Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Professional Skills in Information Communication Technology

Question: Write a report on professional skills in information communication technology. Answer: Introduction: What I believe that our personal use of social media informs how we use it as a volunteer or professional. So, the knowledge is important before using the social networking site. I am sharing my personal experience of using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. In this paper, all the reviews of using social networking site will be given (Dabbagh and Kitsantas 2012). The workplace diversity and views to be a good ICT professional will be explained in this paper. Discussion:Portfolio1: When I joined Facebook, I was not aware of the security issues and I also did not know how to change the settings. I was not a group of the people and I feel complex to talk to everyone at the same time. I was not able to get the point to connect with the people online. I was not able to mention the comment on the post of the other people. So I used to ignore to post a comment on the post of the people. I also not knew to post something on my wall. Once upon a time, someone hacked my Facebook account and posted some critical images. I was not aware of the security concern before that. Then, I asked to my friend about the security settings. I understand the use of the settings then and I recover my account password by using my email account. Then I understand the need of the security to the account. I changed my password and then I realized that password must be difficult (Ellison et al 2014). I contributed with those experiences in a negative way as I became the victim of account hacking and felt inferior in using the social networking site. But in a positive way, I have learned a lot of things to use social networking site as Password must be the mix-up of characters, numbers and the letters. I did not do anything wrong with any of my friend and recover my account (Veletsianos and Navarrete 2012). What I believe that I need to gain knowledge about it before using the Facebook. I realized as a professional communicator that I need to understand how to use Facebook and how Facebook works and the other possibilities held (Jelenchick 2013). I understand the way in which a comment can be mentioned at the post of others and then I started to use Facebook properly. I was interested to know that it could help me to reach my colleagues cost-efficiently. I learned about the use of the help button. In future, I would like to share my experiences with the others so that no one can be the victim of the account hacking. I shall use the difficult password including number, letters and characters. I shall not post any image publically. I shall change my post setting only to my friends. I will talk to my friends by making a group and saves the time. The positive part of the hacking of my account was that I became aware of the security. I learned how to change the settings. I understood the importance of the complex password. The advertisement is the negative part. A hacker can use my personal data. I could lose my all the personal data and I have lost my privacy. I can meet with an incident as I shared my lot of images. ICT Professionals:Portfolio2: According to my views, we can be good ICT professional if we follow the rules of the ACS codes of ethics. There are many codes of ACS of ethics which can be followed by us. I believe, if I want to be a good ICT professional then I need to be honest. We should give the priority to the public need more than the personal needs. We need to be honest in my presentation skills while I am presenting, knowledge and my work to others (de Vries and Broadley 2013). Competence is also the code of the ACS. We need to work diligently for our stakeholders. We need to develop our professional development and the development of our colleagues as well. We should be professional as it enhances the integrity of society and we need to respect our colleagues. If we follow these rules, then we can be good ICS professionals. We should have the good verbal and non-verbal skills. We should be a good listener. We should have the ability to work in the team. Ethics: There is need to nurture new staff according to the ICT ethics codes. We should share our work experiences with each other to develop a new work environment. We should be reliable with our work and colleagues. We must be dedicated for our work. We should be punctual. Values: We should be able to recognize the need and the value of the work as being a good ICT professional. We should be able to take the independent decision and able to decide what we are doing or supervising for fining the new creative way of work. Communication with colleagues: Some ways are defined here to communicate with our colleagues in an effective way. We should listen other actively. We should speak with discretion as it prevents any misunderstanding among colleagues. We should communicate face to face with each other. We should be very clear what we are speaking and giving feedback. There is needed to be trustworthy with our colleagues. We should be honest and friendly with each other. We should not be so casual but we can be personal with our colleagues. Diversity in the Workplace: Workplace Diversity is only the term used which describes all the differences about anything at a workplace. Because, workforce diversity plays a vital role in achieving a targeted output as it increase the productivity of any product. If our work environment is good and there is a friendly environment then worker motivate to do the more work. Diversity is the term used for describing the differences between different facts and cultural activities. Work place diversity is the differences among the employees worked in an organization (Chrobot-Mason and Aramovich 2013). Diversity is itself a form of diversity. Diversity is used to identify the differences in the cultural background and life styles. The term, diversity describes distinctions between racial or ethnic classifications such as human nature, gender, religion, physical abilities, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, intelligence, mental health, physical health and many other activities (Huber 2014). Conclusion: In this report, I have shared all my experiences of using social networking site by choosing Facebook as a social networking site. The workplace diversity is defined above. All the views for become a good ICT professional are discussed above. References: Chrobot-Mason, D. and Aramovich, N.P., 2013. The psychological benefits of creating an affirming climate for workplace diversity.Group Organization Management,38(6), pp.659-689. Dabbagh, N. and Kitsantas, A., 2012. 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Social media for international students-it's not all about Facebook.Library Management,34(3), pp.156-174. Veletsianos, G. and Navarrete, C., 2012. Online social networks as formal learning environments: Learner experiences and activities.The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning,13(1), pp.144-166.

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