Friday, September 20, 2019

Rationale For Leadership Development

Rationale For Leadership Development This assignment will be assessed through the students own reflection towards leadership developments in future. This assessment helps student evaluate their current leadership abilities and create their own leadership development plan. 1. Develop a Personal Leadership Development Plan (LDP). 10 marks You are expected to develop a plan for improving your leadership ability. This plan could set two goals for your personal leadership development in future. It should also help you take more responsibility for your own future and life. The two samples of LDP layout are as following Ldp 1 (5 marks) Identify opportunities you have for leadership development (SHORT TERM) [1 mark] In reality, there are many opportunities to develop your leadership skills, both within your organization and externally. You just need to know where to look. Opportunities also exist outside the workplace. If you belong to a computer science or IT association, offer to serve on a committee. Or volunteer with a non profit organization, where you can develop your leadership abilities with a group that would welcome your assistance. Quality leaders are always in demand at IT organizations. You already have the advantage of experience within and knowledge about your firm, so by improving your leadership skills, youll make yourself even more qualified for advancement. Your rationale for leadership development [1 mark] Successful management requires more than just assigning tasks to the team. It calls for a leader who can inspire team members to achieve their full potential. People want to be guided by a person they respect, someone who has a clear sense of direction. To be that person, there are certain things that you must BE, KNOW and DO. And thats what developing leadership skills is all about. This could be a real eye opener, and the key to making changes to your leadership style. Employ a 360 degree approach wherein you receive feedback from your team members and peers. Let your team in on the objective behind the survey. A relaxed and open environment will help draw out their honest opinion. Take complete responsibility for how you are heard. Always rephrase your message to make it sound positive. Effective communication is a fine art. An integral part of developing leadership skills is to learn to respect your teams capabilities. Let the te am members take decisions on certain issues. Your team must believe in your integrity, and that you really mean what you say. Distribute tasks among group members depending on the situation and individual strengths. You become a better leader by involving more people in the leadership process. Your prime responsibility is to ensure success and development of the team. Focus on building their skills as this will enhance motivation and team performance. Describe your strategies for leadership development [1 mark] Tailor personal and 360-degree assessments to the business strategy. The first place to start is the assessments you use in any LD program, as these are the front end of leadership development work. For instance, maybe change is an important implication of your business strategy. Identify parts of existing assessments that can be emphasized and relate. Select development goals related to the business strategy. When people identify goals, have them describe in their plan how the goal ties back to the business strategy. This activity gets people thinking about how goals relate to the business and why they should tackle a particular development goal. Tie training to the business strategy. In general, you have a choice of training topics and the design of the training. With the topic choice made, you can design the training to be based on the business strategy. He or she can describe exactly how the training relates to the current business strategy. Select Action Learning projects directly related to the business strategy. Many organizations use Action Learning as part of their LD efforts. This allows participants to practice their development goals. The key decision is selecting the projects. Select those that best fit and push forward the business strategy. Create a hybrid LD strategy. The prior four strategies are independent. That gives you the opportunity to string them together. Depending on your particular situation, you may be able to combine all four strategies and take action in each area. Or maybe it is just tackling two of them. Timeframe required to accomplish your development(s) [0.5 marks] Bill Gates had an early interest in software and began programming computers at the age of thirteen. In 1973, Bill Gates became a student at Harvard University, where he meet Steve Ballmer (now Microsofts chief executive officer). While still a Harvard undergraduate, Bill Gates wrote a version of the programming language. Bill Gates company Microsoft became famous for their computer operating systems and killer business deals. For example, Bill Gates talked IBM into letting Microsoft retain the licensing rights to MS-DOS an operating system, that IBM needed for their new personal computer. Gates proceeded to make a fortune from the licensing of MS-DOS. Bill Gates company Microsoft became famous for their computer operating systems and killer business deals. For example, Bill Gates talked IBM into letting Microsoft retain the licensing rights to MS-DOS an operating system, that IBM needed for their new personal computer. Gates proceeded to make a fortune from the licensing of MS-DOS. Evaluation (How will you measure what you have accomplished?) [1 mark] In contrast, evaluation for program improvement reflects an approach we refer to as real-time evaluation or RTE. At the Packard Foundation, real-time means balancing monitoring and evaluation to effectively support learning and continuous improvement as our grant making strategies are implemented. In practice, this approach extends beyond evaluation, and represents our overall strategy to develop an appropriate monitoring, evaluation, and learning system for each subprogram. We integrate real-time monitoring and evaluation to regularly facilitate opportunities for learning and bring timely evaluation data-in accessible formats-to the table for reflection and use in decision making. Rather than focus solely on evaluation, we have been encouraging a culture that thinks evaluative throughout the grant making lifecycle of planning, implementation, monitoring, assessment, and course correction Resourcing required [0.5 marks] Ldp 2 (5 marks) Identify opportunities you have for leadership development (LONG TERM) [1 mark] By making the Leadership Development Institute available at your organizations site, you have the opportunity to positively affect the organization. Any of our open-registration programs can be tailored to fit your organizations requirements, or we will create a program that mixes the elements your organization needs. Our goal is to provide you and your organization with long-term foundation to create productive, results-oriented workplace relationships. Education and training efforts are best when considered as ongoing at all levels of the organization. Your rationale for leadership development [1 mark] It is almost impossible to find good feedback,green bay packers jersey5, which you can trust,green bay packers jersey8, but there are a few golden rules which will aid you to work your way through either good or bad criticism Lets touch on the heavier,green bay packers jersey2, more important and life changing decisions that we can make but dontstressed-by-wulfpst files,green bay packers jersey8, make sure you close the Outlook,green bay packers jersey3, as the files will not be copied What are you worried anymore? The sound that Razor e100 makes? You really don? have to worry about that; this Razor e100 is not going to make the noise when your child rides on it If these heavy structures are checked on a regular basis then it would help avoid any major technical defect in the futureOnce upon time,93552, garages were for cars Apart from being a personal chef,green bay packers jersey2, he also writes for different national culinary pub lications, hosts a TV show called Culinary Adventures,green bay packers jersey4, and can be heard on many radio stations in the upper Midwest as he talks about the fine art of barbecuing and grilling Moreover, there is no credit check process So Randy intended to go FSU on a full football scholarship He had been living with his grandmother,green bay packers jersey9, and it was said he was unhappy about this,green bay packers jersey9, wanting to live with his mother Qubilah in Texas While facilities have been put in place to allow soldiers on break to call their families and friends,green bay packers jersey9, these do not seem to make up for the lost timecom An MMA fighter must maintain his strength,green bay packers jersey8, power and endurance at an even level during the matchmy-ownPeople with fibromyalgia also may benefit from a combination of physical and occupational therapy,green bay packers jersey0, by learning pain management and coping techniques,green bay packers jersey9, and by properly balancing rest and activity Describe your strategies for leadership development [1 mark] . The definition of business strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives. Strategy is managements game plan for strengthening the performance of the enterprise. It states how business should be conduct to achieve the desired goals. Without a strategy management has no roadmap to guide them. Creating a business strategy is a core management function.It must be said that having a good strategy and executing the strategy well, does not guarantee success. Organisations can face unforeseen circumstances and adverse conditions through no fault of their own. Timeframe required to accomplish your development(s) [0.5 marks] . Having a professional development plan is an important part of career development. A development plan will lay out your career objectives and the path you will take towards achieving them. It will also set up clear expectations between you and your manager.sit down by yourself and identify your career goals and objectives within your organization. Clearly write out your one-year and five-year career goals and what you need to do in order to achieve them. If you need additional support from your management and peers to achieve those goals, identify the people who will be keys in your career development. Evaluation (How will you measure what you have accomplished?) [1 mark] Resourcing required [0.5 marks]

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