Monday, August 26, 2019

Connection Between the Fine Arts and the Sciences Scholarship Essay

Connection Between the Fine Arts and the Sciences - Scholarship Essay Example The essay "Connection Between the Fine Arts and the Sciences" talks about the distinction between the sciences and fine arts that have been widely regarded as being nothing short of polar opposites. The previous can be characterized as precise and scrupulous while the latter is geared more towards the flamboyant and the extreme. The fine arts have always been concerned with the concept of beauty and how it can be depicted through different media while science has continuously busied itself with the discovery of things and the invention of tools that could make life easier. But when I think of the most perceptible historical era that brought forth an understanding that these disciplines can be ventured into concurrently by any person then it would be the Renaissance. This era has been deeply regarded for producing not only numerous great artworks but also massive discoveries in the field of science. The Renaissance man is known to be not only creative but also erudite and this has been adopted over the years as the ideal holistic person. The epitome of the Renaissance man who has extended perpetually his influence in humankind is no less than Leonardo Da Vinci. Da Vinci once said that â€Å"The knowledge of all things is possible†. The man has lived to this principle. Starting out as an apprentice to t he highly regarded artist Verrocchio, he went to study with the Company of St. Luke to delve into understanding the human anatomy. This was considered by some as the time he rendered ‘Annunciation’.

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