposition claimed that the only way that Japan could survive the encroachment of the foreigners was to rally around the Emperor. Footnote4 The Imperialists, claimed that the Tokugawa Shogunate had lost its imperial mandate to carry out the Imperial Will because it had capitulated to Western powers by allowing them to open up Japan to trade. During this time the ideas of the imperialists ained increasing support among Japanese citizens and intellectuals who taught at newly established schools and wrote revisionist history books that claimed that historically the Emperor had been the ruler of Japan. Footnote5 The fact that the Tokugawa's policy of opening up Japan to the western world ran counter to the beliefs of the Emperor and was unpopular with the public made the Tokugawa vulnerable to attack from the imperialists. The imperialists pressed their attack both militarily and from within the Court of Kyoto. The great military regime of Edo which until recently had been all owerful was floundering not because of military weakness, or because the machinery of government had broken but instead because the Japanese public and the Shoguns supporters felt they had lost the The end of the Tokugawa regime shows the power of the symbolism and myths surrounding the imperial institution. The head of the Tokugawa clan died in 1867 and was replaced by the son of a lord who was a champion of Japanese historical studies and who agreed with the imperialists claims about restoring the Emperor. Footnote7 So in 1868 the new shogun handed over all his power to the Emperor in Kyoto. Shortly after handing over power to the Emperor, the Emperor Komeo died and was replaced by his son who became the Meiji Emperor. Footnote8 Because the Meiji Emperor was only 15 all the power of the new restored Emperor fell not in his hands but instead in the hands of his close advisors. These advisers such as Prince Saionji, Prince Konroe, and members of the Satsuma and Choshu clans who had been members of the imperialist movement eventually wound up involving into the Meiji Bureaucracy and Genro of the Meiji Era. Footnote9 Once in control of the government the Meiji Leaders and advisors to the Emperor reversed their policy of hostility to Foreigners. Footnote10 They did this because after Emperor Komeo (who was strongly opposed to contact with the west) died in 1867 the Meiji Emperor's advisors were no longer bound by his Imperial Will. Being anti-western also no longer served the purposes of the Meiji advisors. Originally it was a tool of the imperialist movement that was used to show that the Shogun was not acting out the Imperial Will. Now that the Shogun and Komeo Emperor were dead there was no longer a reason to The choice of the imperial thrown by the imperialists as a point for Japan to rally around could not have been more wise. Although the imperial institution had no real power it had universal appeal to the Japanese public. It was both a mythic and religious idea in their minds. Footnote11 It provided the Japanese in this time of chaos after coming in contact with foreigners a belief in stability (according to Japanese myth the imperial line is a unbroken lineage handed down since time immortal), and it provided a belief in the natural superiority of Japanese culture. Footnote12 The symbolism of the Emperor helped ensure the success of the restorationists because it undercut the legitimacy of the Shogunate's rule, and it trengthened the Meiji rulers who claimed to act for the Emperor. What is a great paradox about the Imperialist's claims to restore the power of the Emperor is that the Meiji rulers did not restore the Emperor to power except symbolically because he was both too young and his advisors to power hungry. Footnote13 By 1869 the relationship between the Emperor and his Meiji bureaucracy and the Emperor and the Tokugawa Shogun before the restoration were very similar. Both the Meiji Bureaucrats and the Shogun ruled under the authority of the Emperor but did not let the Emperor make any decisions. In Japan the Emperor reigned but did not rule. This was useful for the new Meiji bureaucrats, it kept the Emperor a mythic The traditions and symbols of Confucianism and the Imperial Institution were already deeply ingrained in the psyche of the Japanese but the new Meiji rulers through both an education system, and the structure of the Japanese government were able to effectively inculcate these traditions into a new generation of Japanese. The education system the Meiji Oligarchy founded transformed itself into a system that indoctrinated students in the ideas of Confucianism and reverence for the Emperor. Footnote15 After the death of Okubo in 1878; Ito, Okuma, and Iwakura emerged as the three most powerful figures among the young bureaucrats that were running the government in the name of the Meiji Emperor. Iwakura one of the only figures in the ancient nobility to gain prominence among the Meiji oligarchy allied with Ito who feared Okuma's progressive ideas would destroy Japan's culture. Footnote16 Iwakura it is thought was able manipulate the young Emperor to grow concerned about the need to strengthen traditional morals. Thus in 1882 the Emperor issued the Yogaku Koyo, the forerunner of the Imperial Rescript on Education. Footnote17 This document put the emphasis of the Japanese education system on a moral education from 1882 onward. Previous to 1880 the Japanese education system was modeled on that of the French education system. After 1880 the Japanese briefly modeled their education system on the American system. Footnote18 However, starting with the Yogaku Koyo in 1882 and ending with the 1885 reorganization of the department of Education along Prussian lines the American model was abolished. The new education minister Mori Arinori after returning from Europe in 1885 with Ito was convinced that the Japanese education system had to have a spiritual oundation to it. Footnote19 In Prussia Arinori saw that foundation to be Christianity and he decreed that in Japan the Education system was to be based on reverence for the Imperial Institution. A picture of the Emperor was placed in every classroom, children read about the myths surrounding the Emperor in school, and they learned that the Emperor was the head of the giant family of Japan. Footnote20 By the time the Imperial Rescript on Education was decreed by the Emperor in 1889 the Japanese education system had already begun to transform itself into a system that did not teach how to think but instead what o think. The Imperial Rescript on Education in 1889 was according to Japanese scholars such as Hugh Borton , â€Å"the nerve axis of the new order. â€Å"Footnote21 Burton believes that the Imperial Rescript on Education signaled the rise of nationalistic elements in Japan. The Imperial Rescript on Education was the culmination of this whole movement to the right. The Rescript emphasized loyalty and filial piety, respect for the constitution and readiness to serve the government. It also exalted the Emperor as the coeval between heaven The Constitution of 1889 like the changes in the education ystem helped strengthen reverence for the Imperial Institution. The 1889 constitution was really the second document of its kind passed in Japan the first being the Imperial Oath of 1868 in which the Emperor laid out the structure and who was to head the new Meiji government. Footnote23 This Imperial Oath was refereed to as a constitution at the time but it only very vaguely laid out the structure of government. The constitution promulgated by the Emperor in 1889 did much more then lay out the structure of Japanese government it also affirmed that the Emperor was the supreme sovereign over Japan. Footnote24 The signing ceremony itself was an auspicious event on the way to it Mori Arinori one of the moderate leaders of the Meiji government was attacked and killed by a crazed rightist. Footnote25 The ceremony itself evoked both the past and present and was symbolic of the Meiji governments shift toward the right and the governments use of the Emperor as supreme ruler. Before signing the document Emperor Meiji prayed at the palace sanctuary to uphold the name of his imperial ancestors he then signed the constitution which affirmed the sanctity of the Emperor's title (Tenno Taiken), and his ight to make or abrogate any law. Footnote26 The constitution also set up a bicameral legislature. Footnote27 The constitution codified the power of the Emperor and helped the Meiji oligarchy justify their rule because they could point to the constitution and say that they were carrying out the will of the Emperor. The Meiji Emperor even after the Constitution of 1889 enjoyed little real power. The Meiji Emperor did not even come to cabinet meetings because his advisors told him if the cabinet made a decision that was different then the one he wanted then that would create dissension and would destroy the idea of the Imperial Institution. So even after the Meiji Constitution the Emperor was still predominantly a symbol. Footnote28 The Constitution ingrained in Japanese society the idea that the government was being run by higher forces who new better then the Japanese people, it also broadened the base of support of the Meiji Rulers who now had a document too prove they were acting on Imperial Will and their decisions were imperial decisions not those of mere mortals. Footnote29 The symbolism of the Emperor and use of Confucianism allowed the Meiji rulers to achieve their goals. One of their goals was the bolishment of the system of fiefs and return of all land to the Emperor. At first the new Meiji Rulers allied themselves with the Daimyo clans in opposition to the Tokugawa Shogun. But once the Meiji leaders had gained a control they saw that they would need to abolish the fief system and concentrate power in the hands of a central government. The Meiji rulers achieved their goals by having the Choshu, Satsuma, Tosa, and Hizen clans give up their lands, granting the Daimyos large pensions if they gave up their clans, and by having the Emperor issue two decrees in July 1869, and August 1871. Footnote30 The role and symbolism of the Emperor although not the sole factor in influencing the Daimyo to give up their fiefs, was vital. The Meiji Oligarchs said that not turning in the fiefs to the Emperor would be disloyal and pointed to the historical record which Meiji scholars claimed showed that historically all fiefs were the property of the Emperor. Footnote31 They showed this by claiming that the Shogun would switch the rulers of fiefs and this proved that the Daimyos did not control the title to their land but merely held it for the Emperor. Imperial decrees and slogans of loyalty to the Emperor also ccompanied the abolishment of the Samurai system. Footnote32 In the abolishment of both these feudal systems the symbolism of the Emperor as both the director of the initiative and recipient of the authority afterwards played a vital role in ensuring there success. Footnote33 The abolishment of fiefs and the samurai class were essential for the stability and industrialization of Japan. Footnote34 Without the concentration of land and power in the hands of the Meiji oligarchs and the Emperor the Meiji oligarchs feared they would receive opposition from powerful Daimyos and never gain control and uthority over all of Japan. Historical examples bear out the fears of the Meiji Oligarchy; in 1467 the Ashikaga Shogun failed to control many of the fiefs and because of this a civil war raged in Japan. Footnote35 The centralization of power allowed the Meiji government to have taxing authority over all of Japan and pursue national projects. Footnote36 The unity of Japan also allowed the Meiji Oligarchs to focus on national and not local issues. The use of Confucianism and the Emperor also brought a degree of stability to Japan during the tumultuous Meiji years. The Emperor's ere presence on a train or in western clothes were enough to convince the public of the safety or goodness of the Meiji oligarchy's industrial policy. In one famous instance the Japanese Emperor appeared in a train car and after that riding trains became a common place activity in Japan. The behavior of the Imperial family was also critical to adoption of western cultural practices. Before 1873 most Japanese women of a high social position would shave their eyebrows and blacken their teeth to appear beautiful. But on March 3rd 1873 the Empress appeared in public wearing her own eyebrows and with unblackened teeth. Following that day most women in Tokyo and around Japan stopped shaving their eyebrows and blackening their teeth. Footnote37 The Imperial institution provided both a key tool to change Japanese culture and feelings about industrialization and it provided stability to Japan which was critical to allowing industrialists to invest in factories and increase exports and The symbols and the traditions the Meiji leaders inculcated Japanese society with helped the Meiji government maintain stability and pursue its economic policies but it also had severe limitations that limited the revolutionary scope of the Japanese government and elped bring about the downfall of the Meiji era. The use of Confucianism and the Emperor to bolster the Imperial restoration laid the foundation for a paradox of state affairs. The system that sought to strengthen Japan through the use of modern technology and modern organization methods was using traditional values to further its goals. Footnote39 This caused some to turn toward the west for the â€Å"enlightenment† the Meiji era promised this was the case with Okuma who was eventually forced out of the increasing nationalist Genro. Footnote40 For others it lead them to severe nationalism rejecting all that was western. This was such the case of Saigo who believed till his death on his own sword that the Meiji leaders were hypocritical and were violating the Imperial Will by negotiating and trading with the west. Footnote41 The Meiji government used the same symbols and traditions that the Tokugawa used and like the Tokugawa gave the Emperor no decision making power. The Meiji Emperor although he had supreme power as accorded in the constitution never actually made decisions but was instead a pawn of the Meiji Genro who claimed to carry out his Imperial Will. This Imperial Will they decided for themselves. Like the Shogunate the Meiji governments claim to rule for the Emperor was fraught with problems. The Imperial Will was a fluid idea that could be adopted by different parties under changing circumstances. And just like the Meiji rulers were able to topple the Shogun by claiming successfully that they were the true administrators of the Imperial Will; the militarist elements in the 1930's were able to topple the democratic elements of Japan partially by claiming the mantle of ruling for the Emperor. Footnote42 From this perspective the Meiji Oligarchs building up of the Imperial Myth was a fatal flaw in he government. The constitution which says in article I, â€Å"The empire of Japan shall be governed over by a line of Emperors unbroken for ages eternal† gave to whoever was acting on the Imperial Will absolute The symbols of the Emperor and the tradition of Confucianism did not end with the end of the Meiji era or world war two. Today the idea of filial piety is still strong, multiple generations of a family still usually live together even in cramped Japanese housing. The religion of Shinto that the Meiji leaders rejuvenated during their rule in order to help foster the imperial cult is still thriving as he thousands of Tori gates and Shrines around Japan attest. Footnote44 But the most striking symbol to survive is that of the Emperor stripped after world war two of all power the Emperor of Japan is still revered. During the illness of Emperor Showa in 1989 every national newspaper and television show was full of reports related to the Emperor's health. During the six months the Showa Emperor was sick before he died all parades and public events were canceled in respect for the Emperor. Outside the gates of the Imperial palace in Tokyo long tables were set up where people lined up to sign cards to wish he Emperor a speedy recovery. The news media even kept the type of illness the emperor had a secret in deference to the Emperor. At his death after months of illness it was as if the Imperial Cult of the Meiji era had returned. Everything in Japan closed down , private television stations went as far as to not air any commercials on the day of his death. And now almost six years after his death more then four hundred and fifty thousand people trek annually to the isolated grave site of Emperor Showa. Footnote45 The traditions and symbolism of Confucianism and the Emperor ere critical to the Meiji oligarchs gaining control of power and goals of industrialization. The oligarchy inculcated the Japanese public with these traditional values through an education system that stressed moral learning, and through a constitution that established the law of Japan to be that of the Imperial Will. The values of Confucianism and symbol of the Emperor allowed the Meiji government to peaceful gain control of Japan by appealing to history and the restoration of the Emperor. But the Meiji oligarchs never restored the Emperor to a position of real political power. Instead he was used as tool by the oligarchs to achieve their modernization plans in Japan such as the abolishment of fiefs, the end of the samurai, the propagation of new cultural practices, and pubic acceptance of the Meiji oligarchs industrialization policies. The symbols and traditions of Japan's past are an enduring legacy that have manifested themselves in the Meiji Restoration and today in Japans continued reverence for Hidejiro Nagata, A Simplified Treatise on The Imperial House of Japan Takatsu Kuwasaburo, The History of The Empire of Japan (Tokyo: Dai Nippon Tosho Kabushiki Kwaisha, 1893) 206.

Pygmalion Act

What are Elijah's options, given by the setting of the play? What are some possible options and pros and cons of each? List 4. She might marry this is certainly an option this can be a pro because her husband can help her this Is a con because her husband can bring her dreams down Opening her own flower shop this Is a pro because this will totally help her advance In life.It will show hilling that even though they degraded her she was able to get what she wanted. 2. Writing Prompt: Now that you have read Act IV, you have a clear picture of Higgins' and Pickering's attitudes toward their â€Å"project. † Think about what Elise should do next t. Write two paragraphs explaining what Elise should do next. Consider each of the three characterizing, Pickering, and Alizarin pose your ideas from each of their perspectives. Be sure to: Define what you think Elijah's next steps should be. Address the three characters' perspectives.Support your position with textual evidence from Acts IV as appropriate. If I was Elise and I heard people saying I was simply their experiment I would be offend deed and mad. Higgins and Pickering shouldn't be thinking that they are better than Elise. They are the same as Elise in some ways, for instance they are bad spoken and they try to t hint as though they are more elite than her. Even though Elise was low class she seemed I eke a nice person. Hilling and Pickering were the opposite they were high class but very our De. What I think Elise should do next Is show them that she Is better than them and Is MO

Monday, July 29, 2019

English Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English Law - Essay Example 80). In the past, the monarch’s signiture (a.k.a. Royal Assent) is required in passing a statutory law. Today, the Royal Assent is treated as some form of constitutional formality. A bill is actually referring to a â€Å"draft statute† (Faragher, 2010, p. 80). Before a bill can passed into law, the bill will first be reviewed by the Members of the Parliament (MPs) (i.e. the House of Commons) to check whether or not there are some amendments to be done on the bill (Appelbe and Wingfield, 2009, pp. 4 – 5). During the second reading, further debate and amendemtns will be made before the bill can reach the committee and report stage. As part of the third reading, the bill will be re-presented to the House for a brief discussion and minor changes before it will be transferred tot he House of Lords. After the House of Lords have received the bill, it will be given back to the House of Commons for the approval of amendments (Jones, 2011, pp. 46 – 47). If the bill passess both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the bill will immediately obtain the Royal Assent or the monarch’s signature before it will finally become a law (Jones, 2011, p. 47; Faragher, 2010, p. 80; Appelbe and Wingfield, 2009, p. 5). (See Figure I – Summary of Stages of the Bill on page 3) Figure I – Summary of Stages of the Bill Source: Jones, 2011, p. ... ntire United Kingdom whereas private acts are referring to laws that can be used to regulate the obligations and rights of each person and a corporate body (Faragher, 2010, p. 80). Since the 20th century, the number of statutes that were successfully passed into law has significantly increased. The purpose of this report is to examine the truth on whether or not the modern UK law on commercial property tenants are statute based. To give the readers a better understanding of this topic, the basic idea behind the UK land ownership practices will first be tackled followed by discussing that the modern UK law on commercial property tenants are very much heavily based on a statutory law. Since the purpose of this report is to examine the truth on whether or not the modern UK law on commercial property tenants are statute based, several real-life cases will be presented in this study as a concrete basis to the argument that the modern UK law on commercial property tenants can still be base d on a statutory law. Discussion The land ownership in UK is classified as either private property, state land, or coomunal or third sector (Fuller, Jonas and Lee, 2010, p. 243). Unlike in other countries, roughly one-sixth (1/6) of the land area throughout the United Kingdom are actually owned by the state (Home, 2009). Furthermore, the UK government reserves the right to guarantee land ownership of private property. Therefore, after seeking approval from the UK administration, the British nationals who wanted to purchase land in this country is possible either via leasehold or a freehold (Home, 2009; Foukona, 2007). In England and Wales, information related to land ownership is handled by the Land Registry of England and Wales (LREW) whereas the Registers of Scotland and the Land

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysis of the nevada constitution Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Analysis of the nevada constitution - Term Paper Example The state has its own designated political powers just as the federal U.S. government, which allows them to monitor each others performance in the state, for the sake of the state’s operations and in defense of the public will. Along the past century, the state has adjusted some of its policies, hence affecting the political, governance, and the judicial system in various ways. However, looking critically at Nevada’s and USA constitution, there are similarities and differences in practical application of the policies and operations, especially those related to democracy and supreme powers in the judicial system, executive, and legislative arms. 2. Powers of Nevada’s governor compared to the president The governors in Nevada are elected and given responsibilities to perform in the state for a four year term. Article 5, sections 1 and 2 of Nevada constitution law provides that the governor be elected by qualified electors, while voting for members of the legislatur e and once in office, takes the supreme executive power of Nevada state vested on him or her as chief magistrate (â€Å"The constitution of ,† Looking at the executive and administrative powers, the president of the national system of governments has of course more power than the Nevada governor. However, in consideration of the Nevada’s constitution, the governor may enjoy certain legislative advantages that the president could be restricted from, by the congress and the state constitution. According to Driggs, the first benefit as enacted by the Nevada law is that once the legislature passes a law, the governor alone is responsible to ensure they are executed without interference from Congress or national chief executive; again, the state’s constitution states that the governor has the power to convene the legislature, hence associated with more control over a special session, which they may call to the attention of the legislature while in s ession, limiting the president control and the influence he or she can cause on the congressional affairs in a session (98). It does not mean the president has no power to call a special session, but is limited from interference of the business the congress is handling at the time in a session. The governors are held accountable to uphold the state’s law, but they also have powers sign into law, the bills passed by the state legislature. However, certain bills have remained unapproved and others can become law without the governor’s signature, especially when the legislature can override the veto. In Nevada, the governor has options of either vetoing bills, signing them, or doing nothing (an option that makes them pass into law without his or her signature); if the governor vetoes a law and its taken back to the house, the elected members of each house have the law either approved by overriding the veto by accumulating two thirds of each house vote or have the veto sus tained (Legislative Counsel Bureau, Similarly, just like the Nevada governors, the president has constitutional rights to sign, veto, or do nothing as a response to a bill passed by the congress. In case of vetoing, the congress can enact it into law by raising two thirds of majority votes in the two chambers to override the veto, or the bill dies, if the congress suspends it before ten days completion after the passage of the bill (CQ

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Module 5 Discussion Questions Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Module 5 Discussion Questions - Article Example Interoperability among all hospitals in the United States cannot be reengineered if there is no data (Kleinke, 2011). There is no doubt that America cannot truly reform its healthcare delivery, and that America will never be able to attain real accountability of quality and cost until they have healthcare data, which are computerized effectively. Trying to set up a well functioning and accountable data system is an endeavor in futility (McGlynn, 2010). It cannot be done just like that, but healthcare policymakers can come up to regulation which the congress can consider liable to the healthcare sector. Computerized healthcare should be a top priority if this nation wants to achieve interoperability in their nation. Healthcare, in this 21st century, cannot be reconstructed without computerizing it. In order for hospitals to diagnose their patients on time, they need to incorporate computerized systems. It will help them in working fast (Kleinke, 2011). One of the world’s leading database vendors is Google Inc. Google, unlike other database vendors, comes up with innovations that other database vendors cannot create. They are considered leaders of everything (Boulton, 2012). According to research, the Google database system can overcome a majority of network latency issues in keeping and retrieving data globally across computers in the organization’s dozens of data centers. Google’s database system was intended to improve the organization’s services to businesses and consumers, but could also be offered as a service to clients using cloud computing to store their information, or even as a cloud-based information analytic engine. One of the advantages of Goodge’s database system is that data can be transported to other storage equipments and underutilized computing, and can be duplicated in computers across numerous data

Friday, July 26, 2019

Biotechnology case study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biotechnology case study - Research Paper Example I have to consider several aspects of a product before authorizing the company’s staff to start its producing or manufacturing. As a company, which is known for its environmental friendliness, the company has to embrace new technology that will ensure that all products that the company produces are environment friendly. This will be done while still maintaining the integrity that the company has with its customers relating to the quality and workability of the product put in the market. This paper answers some questions regarding my decision as the CEO and the founder of the company. I have considered a variety of issues before I deciding whether or not to purchase the new fabric. The decision that I make at this point will have tremendous effects on the future of the company. These considerations include; 1. The environmental impact- the process of manufacturing the new product has managed to remove all wastewater in the manufacturing process, which was generated when using the original chemical. However, there will be generation of wastewater when the customers wash the new garments repeatedly. Small, but significant amounts of the genetically modified compound are most likely to wash off during the cleaning process; this wastewater could then flow and find its way into the local water treatment factories, plants and waterways (Agathos 90). 2. Long-term environmental problems- the environmental assessment department of the company has continued to address the issue of the long-term effects of the new product and the health issues that it might cause. Little is known on the long-term effects of the product (Agathos 90). 3. Weakness in the company’s marketing campaign- the marketing department has made emphasis that include anti-odor treatment in the product line, which will help in the elimination of the clear

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Business Strategy - Essay Example There are other products and services that were added which include Shops,, electronics, home improvement products and many others. Their continued broadening of spectrum is directly related with their goal of making customers find anything they want online. Huge market capitalization of enabled it to stage an aggressive expansion in the market through introduction of several products and services. Websites were opened in several countries and are expected to continue by also forging partnerships with other internet service providers around the globe (Paavo, Arash, and Alain 2013). The in United Kingdom and Germany are listed as the leading sites in sales. In followed a strategy of developing software specialized to their type of business and acquiring commercially made applications. 2,461 million dollars’ worth of assets with inventories representing 7 per cent of total assets was realized in 2002. This shows the strength of the company significantly in that year even before they had began their expansion process in France and Japan. The Commerce Network strategy basically leads the company to earn high revenues with high margins which is also risky provided it acts as a venture capitalist. The company reduces significantly the cost of goods sold by increasing their own distribution channels which allows to the company concentrate on their main focus which is customer service. Ravi suria an analyst at Prudential Securities Company was concerned Amazon was not generating good cash flow essentially because it was swiftly expanding from less than 10 million dollars cash out lay. He also had a genuine worry about the reducing stock turnover of the company as it increased their distribution channels in 1999. Despite of Amazon being one of the largest online retailers, they had been able to hold on to profit making and had fallen in the eyes of the investors. (Rainer, Turban,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Civil Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Civil Engineering - Essay Example pulated language and hence ease of interpretation and application, non-legalistic language, minimal use of such broad terms as â€Å"reasonable† and â€Å"fair† that induce subjectivity in interpretation and comprehension, clear demarcation and identification of roles and responsibilities of individual parties that form part of the project, simple structure and decisions supported with rational reasoning. It is a contract between a Contractor and an Employer. The employer is entitled to hire a Project Manager (PM) in order to get his work administered and his objectives safeguarded. As evident from the organizational chart below, NEC (ECC) contract is developed only between the Employer and Contractor. However, various other forms of NEC contracts have been published to organize the work and enhance coordination between various parties that are involved in the project. The Employer forms NEC PSC contracts with the PM, Designer and Supervisor. The Adjudicator is linked with both the Employer and the Contractor. The Contractor in turn, may hire Subcontractors for assistance and time saving. The Employer gets the work administered by PM. An NEC3 (ECC) encourages a PM to be proactive and work contrary to the general trend among PMs of reacting on what comes next. Being the administrator of Employer and working on his behalf, any decision that the PM takes has the same worth and applicability as that coming directly from the Employer. As per the ECC contract, PM is required to notify the Contractor about compensation events as they occur unlike most other forms of contract, in which it is for the Contractor to realize that he should be compensated for the change in nature or scope of work. Many times, the Contractor has to indulge in lengthy arguments with the owners in order to make them realize. This, in turn, ruins their inter-relationships, and the project suffers. Hence, in an NEC3 (ECC), a PM is more dutiful and watchful in the best interest of the overall project

E Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

E - Essay Example Low interest rates have several impacts on the state of the economy. When interest rates are low, savers get very little returns; hence, they are discouraged from holding money, thus, prefer to spend it. It also makes borrowing cheap meaning that individuals and firms will be encouraged to borrow more and spend on investment. In addition, the low interest rates will lead to depreciation of the currency value, as people would prefer to save in another country with better interest rates. The high spending will lead to an increase in aggregate demand, which will in turn lead to an increase in the rate of inflation. Keeping the interest rates low can be a means of stimulating economic growth. In the recent past, the global rate of economic growth has been low. By keeping the interest rates low, there will be a decrease in the value of the dollar. This will make importing more expensive, thus, encourage people to buy locally produced goods, leading to an increase in aggregate demand of domestic products that will in turn lead to an increase in output, productivity and employment. Therefore, when there is a high rate of unemployment, the Feds can keep the interest rates low, a factor that will have an eventual impact of stimulating growth of the economy. The amount of investment in bonds and treasury bills will be affected by the current and expected rate of interest. Investors will invest their money on the stocks or bonds that they expect will have the highest rate of return. If the rate of interest is expected to remain low, investors will tend to invest more as they expect aggregate demand to increase which in turn will translate to higher business earning and returns. If they expect the rate of interest to rise, they will tend to invest in short term bills. Interest rates have an effect on the price of bonds. The price of the bond is inversely related to the interest rate. As the rate of interest rises, the price of the bonds

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Public Needs to Know Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Public Needs to Know - Essay Example Adams and Brantner (2006) reveal that cancer is the number one killer disease in the United States today. The research showed that over one million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with the cancer every year. This is a worrying statistics considering the fact that no drug has been developed that can cure the disease today. The only hope currently is for one to obtain regular screening to aid early detection, which research shows to increase survival chances if treated immediately with the available drugs. Despite this being the case, cancer treatment is very expensive and many American citizens lack the health insurance. Therefore, to arrest the situation, there is urgent need to develop drugs capable of treating this killer disease. The aim of this discourse is to explore the major issues that might arise due to the development of a cancer treatment drug. The issues to be discussed include economic issues and the special needs of the population being served. In addition, the paper w ill describe the processes that will be involved in the development of the program and its benefits to the population. Economic issues Cancer treatments are the most expensive medical treatment in the United States today. ... Analysts argue that this cost is not only worrying, but is also unrealistic in this day and age when the American economy is struggling to recover from recession. Furthermore, everyone involved in this problem is left wondering how we will be able to afford the cost of cancer in the next decade. It is believed that doctors will only recommend treatments depending on the out-of-pocket spending by patients. Currently almost everyone in the country is worried of how the cost of cancer treatment will be met in the future. As a result, the company’s intention to develop a new cancer treatment drug will be of immense benefit to economically. It will result in a reduction in the cost of healthcare, which would lead to a reduction in the government spending on cancer-related treatments (Jonsson and Wilking 2011). Special needs Currently physicians depend use mainly chemotherapy and radiography to treat cancer. However, patients are concerned that these treatment methods are not only e xpensive and not affordable to many, but are also painful. As a result, patients need a new treatment method that is not only cheap and affordable, but also safe and does not involve a painful experience. This special need can only be addressed through the development of a new treatment drug for cancer. Developing the drug will make the treatment of cancer easier and safer than the methods used today. Furthermore, it will enable the treatment of cancer possible even if cancer is diagnosed very late (Adams and Brantner, 2006). The image shows a patient diagnosed of cancer of the skin. Process involved in the development of the program The process involved in the development of a cancer treatment drug is normally cumbersome and takes from 7 to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Middle Ages vs Renaissance Art Periods Essay Example for Free

Middle Ages vs Renaissance Art Periods Essay When seeking two art periods to compare and contrast, fewer artistic examples provide a starker depiction of radically changing ideas and mentality than the art of the Middle Ages against that of art from the Renaissance. First, art originating from the Middle Age will be thoroughly analyzed for context. Afterward, art from the Renaissance period art will be analyzed next to it for its departures on from Middle Age techniques and thinking, before the two are finally systematically compared and contrasted. First, art from the Middle Ages, also called art from the Medieval period, characterized a European period of little social change, general poverty, and few scientific advances. The Catholic Church remained an imposing force upon Midieval society, and dominated much of daily life. Art clearly served the role of worship above all else, and the Catholic Church actually commissioned much of the artwork of the period. Much of this art filled churches and monasteries, and took the form of sculptures, paintings and drawings, stained-glass windows, metalwork and mosaics, among other forms. The iconographical nature of the art is substantial, as it above all served the purpose of perpetuating the Catholicism of the early church. It was largely confined to Europe and areas that the Byzantine and Roman empires had once occupied, such as parts of northern Africa. It lasted almost a thousand years, from approximately around 500 C.E. to perhaps as late as 1400 C.E. The depictions within the art reflected its purpose – worship. Religious icons such as saints, the Virgin Mary, Jesus and his disciples, and other depictions provided clarity and images for believers. The images portrayed onto the media arguably reflect the times, lacking in brightness, movement, or attitude. The characters shown rarely appear upbeat. An excellent example that validates some of these generalities is Pietro Cavallini’s The Last Judgment. This painting in the Santa Cecilia in Rome uses drab colours to show what appears to be an angry Jesus overlooked by six angels, three on each side. While a beautiful work of art no doubt, the painting has little passion or movement and does not inspire anything more than fear from a fiery God. This Medieval Art from the Middle Ages contrasts sharply with the Renaissance-era works in many key ways. First, Renaissance Art, while not entirely secular to be sure, had certain overtones of the humanism sweeping Europe. Next, its style exuberates brightness, passion, and an appetite for life that cannot be found easily in Middle Age art. Renaissance Art effectively superseded and ended art period progressing during the Middle Ages, and this mirrored social trends of increasing wealth and prosperity, upward mobility, and technological advances of the time. While no doubt heavily influenced by the preceding art of the Middle Ages and often building off of some of its topic such as Christianity, Renaissance Art has a strong hint of humanism which afflicted its artists. This philosophy sought to change the nature of man’s relationship with God to exist outside the church’s realm, and the â€Å"Renaissance men† often meaning that these artists were not only artists but commonly philosophers and scientists as well. Michelangelo, who was a painter, architect, poet, engineer, and sculptor, exemplified these characteristics. His masterpiece in the Sistine Chapel, The Last Judgment, provides us a great comparison to Cavallini’s work on the same topic and contrasts the vastly different techniques and focuses of the two art periods. While Cavallini’s work lacks a variety of colours and could be described even as plain, Michelangelo’s work gives a clear view into his mind’s eye, filled with numerous angels and men moving through the heavens. While Jesus is still at the top and the Madonna next to him seems to cower in fear at his wrath, many nonetheless are lifted upward. The bright colours, quick movements, and in fact original nakedness of the characters (later covered up, at the church’s request) reflect the technique and thought process of Renaissance-era art. So taking the topic of the Last Judgment, the second coming of Christ as a comparison subject matter for extrapolation between Medieval and Renaissance art periods, the Renaissance’s brightness, liveliness and energy shine clearly. First, we saw that Middle Age art was dreary, using drab colours and little dynamism that reflected the harsh realities of life in Europe at the time. Second, Renaissance Art ended this period with the new opportunities and advances made during the Renaissance, reflected in art from the period. Multitalented Renaissance men of the period such as Michelangelo contributed simultaneously to multiple artistic fields at once. Their art reflected the optimism of the times, the great advances being made philosophically and technologically, and their work captured their excitement for mankind’s newfound humanist relationship with God. What was once seen as an angry God hell-bent on punishment was now an opportunity for a chance into the heavens, and often Renaissance Art was even entirely secular, such as masterpieces like the Mona Lisa. Therefore, the Renaissance period of art departed from the Middle Ages period of Medieval Art not simply in technique or media, but also in subject matter, philosophy, and use. The art periods correspondingly reflected their equivalent time frame as either bleak and dowdy or upbeat and energetic. References Finnan, V. (2013). The last judgement. Retrieved from Gortais, B. (2003). Abstraction and art. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences , 358(14-135), 1241-1249 . Retrieved from The last judgement. (2001). Retrieved from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Parents Teenage Pregnancy

Parents Teenage Pregnancy And then Comes a Baby with a Baby Carriage: The The Great Influence of Parents â€Å"During the last quarter century, the rate of teenage pregnancy has been declining in Canada† (Dryburgh). In 1997, approximately 41,000 women between the ages 15 to 19 faced pregnancy, some of which gave birth, and others chose abortion. However, the year 2006 has turned the tables around, and countries such as America are experiencing a sudden increase in adolescent pregnancies.   There are many causes of teenage pregnancy, such as the lack of contraceptives, lack of awareness and pure pressure. Aside from the obvious factors in relation to this topic, parenting also plays an immense role in teenage pregnancy. This issue has introduced a new global concern to the all of us, especially to parents. Unfortunately some parents believe that they hold no power over  their child’s decisions about sex, as their voice has been lost in the buzz of peers and popular culture. In the year 2000, the total rate of teen pregnancy in Canada was 38,600, 38 in 1000 and 821,810 in the United States. Amongst examination, teenage pregnancy is indefinitely caused by poor relationships between teens and their parents and, frequently, their parenting styles.   Teenage pregnancy may be the result of lack of love and concern from parents, single parents or absent parents, and permissive parenting styles. The feeling of comfort and security is a feeling which should always be available between a child and his or her parent’s. The ages 13 to 19 are very sensitive years, and adolescents are incredibly easily influenced. It is very easy for teenagers to fall through the cracks, and demonstrate behaviors that will affect them negatively. Parents have  strong authority over their children on many decisions, especially sexual relations.    However, some parents don’t obtain a strong bond with their children, and barely ever discuss the topic. According to a national campaign in 2002, 69% of students agree that it would be much easier for kids to postpone sexual activity and avoid teen pregnancy if they are able to have more open, honest conversations about these topics with their parents. Some parents don’t communicate with their offspring, and are not involved with their lives. Many parents find it hard to talk about sex with their children, but it is very importan t to break the silence and for parents to mention their sexual attitudes and values. Parents, who don’t show a concern of teenage pregnancy, may cause them to lose their children to the issue. Overly strict parents can also be the cause of teenage conception. Many parents give commands, but no opinions. Many strict families refuse to converse with their children about sex. They simply think that it is wrong and not a part of their religion- end of discussion. Completely banning such things will lead to curiosity and promiscuity. In addition, the teen will refuse to go to their parents for advice about the topic out of fear, and will soon turn to friends. As a 14 year old boy has stated, â€Å"Many kids don’t feel comfortable talking to their parents, so they go to their friends and usually get bad advice†. Many parents establish an enemy-like persona, as apposed to a friendly one. For some teens, parents are the last people they would talk to about serious issues. In order to reduce the chance of teens having intercourse, parents need to build a strong relationship with their kids. Many parents are just simply distanced from their children. Some parents don’t spend enough time with their kids, and refuse to listen to their children. Parents aren’t supportive of their children, and don’t engage in activities together. A distanced relation will provide the child with lack of parental love. Lack of love, support and concern are all causes of teen pregnancy. Parents need to be clear about the value of abstinence and the dangers of unprotected sex. Parents need to provide clear messages, and show a strict, but opinionative, attitude about the subject. If teens have the parents, then the parents need to use their power and benefit their child. Statistics show that one in two couples get divorced. A large amount of these divorced couples have children together.   Divorce is an intensely stressful experience for all children, regardless of age or developmental level. A 1980 study proved that less than 10% of children that had support from parents and other relatives during the stressful phase of divorce.   Adolescents are prone to responding to their parent’s divorce with acute depression, suicidal ideation, and sometimes violent acting out episodes. Living with a single parent will create a change in the child’s behaviors. As one parent is playing the role of two, he or she will soon not have enough time for the child.   A probable cause for this is lack of finance. When divorced, the expectations for appropriate behavior are usually decreased. Some teens may take advantage of the divorce, in mischievous ways. For instance, one may lie to their mother, saying that they are at their fathers place, and vic e versa with their father; while indulging in a prohibited activity. When divorced, the relationship between the offspring and the single parent commonly shatters. For one, the amount of time the child sees each parents is drastically reduced.   As opposed to associating with both parents at the same time, the time that is spent with each parent is varied, depending on the custody ruling. Lastly, as mentioned earlier, the kid may take advantage of the situation and seek for self-pleasure, since their parents no longer have enough time for he or she. It is understood that parenting styles change, after a divorce or the loss of a spouse. The single parent may feel guilty and bad for the child, so the parent showers the kid with special gifts, or gives the child more freedom but less support. A female teenager in this situation might find herself with accessible freedom. Staying  out late, performing sexual activities and trying to displace the stress with pleasure may all conquer in this case. Replacement can also be created by a single parent famil y, which may lead to intimate relationships that may, perhaps, get caught in the issue of teenage pregnancy. A teenager, living in a single parent household may find him or herself trapped in a house where he or she is receiving only half the love and support that is desired. This fact mostly refers to girls. â€Å"I always hear all the other girls talking about how their father’s bought this for them, and did that for them. They tell me that when they want something, they ask their father’s because men are more easily going and easily convinced. I tried to get that love that was supposed to be provided from the father I never had, by getting a boyfriend. Who ever knew that the joke was on me†, shares a girl, 15 years of age. Being raised in a family with only once spouse, and missing another, more often fathers, the circumstances encourage teenage girls to replace the love by relationships (these can be ranged from   non-platonic male acquaintances to   boyfriends)   with another male. In addition, many single parents, shoe self-indulgence on mature activities an d behavior. For instance, many single mothers go out seeking for their own pleasure by going to clubs, bars or seeing different men. If this mother has a daughter, chances are she will be greatly influenced by her mother’s behavior. Just feeling supported and protected can mean a lot to a female in such terrible circumstances. Aside from overwhelming family issues and loveless families, many average and well off families are allowing their young ones experience self-pleasure. Over the past few years, there has been an obvious increase in the amount of freedom adolscents are receiving from their parents. Parents are adapting a permissive parenting style, meaning that they are giving their kids excessive freedom. It is quite clear to indicate that in each generation teens are exposed to more freedom, which increases the chance of teen pregnancy. The headlines of young girls getting raped or going missing are frequently reported on the news. In today’s society, these illicit occurrences often happen in their homes. Freedom is one thing that should not be increased, especially for teenage girls. There are many gullible and easily fooled young women, who may succumb to peer pressure. This type of â€Å"Peer Pressure† does not refer to a young girl getting convinced by her friends into shoplifting or committing a light drug. In fact, the â€Å"peer pressure† shich seems to be most common is the pressure, given usually by males, to be put into horrific situations, such as teen sex. Parents seem to be saying â€Å"No†   les frequently to their kids. What is not understood by most parents is that it’s not a matter of trusting your child, but a matter of trusting his or her peers and surroundings. The more a female goes out, the greater the chances of her going out with a male.   Studies have shown that males think of sex every eight seconds , regardless if they are   on a date or a casual meet. Girls need to be smart enough and not fall into their traps. Unfortunately most parents don’t see this, and still give their daughters all the freedom they wish for. The same goes for the parents of the young men fathering these offspri ngs. Many early intamte relationships end up pregnant, because their parents didn’t seem too concerned. Many experts believe that permissive parenting is detrimental to the child. It is true, that children need to have freedom to experience and learn on their own. However, excessive freedom is not beneficial to the children. Studies have shown that children need stronger role models and rules to help mould their personality. A lot of parents adapt a permissive parenting style, because they believe their children will love them more, and build a better relationship with them. From the sound of it, permissive parents act this way due to insecurity. Unfortunately, what they don’t realize is that their parenting style is distancing them from their kids. According to   a national study children tend to feel more secure when their parents establish   rules for them. When parents give too much freedom, they give their child the idea that they can do anything they want, with no complaints from the guardians. They also tend to think that their parents are indifferent and anything he or she does will not affect the parent. According to experts, moderate permissive parenting is also possible, and seems to be the right way of parenting. It is okay for a child to make some of his or her own decisions. Parents influence their child’s decisions on many issues and decisions, such as sex. However, the child needs to be guided, by parents into learning the right way of making these certain decisions. Permissive parenting, when exercised in moderation, will in fact benefit the child. Being loved, cared for and supported are all important parts of life. Being loved, cared for and supported by parents are essential parts of existence. Missing parts of life can break it apart. Parenting is one of life’s most challenging responsibilities, and must be done the right way, in order to succeed. Research, along with teen thoughts, makes it clear that parents can make a change in a teenager’s behavior. Parents seem to be lacking awareness and concern for their teens and lack of education from parents is available. If teens are not feeling loved by parents, they will seek for that love in a mate, which can lead to intimate relationships, and possibly to teenage pregnancy. It is very important for parents to share close relationships with their kids, talk to them, be moderately permissive and portray a good role model. Parents should never underestimate the great need that children of all ages feel for their parent’s approval, guidance, and support. As a Miami father has shared, â€Å"Children have to know that there is someone out there for them always†. Parents also need to portray better role models, and try to avoid getting too caught up in their own lives, while excluding and influencing their kids. After examining the issue of teenage pregnancy, I have indicated that teenage pregnancy is the result of lack of love and concern from parents, single parents or absent parents, and permissive parenting styles. It is vital to society that we treasure its youth, because children, after all, are our future.

Full Play To The Positive Backwash Effect

Full Play To The Positive Backwash Effect Abstract: Backwash has usually been described in terms of the effect of testing on language teaching and learning. Backwash can be harmful or beneficial, as Arthur Hughes states. (Hughes: 1989) This paper set out to see how far this term can be applied to the ways in which both the students and teachers can benefit from language testing. Key words: positive backwash beneficial testing motivation validity and reliability I. The Backwash Effect and the Learners In language learning, two terms are often mentioned, instrumental motivation and integrative motivation. Instrumental motivation refers to the utility value of the language itselfthe usefulness of English as a tool in learning, commerce or international communication. Testing process instrumental motivationcandidates usually take test to further their educational or career prospects. If the testing brings the positive backwash effect into full play, it will motivate the candidates to learn better after they know what they have achieved and what they need to catch up with. But if the result of the testing is simply given as pass, fail, or a mark, the candidates will surely be demotivatedthey do not know what they have to remedy. Another serious situation is that the tests are set by outside bodies which establish their own syllabuses, standards and criteriathe language learners are trained some skills which are necessary for their future learning but the tests do not provide the corre sponding item to measure the learners ability. That is the extent to which the learning required for the testing is apparently relevant to classroom learning or the need of the learner has been limited. As Hughes pointed out, If a test is regarded as important then preparation for it can come to dominate all teaching and learning activitieslearners are misled to strain every nerve to get by it. Which thus hinder the normal sequence in both learning and teaching? II. The Backwash Effect and the Teachers All teachers are motivated by the testing and angle their teaching to what is being tested. Because they believe: Motivation of the students is one of the most important factors influencing their success or failure in learning the language. (McDonough, 1986) They also consider that the influence that the testing has on teaching is either positive or negative. The negative backwash effect is likely to be greatest where teachers are inexperienced or lack of confidence. If the teachers do not know how they can teach under the binding force of the testing and do not know well to develop the materials arranged according to the subject, the teachers will be de-motivated and puzzle over the direction which they should head for. But if the teachers know how to make the testing an impetus to promote their future teaching, by identification with the other teachers outside the college they know what success they have made .It will even drive them to put double effort into the future job. Theref ore, it is important that testing should reflect the skills and approaches of the progressive language teachers and make better use of the testing to encourage teachers in their training. The greater positive backwash effect, the more teachers are likely to be motivated by the testing. III. The Development in the Testing In the past few years, with the development of the training projects, the research in this field is on its way to the progress. Instrumental motivation in language testing has been retained (learning is still connected to promoting, enrolling and earning) but testing is acquired an integrative dimension. So many changes taking place in the testing have been contributed to this dimension: 1. A change in the underlying theory of language learning. 2. A change in the approaches to language teaching. 3. A change in the purposes or testing. 4. A change in the criterion for evaluating a language testing. 5. A change in the testing concerning all the aspects of language teaching. When we set language tests, do we really test the candidates language ability? Are we really trying to test what can enable candidates to use a language effectively? Language teachers we have been told, when act as a tester, must concern with a whole host of different validity and reliability factors. Certainly, in language testing just as much as elsewhere, validity and reliability are important. But a valid and reliable test is of little use if it does not prove to be a practical one as Weir stated, This involves questions of economy, ease of administration, scoring and interpretation of results. The longer it takes to construct, administer and score, and the more skilled personnel and equipment that are involved, the higher the costs are likely to be.(1990) So how to achieve satisfactory reliability tests, how to enhance validity of the testing and how to make the tests more practical have become language teachers major concern. IV. Practical Concerns in Evaluating Tests Tests are means of gathering information. They are constructed according to certain criteria which are intended to safeguard the quality of this information. as Nunan once said, and it is easy to reach the agreement that the teachers should test what they require the learners to do. Nunan. D also said, It is important that, in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a given curriculum, all elements be inter-grated, so that decisions made at one level are not in conflict with those made at another. For instance, in courses based on principles of communicative language teaching, it is important that these principles are reflected, not only in curriculum documents and syllabus plans, but also in classroom activities, patterns of classroom interaction and in tests of communicative performance. (Nunan, 1987) In China a criterion-referenced test which is named TEM 8 (Test for English Majors Grade Eight) is discussed here for us to assess and discuss in detail whether this test can achieve beneficial backwash and how we can improve the backwash effect of the test. According to Hughes, there are eight steps to make our ideal into realities: 1. Test the abilities whose development you want to encourage. 2. Sample widely and unpredictably. 3. Use direct testing. 4. Make testing criterion referenced. 5. Base achievement tests on objectives. 6. Ensure test is known and understood by students and teachers. 7. Where necessary, provide assistance to teachers. 8. Count the cost. Lets look at the diagram below which collates the difference between the syllabus designed for Language teaching and that designed for tests (TEM8) Syllabus designed for language teaching Syllabus designed for test TEM 8 Listening: Listening: To understand VOA and BBC program from on -the -spot reporting concerning about the politics, economy, culture and education technology, etc. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 1. To understand all kinds of English conversation and speech, or interview, or special topic debate on the communicative occasion. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ According to the editors Messina and Feng Qinghua, the practice test chosen here is entirely based on the teaching syllabus of English major and TEM8 syllabus in higher education. From the diagram, we can draw a conclusion that the TEM8 test is basically based on the principle that language should be test in the same way as it is taught. The listening task is divided into two parts. The former part contains: (1) talk; (2) conversation; (3) news broadcast. There are fifteen multiple-choice questions as a whole. The latter part contained: (1) note-taking; (2) gap-filling. In writers opinion the structure of the test accords with Weirs theory. The advantages of employing multiple-choice format largely are that scoring can be perfectly reliable and scoring can be rapid and economical. The advantage of not employing multiple-choice format largely is that it prevents the learners from getting the harmful backwash. Hughes also has a comment on it: It should hardly be necessary to point out that where a test which is important to students is multiple choices in nature, there is a danger that practice for the test will have a harmful effect on learning and teaching. Practice at multiple choice items (especially when, as happens, as much attention is paid to improving ones educated guessing as to the content of the items) will not usually be the best way for students to improve their command of a language. (Hughes, 1989) For the note-taking, as we have no listening recording of the test in hand, however, having carefully examined the tape-script and the key answers to it, we notice that although the test focuses on whether the students have received the massage that was intended to, the material is not spoken test. In real life situation, the listeners mostly have contextual clues to facilitate understanding, it is extremely difficult for students to backtrack and focus on very specific feature of discourse while listening to and attempting to understand a non-interactive, uninterrupted monologue. (Weir, 1990) Therefore, preserving the spoken text should be in the testers consideration. In TAKE NOTE written by Michael Berman, he points out that the note-taking materials should be suitable for the study of styles and registers in contemporary English; during the process of listening, it is very important to be possibly assisted by questions from the speaker and the candidates should be encouraged to write in their own words, to centralize on elements of major importance and use key words abbreviations or symbols; they should be reminded that there is rarely time or need for direct quotation. (Berman, 1980) Look at the criterion of the scoring and the key to the note taking of this test; it does not have this attempt. Should it be improved later on? It is still a question as far as the beneficial backwash concerns. Having consulted the sources of the reading materials of the test, they are seen that native speakers wrote them all. It is in accordance with Hughes theory that the direct testing implies the testing of performance skills, with texts and tasks as authentic as possible. (Hughes, 1989) So one thing also deserves our attention, that is, both syllabuses in above diagrams are widely arranged for the requirement of the learners. The likely outcome is that much preparation for the test will be limited to it. The positive backwash effect will be hence in full play. V. Conclusion As Hughes says that the best way to test peoples writing ability is to get them to write. Hughes makes further his theory by saying that (1) We have to set writing tasks that are properly representative of the population of tasks that we should expect the students to be able to perform. (2) The tasks should elicit samples of writing which truly represent the students ability. (3) It is essential that the samples of writing can and will be scored reliably. TEM8 test is basically based on this theory. Only when we fully realized that the students and those responsible for teaching know and understand what the test demands of them, and the sample items made available to everyone concerned with preparation for it, the test can increase its reliability. (Hughes, 1989) Different attitudes and approaches to syllabus design and testing can be put on a continuum. (Hu, 1988) Tests exist to enable learners to make retrospective statements about the effectiveness of learning. If we are really trying to test what it is that enables a person to sue a language effectively, as a language teacher we have to take into account a multiplicity of factors that involved in the testing. Thus the teaching was tied very closely, right from the start, to learners real needs. A test designed to meet these needs. A test designed to test effectively both language knowledge and language skills. The most important of all is that it has been possible for the authorities to practice TEM for about three years, then the test can be further developed into a more satisfying one based on the linguistic fundamental criteria and the test can create more positives for the learners. It is up to us language teachers future effort.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

What Sparked the Russian Revolution? :: Russian Russia History

What Sparked the Russian Revolution? The Russian Revolution took place during difficult time in Russia. These troubles began before World War I and lasted up until 1930's. Russia's population was made up of mostly poor, starving peasants. A small working and middle class began to rise to help industrialize Russia. But a corrupt government made it difficult for Russia to advance. This added to the turmoil. World War I placed a serious hurt on Russia. Although at first it raised national pride and enthusiasm, it quickly drained resources and poorly trained peasants quickly found themselves fighting with no weapons. This war sent over 2 million Russians to their death in 1915 alone. Turning points for the Russian revolution were the March Revolution, the November Revolution and Stalin coming to power. By March 1917, disasters on the battlefield, combined with food and fuel shortages on the front, brought the monarchy to collapse. In St. Petersburg workers were going on strike. Marchers, mostly women were shouting, "Bread! Bread! Bread!" Troops refused to fire on demonstrators, leaving the government helpless. Duma politicians setup a temporary government/ Middle class liberals prepared a constitution for a new Russian republic. At the same time they continued the war with Germany. That decision proved fatal. Most Russians were fed up with the war and returned home, leaving the front. Peasants wanted land and people wanted food. Cities set up soviets, council of workers and soldiers, which worked dramatically within the government. Before long a radical social group took charge called the Bolsheviks emerged. Their leader was V.I. Lenin. During the November revolution the Bolsheviks decided to further the revolution. They stormed Moscow and took it as their capital. With this newly acquired city they gained land, which was split amongst the peasants. Workers were given control of factories and mines. For a period of time there was bliss in the country. But battles still waged on between the reds and whites, and civil wars grew. Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania all broke free but nationalists in Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Central Asia were eventually subdued. Allie forces placed a hurt on Russia as well. They joined the white that wanted to continue the war against Germany. Although they didn't succeed the allies left a hurt on Russian nationalist who were roused and continued battles against Russia. In 1920 Joseph Stalin came to power as general secretary of the party.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Yeats’ Second Coming and Cummings’ what if a much of a which of a wind

The End of the World in Yeats’ Second Coming and Cummings’ what if a much of a which of a wind Hellfire and brimstone, a massive environmental disaster, a third World War; how will the world end? This issue can stop conversations, or start hour long arguments; it can start a religion, or cause people to renounce their faith. The answer to the ubiquitous question of how the world will eventually end is a paradox; to know the answer means that the final hour has come. Both E.E. Cummings and William Butler Yeats express their premonitions about when and why this awesome event may occur. Both prophetize about the horrific destruction of the world in their poems, "what if a much of a which of a wind" and "The Second Coming"; however, Cummings and Yeats disagree on the final cause of this destruction. While both utilize graphic imagery, stark contrast, and unique syntax to warn their readers about the evils of mankind, Cummings predicts society's irresponsible use of technology will engender the world's end, while Yeats believes that men themselves, the "worst full of passionate int ensity," will ultimately cause the downfall of civilization. Cummings' use of intense and somewhat disturbing imagery in his poem "what if a much of a which of a wind" urges readers to realize the extent of the devastation caused by catastrophic, preventable, destruction. The first stanza of the poem, describing images such as the sun "bloodying the leaves", evokes terror in the reader. The thought of the sun, usually associated with warmth and love, destroying something that it has helped to develop, directly parallels technology's current role in society. Technology, usually thought of as beneficial to mankind, slowly destroys the society that it ... ...thinkers since the beginning of time. E.E. Cummings and William Butler Yeats felt compelled to express their thoughts as to the imminent destruction of mankind. However, what they were unaware of at the the time that they wrote their prophetic poems, was how frighteningly true their predictions almost came. Yeats commentary regarding the leaders of the world and their "passionate intensity" prophetized the Holocaust of World War II and the autocracies created by Hitler and Stalin, while the masses "lacking all conviction" sat and watched with passive indifference. E.E. Cummings' description of man's misuse of technology, was exemplified by the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These poets sounded an alarm that was ignored; hopefully we are now prepared to heed their warnings so that their dire predictions will not prove to be ultimately true.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

B & Q Marketing Environment

As competition increases in the retail consumer markets, it becomes increasingly necessary for businesses to examine the marketing environment.The following explores B & Q brand, which is a home improvement retailer in the UK. The company functions as a subsidiary of the larger Kingfisher Plc. The report covers the history of B & Q as a company. A macroenvironment analysis and a microenvironment analysis follow this. The analysis models are critiqued based on their application to the market needs, with recommendations for improvement.B & Q CompanyBack in 1960s, home improvement was a pastime for the minority. Professional building supplies were mostly located at builder’s merchants and service provided by large stores was intimidating to the average DIY’er. The first B&Q was opened by Richard Block and David Quayle (whose surname initials later provided the company name) in Portswood Road, Southampton, in Hampshire in 1969. Its mission was to bring value, longer opening hours and a broader product range to everyone (B & Q PLC 2007). By 1979, B&Q had a total of 26 stores (B & Q PLC 2007).Through the early 1980s, B&Q grew rapidly and became part of the Kingfisher Group (B&Q’s parenting company), and by the end of the decade B&Q had expanded to 280 stores and offered customers larger stores and even greater product range (B & Q PLC 2007). In 1995, the first larger format B&Q warehouse store opened and B&Q began opening for business on Sundays (B & Q PLC 2007).The first store outside the UK was opened January 1996, in Taiwan. In 1998, B&Q merged with France’s leading home improvement retailer, Castorama, to become the largest home improvement retailer in Europe (B & Q PLC 2007).B&Q adapted a click-and-mortar approach to stay up to date with technological changes. B&Q’s Web site,, has been transactional since early 2001, providing access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, offering products, expert advice, inspirational room ideas and ‘how to’ guides, as well as general information on stores (B & Q PLC 2007).The average visiting number on the site has increased tenfold since that date. Their research shows 60,000 to 600,000 visitors a week, 90% of whom visit a store, and 12% of store visitors have already used the site for research prior to their visit (B & Q PLC 2007). This demonstrates a good cross over between the virtual and physical stores (B & Q PLC 2007).B&Q is continuing to evolve its product offer, providing the broader range of products needed to complete home improvement projects and the associated finishing touches, along with existing core DIY products. A wider range of products are available through special order, where goods can be ordered in-store, from a catalogue or online and delivered directly to the consumers home.Macro-Environment (PEST)The marketing macro-environment (Kotler and Keller p 77 2003) is understood as the major forces that exist outside the business domai n. These are the forces that the company must function within, but may have little control over. Kotler and Keller (2003) identify the macro-economic forces as the PEST analysis, which is compromised of political, economical, social and technological forces that place pressure on the business.PoliticalOrganizations today are subject to an increasing number of regulations that entail compliance. Government regulations are sometimes threatening mechanisms for value representation and virtually no support to communication processes that create win/win situations where multiple stakeholder and shareholders can successfully pursue their mutual interests (Deetz, 1995).In addition to various national and international regulations, there are many more rules that stem either from regional or local governments or industry oversight committees. A recent major local political-legal struggle for B & Q is the â€Å"government planning policy that allowed bulky goods retailers to plant themselves in out-of-town parks is being abused by the clothing brands, whose consumers have plenty of space on the high street to swing carrier bags† (Cockram p 58 2003).This resulted in an increase of â€Å"more than  £1m in rent to the cost of a large store† (Cockram p 58 2003). This exemplifies Deetz (1995) contention that government regulations can behave as a threatening mechanism for business.Economical The DIY Industry has maintained high, positive international growth over several decades. In 2006, however, the UK DIY market suffered a profit decline (Horne 2006). This resulted in disappointing financial performance of B&Q and the decline in parent company Kingfisher's profits[1] to  £208 million (Horne p 3 2006).The force of economics has impacted the trends in the do-it-yourself market and increased the cost of building materials industry in the country (Horne 2006). This profit decrease is a direct result of 2005 cost increases, where competition rivalries were co mpeting for a smaller home owners market (Wilkinson p 9 2005). The impact of the housing market is significant because the DIY market caters to homeowners, thus higher cost of living expenses combined with increases in interest rates have a constricting impact on the market, which in turn creates a customer shortage for the UK DIY market (Wilkinson 2005).See Appendices A, B and C for an overview of Housing Market and Kingfisher Stock Value

Ethics in Social Work

In psychology and hearty escape, bivalent kinships and clinical boundaries atomic number 18 much common. They ar often unclear and most age the transactional has a difficult time nonicing them developing. Ethical dilemmas atomic number 18 found in every(prenominal) affairs, only if argon often different in fictional character and solutions. They argon hard to list and even harder to propose a clear decision. treble relationships and clinical boundaries ar star of the biggest honest dilemmas companionable actors face because of the difficulties of finding the line mingled with the overlord societal occasion and the empathetic role a cordial change by reversaler plays. societal work is a art that religious services to solve multi eventorial human problems and create a to a greater extent than just and caring golf club. One of the foundations of affable work is the focus on the strengths, as opposed to the shortcomings, of indivi ternarys, families a nd communities so that creative solutions for decomposable accessible problems good deal be found. The profession is characterized by a steadfast fealty to social arbiter in the assist of empowering individuals, families and communities to meet their needs. Few professions offer umteen different types of employment opportunities.Social workers serve as counselings, in adoption, domestic violence, rehabilitation, hospice, mental health, youth, fellowship development workers, public policy analysts, world-wide skilfuls workers and in juvenile and adult justice systems, just to name a few. However, the briny job of a social worker, however, is to sponsor the lymph gland to r distributively a more stable environment, but to go active it a specific way myrmecophilous on the job the social worker held. Each job might draw with different respectable problems, but social workers confirm to follow a stark statute of morals that fill guidelines to servicing them devot e the correct decisions.The NASW, National tie-up of Social Work, is the largest group of nonrecreational social workers. It is the group that wrote the NASW codification of morality, which ar followed by whole social workers a bewilder the get together States (NASW, 2008). morals are the underlying rules purge in place to attend society better function. Usually, they are hard to identify and disregard be interpreted in many different ways. Each soul has their sustain good standards, which is why its necessary to assume estimable codes that make it more general and help each overlord make his or her own good decision. ethics play a considerable role into social work. Without an ethical accentuate or a code of moral philosophy it could defame non only a guest, but also the social worker himself. The biggest struggle that comes along with ethics is the fact that each individual normally interprets them differently. Ethics is two things. First, ethics associate s to right and wrong that advise what humans should do, in scathe of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Ethics tail refer to those standards that make humans conclude from rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander, and fraud.Ethical standards also include ideals relating to rights, such as the right to life, the right to freedom from injury, and the right to privacy. Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of ones ethical standards. As mentioned above, feelings, laws, and social norms can go from what is ethical in that respectfore it is necessary to perpetually examine ones standards to ensure that they are sensible. The NASW label of Ethics was written to serve as a guide to the everyday overlord conduct of social workers. It includes four sections.The inaugural section, Preamble, summarizes the social work professions mission and affectionateness values. The second section, Purpose of the NASW Code of Ethics, trys an o verview of the Codes of import functions and a brief guide for dealing with ethical issues or dilemmas in social work practice. The third section,Ethical Principles, presents commodious ethical principles, based on social works core values, that state social work practice. The final section, Ethical Standards,includes specific ethical standards to guide social workers conduct and to provide a basis for adjudication.The Code of Ethics, as used today, was approvedby the 1996 NASW legate Assembly and revised by the 1999 NASW portion Assembly. (NASW, 2008) The NASW code of ethics is used to help guide social workers when it comes to making ethical decisions in the field. It is used to help vow every healer and customer the equal administerment and ethical decisions. Usually, each profession has a different code of ethics due to the fact that each profession has a diverse set of ethical issues that come with it. treble relationships or multiple relationships are interactions in which a invitee is treating a patient, but is also interacting with them in approximately other way. It can also be if a healer is in a professional role with a individual and promises to enter into another relationship in the future with that person or psyche stiffly related to the individual. bivalent roles refer to two different roles and multiple roles are when more than two overlapping roles exist. For lesson if a healer is treating their childs teacher, their childs friend, having internal relations with the node, or are close to the client in some way.Dual relationships are against the APA ethics code and can cause harm to the patient in some cases. A healer should never work with the great unwashed who he or she might harbor to interact with on a causal level instead of a patient-therapist level, not only for the patients confidentiality, but also to help keep the therapist from braggart(a) preferential give-and-take (Barnett, Vasquez, Moorehead-Slaughter, J ohnson, 2007) Dual relationships can also allow a therapist to misuse their power and influence. The practitioner is in a position to wreak the client for his or her own person-to-person gain.The problem of the dual relationships and the second relationship, the counselor is now susceptible to other pleases (personal, financial, or social) that he or she may stick before the best entertains of the client. Problems that arise usually occur when the professional boundaries are not clear to begin with. in that respectfore, boundaries should be include as part of the in spend a penny paperwork. The diction should be clear and specifically resign the therapists intentions. The therapist-client relationship is one that does not support contact in a day-to-day manner outside the therapy session.This includes work relationships, social conversations or any type of romantic or sexual contact. The therapist can state something rough not giving personal information to a client, as thither is no need for them to drive in this kind of thing. If the client signs the consent form, a contract is in effect and should not be breached by either party. non only does the therapist have to cypher the client and the way he or she exploites things, but also what the client could take inappropriate.Although it may have the appearance _or_ semblance appropriate in a therapists middleball it could be inappropriate in the clients eyes and vice versa. (Syme, 2003) The therapist has to keep a close eye on their actions and make sure their client is not seeing it differently than they are. There are three factors that counselors should consider. First, there is a greater risk of harm when the expectations of client and counselor are mismatched. When clients have one set of assumptions about the ground rules of the relationship, and the professional has a different set of assumptions, there is an increased chance of susceptibility.Another factor is that there is possib le for divided loyalties and an associated loss of objectivity. Counselors who have personal, social or business relationships with their clients, are at risk because their self- post may be involved and thus via media the clients best delight. Finally, by the very temper of the counselor/client relationship, clients are more dependent, have less authority and are vulnerable. Due to this power differential, it is the responsibility of the professional to ensure that the client in the relationship is not harmed.One key feature of sharpness issues is a conflict of interest that harms clients. Conflicts of interest occur when professionals find themselves in a relationship that could prejudice or transcend the appearance of prejudicing their decision-making. Thus a counselor who provides services to a client with whom he would like to develop a sexual relationship faces a conflict of interest the professionals personal interests collide with his or her professional duty to rever se harming his or her client. Zur, American Psychological Association, 2007) Social workers should be alert to and avoid conflicts of interest that interfere with the exercise of professional judgment and impartial judgment. Social workers should also inform clients when a real or potential conflict of interest arises and take reasonable steps to resolve the issue in a manner that makes the clients interests primary and protects clients interests to the superlative extent possible. In some cases, protect clients interests may require termination of the professional relationship with comely referral of the client (standard 1. 6a), NASW, 2008). The code goes on to say that social workers should not engage in dual or multiple relationships with clients or former clients in which there is a risk of developing or potential harm to the client (standard 1. 06c, NASW, 2008). While treating someone in therapy, a counselor has to be careful about how their patient is going to interpret th eir actions and words. When a patient is in therapy, a disseminate of times they dont have anyone around to support them and help them get the best their obstacles.That being said, its the job of the therapist to be that person for their client and help them to succeed. As a client gets finisher to his or her therapist, sometimes the slightest of things can be taken in the wrong way. For example, as trust is built the slightest of things can motivate a client to see their therapist in a different light. As a counselor, a pat on the back, hand touch, ect can seem like nothing to you, but to the client can seem like a sexual advance. This an be detrimental to a client and can break all the trust the therapist had built up, putt the patient back to the beginning of the process (Smith, Fitzpatrick, 1995) When the psychologist and the patient develop an extracurricular relationship, this dual relationship can threaten the psychologists mogul to act impartially as a therapist and the patients ability to receive proper treatment in their vulnerable state. If psychologists are not held accountable to prevent this type of behavior, they can harm the reputation of all clinical psychologists.Personal relationships imply a influence and the private relationship can cross over into therapy and treatment. The term conflict of interest applies to dual relationships because no matter how nonsubjective a psychologist tries to be, their own emotions may demoralize their trained perceptions. Conflict of interest can be applied to a human body of situations, such as the psychologist should not treat a family member or close friend due to the possibility of favoritism or being non-objective, and could interfere with the treatment being given and received.The psychological ethical codes clearly prohibit the interaction of a personal relationship between the psychologist and the client. Dual relationships and clinical boundaries are one of the biggest ethical dilemmas socia l workers are faced with hard to find the line between the professional role and the empathetic role a social worker plays. This being said, as a social worker it is authorised to distance the client, but also to found trust. It takes time to learn the boundaries and how to avoid fording them.This is just one of the biggest challenges social workers have to overcome in their field. Reference rapscallion Barnett J, Lazarus A, Vasquez M, Moorehead-Slaughter O, Johnson W (2007) point of accumulation Issues and Multiple Relationships delusion and Reality headmaster Psychology explore and Practice, 38 (4) 401-410 inside 10. 1037/0735-7028. 38. 4. 401 Herlihy, B and Corey G. (1992) Dual Relationships in focus. Alexandria, VA American Association for centering Development Reamer, G. F. PhD (2011, October 13). Eye on Ethics Social Work Today, retrieved from http//www. socialworktoday. om/news/eoe_101311. shtml Smith, D. and Fitzpatrick, M. (1995) Patent-Therapist Boundary Issues An Integrative Review of Theory and Research, Professional Psychology Research and Practice, 26 (5), 499-506 doi 10. 1037/0735-7028. 26. 5. 499 Syme, G (2003) Dual Relationships in Counseling and Psychotherapy Exploring the Limits, London Sage Publications Zur, O and American Psychological Association (2007) Boundaries in Psychotherapy Ethical and Clinical Explorations. Washington, DC American Psychological Association http//www. socialworkers. org/pubs/code/code. asp