Tuesday, August 13, 2019

International marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

International marketing - Assignment Example 67). The Coca-Cola brand is currently sold in over 200 countries. The Coca-Cola Company head quarter is situated in Atlanta, Georgia (Susan, Douglas &Samuel 2005, p.91). The company has as well employed over 300, 000 employees around the world. Over 70% of the company’s products are sold in international market. Due to its accessibility and subsidised cost, the brand has turned out to be one of the most preferred soft drink in the world. The company’s success in global market is significantly brought about by its effective globalisation strategies and strong foothold in many countries. The company’s main competitors are: Cadbury-Schweppes and PepsiCo. Coca-cola however clams over 47% of the global market, with PepsiCo and Cadbury-Schweppes claiming 21% and 8% respectively. The essay below therefore seeks to unveil the Coca-Cola Company standardisation strategy and its impacts to global market. ... The main aim of this strategy is to integrate its global operation by encouraging strong organisational culture. Coca-Cola Company has in the last 25 years systematically changed its standardisation strategy to meet market demands and customers’ needs (Calof & Beamish 2005, p. 131). 1996 standardisation strategy In 1996, the company adopted a very rigid standardisation strategy which was aimed at producing similar flavour of coke brand to all countries across the world. The company as a result produced Coca-Cola brand with similar quality, quantity, and content in all its global production plants (Coca-Cola website, 2012, par. 4). The bottle design and branding were as well identical. This strategy was different from the previous strategy which focused on producing dissimilar brand in different markets. The new strategy was therefore, represented by tagline â€Å"think global, act global†. The strategy proved to be very success in many parts of the world (Zyman 2009, P. 23). As a result, the company registered one of its highest profits in its history. In 1997, the Coca-Cola Company earned 67% of its total revenue. Standardising its products also popularised the company’s Coca-Cola products in global market. Standardising global finance Following the 1999 financial crises in Asian countries, the Coca-Cola Company decided to improve its strategy by standardising its global prices. This was due to the huge loss that was incurred by the company in 1999 financial year. The company witnessed a one third decrease in its profit. To prevent future loss, the company opted to harmonise the prices of its products in the world in order to dominate the global market. To ensure acceptability and profitability of the Coca-Cola brand, the company used loss

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