Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What Were The Causes Of The Great Depression Essay Example For Students

What Were The Causes Of The Great Depression Essay ggA. EconomicImperialism at home and abroad In one generation Africa direct possession (1902: only Liberia, founded by former American slaves remains independent) Asia and Near East: economic and diplomatic pressure Economic concessions and extra-territorial privileges: Ottoman Empire most vulnerable; China most vulnerable; Japan modernizing rapidly; India firmly in British hands; Importance to Europe: keeps fat on European economy; colonial rule a reproach to democracy; encouraged feelings of national and racial superiority; Pan movements a form of imperialism Technology and science: materialism B. SocialHuman welfare: serfdom gone (except in Russia); surgery and anesthetics perfected; life span longer; Victorian middle class morality in decline; spread of literacy. Peace movements: pipe dream of peace. Aristocratic remainders. We will write a custom essay on What Were The Causes Of The Great Depression specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Neglect of the proletariat. C. Intellectual1. European cultural heritage2. Ideologies of progress:conservatism delaying action not progress (aristocracy) liberalism freedom, law, representative government (upper middle class) radicalism remove class distinctions, anti-clerical (lower middle class) socialism collectivist doctrine (city workers) new left syndicalism D. Political1. the nation-state: language and race2. parliamentary government3. parties:tied to class and ideology lack of responsibility too many of them 4. Differing formsseparation of powers only in the USA king or president a figurehead in Britain and France search for majorities in parliament Britain: the cabinet held the whip France and Italy: parliament held the whip 5. Extension of the suffrage6. Exceptions to democratizationGermany: only has external form of it, the Reichstag is a debating chamber Austria-Hungary: maintaining monarchy in polyglot confusion Russia: a struggle between Duma and Ministry E. Military1. popular militarismBoer War naval building race: Admiral Tirpitz risk theory Three-year army law: France 1913 Tripoli campaign in Italy, 1911 2. Comparative figures on army increase, 1870-1914:1870 1914Russia 700,000 1,300,000France 380,000 846,000Germany 403,000 812,000Austria-Hungary 247,000 424,000Britain 302,000 381,000Italy 334,000 305,000Japan 70,000 250,000U.S. A. 37,000 98,0003. military expenditureGermany and Russia had the largest budgets in 1914 Britain and Germany spent most per capita: Germany $8.52 Britain $8. 53 U.S.A. $0. 32 F. Diplomatic1. Alliance System1870 1890: Bismarck in control 1890 1907: balance against Germany 2. Testing the systemRusso-Japanese War, 1904-5 First Morocco Crisis, 1905-6 Bosnian Annexation Crisis, 1908 Second Morocco Crisis, 1911 Haldane Mission, 1912 3. Tensions in the BalkansHapsburg Empire in turmoil South Slav Problem First Balkan War, 1912-13 Second Balkan War, 1913

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