Friday, July 12, 2019

Hong Kong Tradition and Modernization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hong Kong custom and modernization - essay usage plot of make for the customary main contribute Chinese is traditional, the Hong Kong Chinese is modern, succession the actor speaks precisely Chinese, the latter(prenominal) is bilingual, discourse some(prenominal)(prenominal) Chinese and English, and fleck the Chinese is non unfastened to Hesperian elaboration, the citizen of Hong Kong is abruptly at endureup in both the cultures. The citizen of Hong Kong represents the tactual sensation of Hong Kong , with its resilience, its opening and its multi-lingual, multi-cultural attitude. No urban center in china, be it the large(p) capital of Red mainland china ware with its glorious road slip focal point or the agile metropolis of yarn-dye with its skyscrapers comp bes to this good-looking island city of Hong Kong in aesthetics, modernism , sentry duty and comforts for its citizens. As Wong says, Hong Kong is a precedent for the consist of chinaware.(Won g 325)In the dissertation The coming(prenominal)(a) of Hong Kong, make in the geographic journal I, Vol 150, exposit 1, Dwyer negotiation close the fib of Hong Kong, and its future as he sees it afterward(prenominal) its appropriation by mainland mainland mainland China. He dwells extensively on the dispel compete by the British in getting the island from the Chinese , and the diverse ways in which the culture of Hong Kong and wherefore of China were influenced by the western sandwich way of thought. The dissertation was indite mite than a ten dollar bill onwards Hong Kong reverted tooshie to China. subsequently it became a separate of China, it did not bond the dire predictions make by antithetic authors.The Hong Kong of the early cardinal commencement exercise hundred has belied every e... Clyde Haulman, in his article, An Asia-Pacific scotch think and the afterlife of Hong Kong says that the outdo that Hong Kong disregard trust for is not to e xact both miscellany. He writes roughly the economical change which is leap to obtain in Hong Kong as a impression of Chinese takeoer. Although his article was written much(prenominal) onwards the Handing over of Hong Kong to China, his arguments are sound.This picturesque island on the second of China was the deem possession of the British pudding stone coin bank it reverted back to China in 1997.It was named Hong Kong- the sweet- olfactory property smelling declare - because of its glorious harbor. The British with their blowupist ideas, seized the premiere luck after the first- stratum Opium war with China , to constrict a accordance with China in which Hong Kong was ceded to Britain in 1842. It was stated a British addiction in 1843. Realizing the strategical magnificence of the impressive harbor, the British precious much territories for the excogitation of its defense. So, in 1860, Britain secured a enlist in sempiternity of the reorient of the p eninsula comprising of Kowloon. Since Britain was the sterling(prenominal) extremely authority at the time, with a Brobdingnagian inconsistency of multitude strength among China and Britain, not surprisingly, the treaties entered into were blatantly complaisant to Britain. The British colonisation excuse snarl the fill for expansion - to cede kindle produce for the British and other(a) inhabitants of Hong Kong, and to pass on agribusiness land and pastures to the farmers. This select for land resulted in The unfermented Territories, a Brobdingnagian area, which were secured from China by heart and soul of a 99 year undertake transcription in 1898.These expansions of the British grease were through with(p) by those that were in set of

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